

Fifth Estate # 80, May 29-June 11, 1969

Unclassifieds cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

We dig the Fifth Estate, L.A. Free Press, and other undergrounds here in ‘Nam. Keep the truth coming.
—Lucien (N.J.) and Bob (L.A.)

Male Aries looking for fun-loving female partner. Contact Greg Bush, Box 122, Millington, Mi. 48746. Please enclose photo.

Male, 29, quiet type with money, wishes to freak out with quiet type female and follow the sun. write box 1204, Warren, Mich. 48092.

Communicate with a male who likes to entertain males. Neat and discreet. P.O. Box 225, Centerline.

’66 Triumph Bonne. ’68 Tank. Custom racing seat. Good cond. $700. 871-0093.

STELLA CIGARETTE PAPERS All types of Watch Bands, Glasses Peter Fonda and Round Wire Frames. All types of Rings. Wholesale only. Platt Mfg. Co., 424 S. Los Angeles St., L.A. 628-1205 or 628-4065.

Scott stereo amp. 60 watts, $90. Call Allen, UN.4-6395.

Husband, 25, loves wife but seeks enjoyable relationship with other married women. Utmost discretion. Contact me at P.O. Box 254, Detroit, Mi. 48231.

DRAFT PROBLEMS?? ACT! Explore your alternatives at Detroit Draft Counseling Center, Methodist Church, Woodward at Grand Circus, Sundays 8 to 10 pm.

Two intelligent freethinking bachelors wish to meet girls interested in weekend love-ins and/or? W0.1-9500, ex. 505.

Nursing exp. companion, confidante. Female, 37, part time to gentleman or lady. Utmost discretion. TY9-1938.

Married Male, 42, wishes meetings with couples, married, or single women. Discretion assured. Write: Secretary, P.O. Box 182, Flint, Mi. 48501.

Single guy, 28, seeks same to share apartment or for companionship. Call 567-0213 after 9 p.m.

PSYCHEDELIC MDSE. Wholesale Only. Handmade earrings. All types of rings. Leather hats, bags, and watchbands. Incense. Jewelry. Papers. Pipes. Burners. B.L. tubes. Wire glasses. Strobes. You name it. Buy direct from: Platt Mfg. Co., 424 So. Los Angeles St., L.A., Cal. Phone: 628-1205 or 628-4065.

Slightly overweight 15 year old male would like to meet female for lovemaking. Must dig blues, poetry, Grape Boycott. Call Randy, 547-2362

Let’s show “Wall Street” where it’s at! Groovy Detroit area gals with big big busts. No age limit. Just quantity. Send photo if possible, and inches and cup size. You need not be a beauty queen. Prizes for 3 top winners Mr. Phillips, 16483 Woodward, Highland Park, Mi. 48203.

Business executive, 45, handsome, cultured seeks intimate swinging relationship with woman of any age. Discretion assured. Call 899-1938 Ask for Bill.

Gay male books, magazines, movies, free catalogues. Trojan, Box 2121-H, Phila. Pa.

OPEN CITY will provide FREE medical service every Monday night from 6 to 8 pm at 4726 Third St., at Forest. Check it out.

I am a good lead guitarist with a Gibson SG and a Marshall amp. looking for a band. Chuck Miller, 882-8150 or 882-3551.

TURN ON with the “Famous Trip-Out Book.” Sure-fire formulas to make hash from legal chemicals. Make Peyote, DMT, Cannabis, Mescaline, LSD, etc. Do it now. Send $2 to TRIPS-UNLIMITED, Box 36395-FE, Hollywood, 90036.

Lonely GI in Vietnam would like to correspond with good looking girl between age 19 and 23. Send picture write Sp/5 – T. Tucker, 357 Trans. Co., APO San Francisco, Ca. 96229.


GOING TO CANADA TO AVOID THE DRAFT? You need the new April 1969 edition of “Immigration to Canada and Its Relation to the Draft.” Single copies free from the Montreal Council to Aid War Resisters, Case Postale 5, Succ. Wsmt., Montreal 215, Quebec, Canada.

Movement organizers need photographic equipment, paper, chemicals, everything! Immediately! Call day or night: 823-2387.

Female “spread” magazines, movies, paperbacks, free catalogues, Beaver, Box 2373-H, Phila. Pa.

MOTORCYCLES—Tired of being screwed by capitalists? Resistance Bike Shop does repairs, speed tuning, customizing. Specialize in electrics. Brian & Ken. 836-5055 or 476-8650.

MC5 photos. 8x10s, $1. MC5 poster 16×20 Mounted, $9. Saginaw Film fest here August. Will Wegner, 4373 Wayside S., Saginaw, Mi. 48603.

Girls straight or bi for partner on swinging parties, married or single girls welcome. Discretion assured. Photo, phone please. I have contacts. Write Occupant, Box 2212 Ft. Dbn. Sta., Dearborn, Mi.

Wanted male friends, will travel, have car and everything else! “Records,” P.O. Box 26, Edwardsville, Ill. 62025.

Gary Sosnick—Stephens, Ken Sahn, and Craig Winston have finally formed Grey Havens. A Rock Experience. 341-5293 for information.

Handsome muscular young man, 26, wishes to meet older woman for intimate relationship. Write P.O. Box 254, Det. 48231.

High school and college students interested in doing promotion for the Red Roach, call 865-1179 or drop in on weekends on Plum and 5th St.

ABM is a BM, bumperstickers, 5/$1 to John Roger Johansen, 18035 Cherrylawn, Detroit, 48221. Also: “Chesty Puller makes me puke!”

Practical engineer, specializing in repair of all guitars, p.a. amplifiers and speakers. Call Bob at GA. 2-3119.

Photo freaks—your films hand developed and printed. Professional quality enlargements up to 16×20. 8x10s, $1. Send negatives to: W. Wegner, 4373 Wayside Dr. S., Saginaw, Mi.

Accounting & Tax service for radical groups, hip concerns, etc, Call Bill Rowe at the Fifth Estate office, 832-0262.

Guitar lessons—rock, blues, improvisation. John Bagdasian, 4213220.

Two women, one black, one white would love to freak out with each other in front of the right guy. Call 899-1938, ask for Ruth.

The Open City Child Care Cooperative needs donations of money, play equipment, toys, and music supplies. 875-2719.

Pin-Up Model, 12-9, 255-3792.

Men, do you want to be dominated and disciplined by an aggressive female. Call 899-1938 and ask for Ann.

All guys named Bruce—Thanks for groovy card of parking meter which is out of order. Billie G.

J.J.G.—When you read this, smile. M.M.K.

Agree with Reich? Write Winston at 11252 Christy, Det. Mi. 48205

Professional photographer needs female figure models. Pays $6 to $12 per hour. Must be attractive and uninhibited. Experience not necessary. Age 18 to 29. Send phone number to Nassau, P.O. Box 373, Troy, Mi. 48084.

Embittered young soldier would like to correspond with compassionate girl. Sp/4 Robert Barry, 1st Pers. Suc. Bn. (Enl Recds) APO San Francisco, Ca. 96223.

VITAL DRAFT INFO: $1 to Rev. John Moore, Box 48, Berkeley, Ca. 94701.