Sincavitch Busted


Fifth Estate # 77, April 17-30, 1969

Tom Sincavitch, who “quit” the army has again refused active duty at Ft. Riley, Kansas on March 27 and was returned to the stockade “pending referral of new charges.”

Tom was convicted of being absent without leave for his first “offense” and given a six month suspended sentence. He had taken sanctuary in St. Joseph’s Church and was arrested by 40 FBI agents on March 13.

Sincavitch was ordered to return to active duty after his first conviction, but according to an Army spokesman “he refused to obey orders of his non-commissioned officers.” He also refused to sign for a bed.

Attorney Marc Kadish is going to Ft. Riley to represent Sincavitch and was unavailable for comment at our press time.

Tom can be written to at 49 Custer Ave., Ft. Riley, KS 66442.

The Resistance is selling a drawing of Martin Luther King that Sincavitch did for the cover of the April 10, 1968 Fifth Estate. The proceeds will go to aid the work of the anti-draft group.

The price is 50 cents minimum donation from 31 King St., Detroit 48202.


See more FE articles on Tom Sincavitch

See also Fifth Estate’s Vietnam Resource Page.