Editors’ Notes


Fifth Estate # 78, May 1-14, 1969

ATTENTION GIs: We are interested in any and all written material given you while you are in the service. This includes everything from training manuals to Stars and Stripes. Also, any of you who would like to submit articles or letters to the editor are urged to do so.

If you want to show your support for Judge George W. Crockett and risk getting a few traffic tickets at the same time, stop in our office and pick up a “Support Judge Crockett” bumper sticker. They are free or if you can, for a small donation. We will not send any out by mail.

We forgot to mention one thing in our page two story of the harassment of Brother John Sinclair [See Pig Conspiracy in this issue].

When Editorial Group member Alan Gotkin was down at the arraignment he was taking photos of John being brought into the court.

Assistant Pig Koory fingered Alan to the Federal Marshals who confiscated his film. It seems that the great liberal judge Damon Keith doesn’t allow the press to trespass on his domain. Fuck him.

If you want papers to distribute for free we have at our office back issues of the Guardian, the Ann Arbor Argus, the South End special edition on the New Bethel shooting, Freedom, and the Fifth Estate.

Also, current issues of the Fifth Estate are always in demand so come pick up a bundle to sell. Check our Events Calendar for choice sales locations or go to any shopping center or do the town.