

Fifth Estate # 75, March 20-April 2, 1969

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible.
DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.


Several people, couples, etc. to each put $1,000 for purchase of lake and wooded acres near Georgian Bay (Housing included) for permanent or ? Leslie & Doreen, 831-3910.

Sky-diving Weekends at Tecumseh Airport, Tecumseh, Mi. Watch or take lessons and do it.

Custom designer and tailor of hip clothes. Call 272-4478.

Photo models wanted, both fashion and figure. Phone 771-3722 for interview.

International Hydraulic Lion is alive and well in Fairbanks. FTA.

Wanted: Would like to correspond with a young girl between 19-20. Please send photo. Sp/4 Gene Mihm, 357th Trans Co., APO San Francisco, Ca. 96227.

Black couple seeks clean freethinking female any race for weekend expressions. Description and meeting info. E. Arrington, 5098 French, Det. 48213.

Modest drummer needs sexy – chick for help? Wayne, 532-3312.

Mary – Call Rico, 895-5588.

Wishes dates with single girls. Please call George at 537-1957 anytime after 4:30 pm or all day Saturday and Sunday.

Hip chicks correspond with Rich at war. Sp/4 Rich Boyce, B.btry. 1/44 Arty. APO San Francisco, Ca. 96269.

If transvestism is your “thing,” we have the Contacts. Many near you and nation wide. Empathy Club, Box 12466, Seattle, 98111 Adults Only.

Group now forming, wishes to contact enthusiastic young people, who are concerned about Today’s Contamination and Pollution, who wish to partake in building Self-Sustaining Health Villages. Healthful Spa-like living areas where you can live, work and study. Featuring Organic Agriculture and healthful natural living, away from the Establishment rat-race. Info: WTC, Box 155, Clawson, MI 48017.

Attention artists: New gallery opening soon. Showings even sooner. All media of arts & crafts welcome. If we dig it we’ll show it. For works to be submitted call 357-4027 or 864-0453 anytime.

Continued success to the F.E. from two members of the “slightly over 30” generation. Dr. & Mrs. H.R. Kaufman.

Good looking, clean cut guy, 23, wishes to meet pretty girl, 18-23 for dating. Write Larry, Box 8234 Detroit, MI 48213.

The electronics curriculum at Cass Tech blows.

Three small boys need a family with space and time to spare. Live in five days a week. Prefer older couple or lady over 30. Must love children. $400 per month. Call 399-4326.

Wanted: Free psychiatric treatment. Inferiority complexed, apathetic young man, incapable of loving anything. I’m serious, Tom.

Canadian Bachelor wishes dates with single or married women for dancing and good times. Call Frank at Windsor, 253- 479, collect between 12 noon and 6 p.m.

Girls…Women – Please dominate me. Call only at 9:15.a.m. Kenny, 891-9664.

Send my love and hopes for peace and an early out to all unfortunates stuck in any service. Love ya all and thanks—Cal.

Female “spread” magazines, movies, paperbacks, free catalogues, Beaver, Box 2373-H, Phila. Pa.

Wanted: Female figure models for photography $5 – $7.50 hr., Tues. eves, 8-10 pm, call days TE. 1-1250. Must be 18.

Young Black men needed to work with boys clubs. Call Fr. Mark, St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church. TR. 1-4750 (9-4 pm Monday-Friday)

27, Single, not handsome, peace lover, like to meet girl who is lover of arts and likes to rap. 422-2643.


Detroit couples, guys, girls club. No forwarding fees, confidential club questionaire. Details $1 to: Intro-mate, Box 635, Warren, MI

Gay male books, magazines, movies, free catalogues. Trojan, Box 2121-H, Phila. Pa.

Dan – Love and joy on your birthday – Carolyn.

War is hell. I’ve been here 15 months and the 5th Estate has helped me greatly—Sp/4 Richard Guise.

Sensitive, artistic girl, 18-30, wanted for occasional evening/ weekend communication by hip professional male, 27. Modeling opportunity possible. Photo and phone. K. Brown, Box 55, Franklyn, MI 48025.

Ferris State College is a suppressive, antiquated state of totalitarianism dictatorship. “We want a Change,” and we will make one.

Mac and Yako of Southgate, Mi. are beautiful people. I love you, Pat. Peace and happiness to our beautiful God country. Northern your value of asthetics can’t be compared. We love you Lincoln Park and all peace-loving people at Nothern! – Paul.

PROPHESIES OF DOOM! April 1969 – A tremendous Earthquake is going to occur and cause So. Calif. to fall into the ocean! For only $2.50 ppd. you may obtain a huge 24″x28″ full-color vision (by artist R. Cobb) of this great calamity – but you’d better act fast! Send your check or m.o. to Sawyer Press Earthquake, P.O. Box 46:653, L.A., Calif. 90046 NOW!

Wanted: Young girls with talent to work with artists & musicians on locally produced motion pictures. Call 868-0781.

Female reader, 19-35, to record risque literature. Sensuous voice essential. $8 per hour. Call 5418014 after 4 pm.

Seeking others practicing Macrobiotics in Flint area. Call Steve, 234-5115.

Female, nursing exp., 37, wants part-time position as companion, confidante to gentleman or lady. Call 899-1938.

Piano player, 26, wants steady work with group. Exp. 862-5563 Call after 7 pm.

Marine in ‘Nam wants to write and meet a girl. Include picture. Dwight Little, VMFA-542, Hyd. FPO San Francisco, Ca. 96602.

20 year old Marine, getting short, desires female penpals, preferably from Cleveland, Detroit or Chicago. Send photos: Martin R. Ratcliffe, 3/4, H&S, 3rd Mar. Div., FPO San Francisco, Ca. 96602.

Wanted-Six or twelve string folk guitar. Fine tone a must. Call 644-9169.

Photographer seeks female figure model. $10 per hour. Phone: 843-3086.

Bruce, I’m in your bag; call me any day after 4 pm. – Steve, 353-2555.

Need pictures taken, gigs, concerts, etc. Reasonable. Call Mike, Eves. 584-8439.

Girls: looking for that all-American handsome young man? look no more. Write Captain America, 11083 Canal, Utica, MI 48087.

Need good-looking girl to write Richard C. Terry, Marine Air Base, Sq Z, Matcu-67, San Francisco, Ca. 96602.

Seek bass player for 3-man rock band. Wayne, 532-3312.

Let it be known to the world that Dave Russell is now a freak. And he really loves it.

ROTC can shove it up their ass with Northern Nonsense. Send dopes 129 Haverson, Marquette, Love, Gary, John, Harold & Red.