GI March Set


Fifth Estate # 74, March 5-19, 1969

On April 5th in Chicago, GIs and civilians will be marching together against the war in Vietnam. The demonstration will be protesting the suppression of GI rights in the army and demanding that the troops be brought home now.

Six other major demonstrations will be held that week in cities near army bases across the country.

In Detroit an April 5th Action Committee has been formed to provide support for this nation-wide call to action. This committee has been endorsed by hundreds of prominent anti-war and movement people as well as by various student and community groups.

Here the Committee’s immediate task is building support for the Chicago demonstration. They are trying to raise money for publicity and transportation to Chicago.

The Committee is coordinating the actions of activists working in their own schools and communities by providing information, speakers, buttons, posters, etc.

On February 26 a successful press conference was held which received considerable coverage in the non-movement media.

At the conference Norman Gelnaw, an anti-war GI, Dr. Paul Lowinger and Maurice Geary emphasized the importance of the entry of servicemen into the anti-war movement and the necessity of actively continuing the demand for an end to the war.

There will be a benefit concert held on Sunday, March 23 at 2 pm in the Community Arts Auditorium at Wayne State University.

Charlie Latimer will MC the concert which will include the Chalk Circle, featuring Marcus Esser, David Levine, Ron Cobb and Irving Kirsch; Ron Coden, balladeer; Bill Rutledge from the Poison Apple; Richard Keelan, Ted Lucas and others.

Another press conference and other activities are being planned by the Committee. The Detroit April 5th Action Committee is located at 726 Pallister, Detroit, 48202; phone: 875-3333.


See Fifth Estate’s Vietnam Resource Page.