Read All About It!


Fifth Estate # 73, February 20-March 5, 1969

“Read All About It!” for this issue consists of those papers put out by and for GIs.

It should be obvious from the number of papers existing, especially the ones from army bases, that the opposition within the armed services to the war and to the military has become increasingly visible in the last six months or so.

All papers are free to GIs. Donations are needed from civilians to allow the papers to continue publishing. Interested civilians should either write for subscription rates or send a large enough donation to cover mailing costs.

The following are regularly-appearing tabloids edited by civilians doing support work with GIs.

THE ALLY, P.O. Box 9276, Berkeley, Calif. 94709.

THE BOND, 156 5th Ave., N.Y.C. 10010. Published by the American Service Men’s Union, a group doing in-service organizing. Heavy anti-imperialist line.

TASK FORCE, P.O. Box 31268, San Francisco, Calif. 94131.

VETERANS’ STARS & STRIPES FOR PEACE, P.O. Box 4598, Chicago, Ill. 60680. There is a large quantity of these at the Fifth Estate office in case people would like to pass them out at their draft boards or physicals.

VIETNAM GI, P.O. Box 9273, Chicago, Ill., 60690. Has both Vietnam and Stateside edition; published by Vietnam veterans.

The following are on-base newsletters published by active-duty GIs.

COUNTERPOINT (Ft. Lewis), 515 20th East, Seattle, Wash. 98102.

FATIGUE PRESS (Ft. Hood), 101 Ave. D, Killeen, Texas, 74541. This base is on the verge of open rebellion and the editor has just been court-martialed on a phony dope charge and sentenced to eight years at hard labor.

FLAG-IN-ACTION (Ft. Campbell), P.O. Box 2416, New Providence, Tenn. 37040.

FUN, TRAVEL & ADVENTURE (Ft. Knox), 532 N. 20th St., Louisville, Ky.

LAST HARASS (Ft. Gordon), P.O. Box 2994, Hill Station, Augusta, Ga.

SHORT TIMES (Ft. Jackson), P.O. Box 543, Columbia, South Carolina.

THE ULTIMATE WEAPON (Ft. Dix), c/o Lesnick, 312 N. 37th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104.

G.I. VOICE, Box 825, Stuyvesant Sta., N.Y.C., 10009. First issue is a special edition for inductees.


See more on Fifth Estate’s Vietnam Resource Page.