

Fifth Estate # 74, March 5-19, 1969

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.


Happy Birthday, Tom with all my heart. I love you. Love, your special angel forever—Jan

A generous, paternal and understanding executive wishes to sponsor a young girl as if she were his own darling daughter. Call 933-3564.

Oakland U. students want free literature on any student protest groups. S. Green, 244 S. Hospital, Union Lake, MI.

Good looking, clean cut guy, 23, wishes to meet pretty girl, 18 to 23 for dating. Write Larry, Box 8234 Detroit, Mi. 48213.

Female, 18-over for companion. Be a head, willing to travel to Central America. Looks not important. Be sincere or please don’t call. Bobby, 689-9411.

Black couple seeks clean freethinking female any race for weekend expressions. Description and meeting info. E. Arrington, 5098 French, Det. 48213.

Lonely Male, 45, working in Ann Arbor and staying over two nights a week desires female companionship. Discretion assured and expected. Write P.O. Box 2135, Ann Arbor 48106.

Part-time freek, male, 20, interested in meeting same. Eves. VSD FFDE.

John Tyksinski, please call back the girl you met at the Grande New Year’s. 261-4381.

If transvestism is your “thing,” we have the Contacts. Many near you and nation wide. Empathy Club, Box 12466, Seattle, 98111 Adults Only.

Visit Vietnam for enjoyable tropical vacation, away from all cares. “They” will feed, clothe, think for you. Dilligaf at RITS.

Girls all ages, I’m very lonely, please call Joe at 964-1303 anytime before 4:30 pm or all day Sundays. Please!

Chuck, here’s your Fifth Estate. Keep your shit together. Come home soon. People of Detroit need you. Love—Cuck & Kathy

Bruce: Let it be me. TE.T-GI31. Earl.

Garrard Lab 80 turntable with dust cover never used $80. Call John at 756-0263 between 8 am and 2 pm.

HELP—The cigarettes are after me again—Barnathan.

Female model needed for photos Phone 843-3086 weekends.

Bruce—Am 20, sharp bi-guy. Call 891-1518 after 7:00 pm. Rand.

Overhead projector, 1000 Watt with carrying case on casters and extra lamp—$125. Call John at 756-0263 bet. 8 a.m. and 2p.m.

White male, 32, would like to hear from males in twenties. Box 2095, Ann Arbor, Mi. 48106. (769-5713)

Happy Birthday, Pammy—B.B.

Canadian Bachelor wishes dates with single or married women for dancing and good times. Call Frank at Windsor, 253-8479, collect between 12 noon and 6 p.m.

OPEN CITY needs desks, chairs, files, and especially typewriters. Also stationery and groovies are appreciated. Call 831-2770 or write Open City at 4726 Third Ave., Second Floor, No. 5, Det. 48201.

Female “spread” magazines, movies, paperbacks, free catalogues, Beaver, Box 2373-H, Phila. Pa.

Wanted: Female figure models for photography $5 – $7.50 hr., Tues. eves, 8 to 10 p.m., call days TE1-1250. Must be 18.

Wanted bassist to mix with a drummer and guitarist in a radical jazz-blues thing. Hopefully permanent. Call Stoby, 2915865, after 6 p.m.

27, Single, not handsome, peace lover, like to meet girl who is lover of arts and likes to rap. 422-2643.


Wanted: Good masseuse, any age. Once wk. Private arrange. Business man. Write Robert H.E. Carter, Box 7844, Gratiot Sta. Detroit, 48207.

Gay male books, magazines, movies, free catalogues. Trojan, Box 2121-H, Phila. Pa.

Scott amplifier, 60 w., excellent condition, $115. Call UN4-6395 for information.

Need info on how to organize high school SDS or similar group. Larry Forsberg, 105 Bristol, New Haven, Conn. 06511.

Serviceman opposed to war wishes correspondence. Pfc. Chace 2329458, Maint. Bn., 1st FSR/ FLC, Eng. Maint. Co FPO San Francisco, Calif. 96602.

Is there someone who feels the same way? Male seeking another hippie gay or bi guy, over 21, who is sincerely interested in a spiritual attitude toward life, also study and practice of zen, yoga, etc. With an open, non-possessive practical attitude toward material things and persons. Would like to share conversation or quiet together, possible share apt. or travel together early summer. Box 1089, Northland Center Station, Southfield, Mi. 48075.

PROPHESIES OF DOOM! April 1969—A tremendous Earthquake is going to occur and cause So. Calif. to fall into the ocean! For only $2.50 ppd. you may obtain a huge 24″x28″ full-color vision (by artist R. Cobb) of this great calamity—but you’d better act fast! Send your check or m.o. to Sawyer Press Earthquake, P.O. Box 46:653, L.A., Calif. 90046 NOW!

Discreet white couple, mid 30s wishes to meet other swingers. P.O. Box 273, Garden City, Mi. 48135.

Female reader, 19 to 35, to record risque literature. Sensuous voice essential. $8 per hour. Call 5418014 after 4 p.m.

Man with M.A. in History tutors History and English comp. plus elementary grade subjects. $4 hourly. Call 342-6955, ask for Sam, and leave number.

Frank Zappa lives and loves in ’69.

SOLOMON GOLDFARB, ACSW Academy of Certified Social Workers, is now forming a second group in Advanced Group Work Therapy. If you have a king-sized hang-up phone GR.6-1557 for further information.

From now on send all discarded buttons and badges medals and pins to R.A. Clifford, Box 369, Winfield, Kansas 67156.

Hip Accountant, college trained, does accounting and tax work for the Fifth Estate in addition to his regular job, wishes to handle books and tax work for several other underground and hip concerns, individuals, etc. Wishes eventually to do this on a full time basis. Rates very reasonable. Call 272-4478 or call Fifth Estate office and leave message for Bill Rowe.

Red Debby Fart Crazy Patty Greg Maw and Paw, Love you all, Vietnam blows, I stay alive to see you again, Weed here is great, stay high, I do, send beads, ice-cream, miss me, thanks for the shit, oh wow, LOVE,KENN.

People of Detroit help me revolt, send protest letters to my command, send more than one, nasty as hell, they need it, send 2,000 ASAP, use my name, to:

B. Btry.Lifers 1/44 Arty. San Francisco, Calif. APO 96269