Roger the Grape to Lead Boycott Day


Fifth Estate # 78, May 1-14, 1969

State Senator Roger Craig, along with Hijinio Rangel, a striking worker from Delano, California, will kick off the International Grape Boycott Day activities in Detroit on May 10th.

The day’s activities will start with a bus Caravan for Social Justice at 10:30 a.m., leaving from All Saints Episcopal Church at 3837 W. Seven Mile, two blocks east of Livernois. All interested persons are invited to join the caravan which will visit several A&P stores throughout the Detroit Area.

The purpose of the caravan will be to demonstrate consumer concern over the presence of California Table Grapes on the shelves of area supermarkets while migrant grape workers are on strike.

The caravan is scheduled to wind up at Kennedy Square for a downtown rally at 3:30 p.m. The caravan will be joined by workers, students, and other concerned groups.

A Students March for Social Justice is scheduled to begin from the Ann Arbor City Hall at 10:00 am on Wednesday, May 7th. The march will be led by Gary Ulrich, a University of Michigan student.

The marchers will travel along Michigan Avenue, picking up workers and students along the way. The marchersexpect to arrive in Detroit sometime Saturday afternoon to join the rally.

Another march of workers and students will begin in Windsor, and will march across the Ambassador Bridge, through the Mexican-American community towards Kennedy Square starting at 1:30.

The Detroit activities will be a part of a broader range of national activities on that day.

The United Farmworkers Organizing Committee has declared May 10th as International Grape Boycott Day in order to demonstrate the plight of American farmworkers and to bring about what it considers necessary economic pressures to bring the California Table Grape growers to the bargaining table.