

Fifth Estate # 73, February 20-March 5, 1969

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible.

DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.


Walleyes – We need Academic freedom at NMU. We still love you Demo, and Rosebud will keep the piece -Delaware Derelicts.

Will the Rick who met me in the East Village in May please call me collect. Laurie, 212—981-3234.

Good looking, white, bi-guy, RSVL, works midnites, wants to meet guy (to 22). Avail. Weekdays, double weekends, place name, phone in Fifth Estate soon. Bruce.

Manager or jobs wanted for rock group. Call Tom at LA7-9391.

Male models needed for photos and art. $5 – $7.50 an hour. Phone: 271-9477.

Ed: Dig Saintliness? Think Lynn would? Kick dictatorship; try straight-shooting. Sharing could be markedly groovy. —A. Bell-ringer.

I will buy tapes of recent WABX or WKNR programs. Sp/4 Anthony Williams, APO San Fra. 96227.

Drummer needs organ player for Lee MichelIs type group. Phil, LO1-8978.

Ray thinks Coreen is better than Shirley Temple.

Paul Z. – White Panthers love you.

Groovey well-endowed bachelor wants dates with single or married girls. 274-2908.

If transvestism is your “thing,” we have the Contacts. Many near you and nation wide. Empathy Club, Box 12466, Seattle, 98111 Adults Only.

Admirers of Summerhill unite, change the educational system. Call Nancy, 882-1681 or Leslie, VA2-4353.

Derek Hawksley we miss you. Please come back.

Must sell (trade?) 76 used S.F. paperbacks. Call Loretta, 584-4866.

Hey World, “Linus” loves “Sally” (Mary)!

Male, 25, would like penpal girls to exchange letters for later endeavors. Include photo. Pfc. Joe Riggs, 357th Trans. Co. ADS APO San Francisco, Ca 96227.

Lonely GI would like female Penpal, 21. Please send photo. Dennis D. McNeal, 357th Trans. Co., (ADS), San Francisco, Ca. 96227.

DRUMS for sale. Rogers. Immaculate condition. With cases and cymbals. A professional set. 864-3852.

1969 Olympic gold medal tongue call 642-0388.

Wanted bassist to mix with a drummer and guitarist in a radical jazz-blues thing. Hopefully permanent. Call Stoby, 291-after 6 pm.

NEW SEXUAL Freedom League publication, POSITION. Mailed in plain cover, $1. SFL, Box 14034-FE, San Francisco, Cal. 94114.

Canadian Bachelor wishes dates with single or married women for dancing and good times. Call Frank at Windsor, 253-8479, collect between 12 noon and 6 p.m.

Northern Michigan University sucks. Sell the Upper Peninsula to Russia.

Free Stove – Anyone wanting one please pick up immediately at 4863 John Lodge x-way.

I’d like to tell the world that I love Nena, but I don’t want to embarrass her, so I won’t.

Wanted: Female figure models for photography $5 – $7.50 hr., Tues. eves, 8-10 pm, call days TE. 1-1250. Must be 18.

Wholesale sources wanted. Manufacturers, wholesalers of adult, unusual items, send us your catalog. Mattson’s, Box 73, Det. Mi. 48221.

27, Single, not handsome, peace lover, like to meet girl who is lover of arts and likes to rap. 422-2643.


Wanted: Good masseuse, any age. Once wk. Private arrange. Business man. Write Robert H.E. Carter, Box 7844, Gratiot Sta. Detroit, 48207.

PSYCHEDELIC MSDE. OF ALL TYPES!! Direct from manufacturers and importers. We have everything: latest blacklite posters, black-lite tubes, beads, incense, metals, watch bands, burners, pipes, glasses. Wholesalers only, inquire at: Platt Mfg., 424 So. L.A. St., Los Angeles, Cal. 90013. (213) 628-4965 or 628-1205.

White male 30, wish to hear from Bi-Minded girls. Call Stuart, at 477-2393, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or after midnight.

DON’T answer another personal ad until you see what other people write. Dozens of hot letters answering AC/DC and straight ads placed by single girls and swinging couples just released. (Sent in plain wrapper). Rush $2.00 to THE LETTER FILE, Box 36603-FE, Hollywood 90036.

Young executive from NY looking for sharp girl to share 20th floor penthouse. Digs Grande, movies, etc. Send photo & letter to: Resident, 650 Virginia Park, Apt. 203, Detroit, MI 48202.

PROPHESIES OF DOOM! April 1969 A tremendous Earthquake is going to occur and cause So. Calif. to fall into the ocean! For only $2.50 ppd. you may obtain a huge 24″x28″ full-color vision (by artist R. Cobb) of this great calamity but you’d better act fast! Send your check or m.o. to Sawyer Press Earthquake, P.O. Box 46:653, L.A., Calif. 90046 NOW!

If your local stand is out of the new fall book issue of America’s only homosexual magazine, send $1 to Tangents, 3473-1/2 Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. 90028.

Political organizers need 35 mm enlarger immediately. Call day or night, 823-2387.

Shapely wife in late 20s with cooperative older husband now offers free course in sex to inexperienced males under 22. To apply, send photo & letter to P.O. Box 432, Flint, Mich.

‘USA’ advocates ‘Social Evolution,’ not ‘Social Revolution.’ Are you tired of the ‘Revolution’ but don’t want to become ‘Involved’ with the Establishment’? Become ‘Evolved’ with ‘USA.’ We build Super Projects, Self Sustaining Compact Cities, for our members. Info: WTC. Box 155, Clawson, Mi. 48017.

Hip Accountant, college trained, does accounting and tax work for the Fifth Estate in addition to his regular job, wishes to handle books and tax work for several other underground and hip concerns, individuals, etc. Wishes eventually to do this on a full time basis. Rates very reasonable. Call 272-4478 or call Fifth Estate office and leave message for Bill Rowe.

Good FM Tuner wanted, under 50 bucks. Call 833-1996 after 6 p.m. No shit please.

Wants any heads who would like to write to a guy in Vietnam. Prefer girls, don’t matter. Pfc. Edward C. Bazner, RA54988360 25th AVNCO (corps), APO S.F., Calif. 96266.