Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 76, April 3-16, 1969

Compiled by Barbara Wellner and Ivana Gottfried.

Those events marked with an asterisk (*) need Fifth Estate salesmen. If you want to earn some extra money, come down to our office and pick up some papers.


* RED ROACH COFFEE HOUSE with short films light show, dancing and poetry readings. 9 p.m. to 4 a.m.

* HILLBERRY CLASSIC THEATRE presents the Good Woman of Setzuan. 8:30 p.m.

UNDERGROUND CINEMA, The Detroit Repertory with A Reel Can of Corn. A “hip” cartoon carnival including a John Wayne “camp” serial. Also Hurricane Express, I Taw a Putty Tat, and Concerto Erotica.

CONCERT. The Amici Musicae, Baroque and Modern music. Soloists: Marilyn Jones, flute; Mario di Fiore, cello; Evelynne Scheyer, harpsichord. Rackham Aud.

* MC 5, Pacific Gas & Electric at the Grande Ballroom. Grand River at Beverly. $3.50.

FILMS. at the Wayne Cinema Guild. Lower De-Roy Aud. WSU, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Adm.

GO TO CHICAGO TOMORROW MORNING!!! Gigantic GI-Civilian Anti-War Demonstration in the city of Chicago. Bus leaves State Hall at 7 a.m. so be sure to set your alarm!!!!!


* RICHARD III will be presented at Hilberry Theatre. 2:30 p.m. Cass at Hancock.

* INGMAR BERGMAN’S Persona, will be shown in Rackham Aud. at 8:30 p.m. Students: 75 cents.

PETER PAN, with the Greenfield Village Players at Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 7:30 p.m. Adm.

SURREALISM: BEFORE AND AFTER. a selection of oils, sculptures, watercolors, and graphics on a theme. The J.L. Hudson Gallery, downtown For more info call 963-7228.

* ALICE IN WONDERLAND, a groovy movie about Alice’s trip through the Looking Glass, shown in the Art Inst. Aud. 11 a.m. & 2 p.m.

* PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC and the MC5 appear at the Grande Ballroom, Grand River and Beverly Adm. $3.50 and you must be 17.

UNDERGROUND CINEMA at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. For schedule seeApril 4th.

* CLASSICAL ROCK, short films, light shows, and dancing. At midnight guerrilla theatre all night at the Red Roach, Plum and 5th. $1.50, 9pm-4am.

* FILMS at the WSU Cinema Guild, Lower DeRoy Aud. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Adm.

* BLACK PLAYS by the Mausi Acting Company. Comm. Arts Aud. WSU 8pm Adm.

* MEMORIAL MARCH for Martin Luther King. Start at Farmers Market, Troy & 11 Mile in Royal Oak, 1 p.m. spons. by People Against Racism.
* OPEN CITY nursery meeting, Unitarian Church, Cass and Forest, 1 p.m. 831-2770 for info.


THE DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Sixten Ehrling conducting with soloist E. Power Biggs. Ford Aud. 3:30 p.m. Adm.

* FREE CONCERT at the Red Roach Coffeehouse. Any band or individual musician is invited to come down and play. No charge. The Red Roach is located at Plum St. and 5th.

* THE GRANDE BALLROOM presents Pacific Gas and Electric with the James Gang. Adm. 2.50.

* THE MC5 will be playing at Pontiac High School.

DETROIT REPERTORY THEATRE presents underground films at 9 and 11 p.m. See April 4 for schedule.

* EASTER JAZZ FESTIVAL with Hugh Masekela Eddie Harris, Les McCann and Duke Edwards and the Young Ones at the Masonic Temple, 8pm Tickets are $4, $5, and $6.

* ENERGY CHANGE. Opening show of James Crawford. WSU Comm. Arts Aud. 3-7 p.m.

* EASTER EGG ROLL at the duck pond, Palmer Park. 1pm. An Open City classic. 831-2770 for information.


BICARO Piano Recital, sponsored by the WSU Spanish Dept. WSU Community Arts. Aud. 8 p.m.

* THE ROLE OF COURTS in the Legitimation of Direction, lecture with the Hon. Tom Clark, U.S. Supreme Court Justice. At Upper DeRoy Aud. 8:30 p.m.

BLACK HISTORY ARTS FESTIVAL, exhibition examples of performing arts, dance, jazz, blues and gospel singing. WSU Community Arts Aud., all day.

* DETROIT POP FESTIVAL with the MC 5, Bob Seeger System, SRC, Amboy Dukes, Frost, Sweet Water and other great Detroit area groups. 2 p.m. to 12 midnight and adm. is $3.50 at the door. Olympia Stadium.

* JETHRO TULL at the Grande Ballroom, Grand River and Beverly.


* THE LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE: Seeds of Revolution, second of a 5 part series sponsored by the Detroit Area Counsel on World Affairs, in the Library Conference Room, Liberal Arts Building. At Marygrove College. 7:30 p.m.

* FILMS ON ART. The Streets We Live On, examines the cities with the descriptions of good and bad in modern urban environments. Lecture Hall, Detroit Institute of Arts. 8 p.m.

* JETHRO TULL, Red White & Blues Band and the Caste at the Grande.

* JAZZ at the Art Institute. The Ernie Farrow Quintet, 7:30 p.m. FREE.


AN EVENING WITH KARL HAAS, lecture. sponsored by the Friends of the Detroit Public Library. Friends Auditorium. Detroit Public Library. 8 p.m.

LYSISTRATA, performed by the University of Michigan Players in Trueblood Theatre, Ann Arbor. 8 p.m.

* RICHARD III, presented at Hillberry Classic Theatre, Cass and Hancock. 8:30 p.m.

FREE UNIVERSITY Film Makers Class at the Red Roach Coffeehouse. 8 p.m. Plum & 5th.

SAVOY BROWN, 3rd Power and UP at the Grande Ballroom.

MESSAGE TO THE GRASS ROOTS, tape of this speech by Malcolm X played at 2:30 p.m. in Room 281, New Student Center. First of a series sponsored by Wayne Young Socialist Alliance. FREE


LECTURE. Religion and Death: Beliefs, Attitudes and Rituals. Rackham Auditorium. Woodward at Putnam. 8:30 p.m. Adm.

THE DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Sixten Ehrling conducting. Soloist: Andre Watts pianist. Ford Auditorium. 8:30 p.m.

* SAVOY BROWN AND COMMANDER CODY and the UP performing at the Grande Ballroom. Grand River at Beverly.

* THE GOOD WOMAN OF SETZUAN presented by Hillberry Classic Theatre, Cass at Hancock, 8:30 p.m.

* FRIGID PINK and ATTACK presented by the Escape Hatch in K of C Hall, 870 North Main, Clawson. 7:30 p.m.


* SOCIAL WORKERS’ FORUM. Youth in Rebellion. WSU Community Arts Auditorium. 9 a.m.

* LECTURE WITH DR. BENJAMIN SPOCK. Parents and Grandparents: Growing up in a world of conflict. Rackham Aud. 8:30 p.m.

* SMOKEY ROBINSON AND THE MIRACLES. Pop Concert Series, U of D Memorial Building. 8:30 p.m. tickets: $3, $3, $5.

* A LION IN WINTER presented by U of D Theatre in the Ford Life Sciences building. 8:30 p.m.

* RING AROUND THE MOON presented by WSU Bonstelle Theatre, 3424 Woodward. 8:30 p.m.

* MAJOR BARBARA performed at the Hillberry Classic Theatre, Cass and Hancock. 8:30 p.m.

* VELVET UNDERGROUND, Nice and the Earth Opera at the Grande Ballroom. $3.00.

THE DETROIT REPERTORY THEATRE presents Soul of Darkness, two one act plays by Larry Blaine. 8 p.m.


THIS WAS AMERICA, musical revue, at the Art Institute Auditorium. 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

AN ITALIAN STRAW HAT presented by Hill-berry Classic Theatre, Cass & Hancock. 2:30 p.m.

MICHAELANGELO ANTONIONI’S L’AVENTU (1960), UCAE’s Famous Films of Famous Directors. At Rackham Auditorium. 8:30 p.m. Students: 75 cents.

VELVET UNDERGROUND at the Grande Ballroom, Grand River and Beverly. You must be 17.

* IRON BUTTERFLY and the Steve Miller Band at Cobo Hall. 8pm. Tickets: $5.50, $4.50, and $3.50.

SOUL OF DARKNESS, two plays from Black Experience by Larry Blaine at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. 8 p.m. Adm: $3.50, students: $2.00.

FREE UNIVERSITY Conference, U of D Student Union, 2nd floor., 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.


CHAMBER MUSIC WORKSHOP, Detroit Inst. of Musical Arts. 8 p.m.

INDIA CULTURAL SOCIETY at the International Inst. 3:30 p.m.

THE DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, at Cleary Auditorium. with Sixten Ehrling conducting. 8:20 p.m. Adm.

* JOHNNY MATHIS with the Craig Hundley Trio perform in Masonic Auditorium. 8 p.m. Tickets: $5.50, $4.50, $3.50.

THE COLUMBIA REVOLT, story of the events in May 1968 at Columbia University, will be shown at the Northwestern Unitarian Church, 23925 Northwestern Highway., Southfield, 7:45 Adm. adults: $1.50, students $1.

TAX WORK done by Open City accountant, 12-6 p.m. Donations to Open City will be accepted.


CHINUA ACHEBE, African novelist, speaks on themes of his major novel at Marygrove College. Marygrove Auditorium, 8 p.m.

EXHIBITION. Art of Writing, from the American Federation of Arts. Writings from different civilizations. Education Corridor, Det. Inst of Arts.

* JAZZ at the Art Institute. Free evening concerts beginning at 7:30 in the Sculpture Court. Alex Callao Quintet.


CABARET POPS CONCERT. The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Arthur Fiedler conducting, at the LightGuard Armory. 8:30 p.m.

DUERRENMATT’S THE VISIT presented at Hillberry Classic Theatre, Cass and Hancock. 8:30 p.m.

WSU HILBERRY THEATRE presents Major Barbara at 2:30 p.m.


* GUYS AND DOLLS, musical sponsored by the Speech and Drama Department, McAuley Auditorium, Mercy College. 8 p.m.

* TROILUS AND CRESSIDA presented at Meadowbrook Theatre, Oakland University thru May 18. Info: 962-0353.