

Fifth Estate # 72, February 6 - 19, 1969

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible.

DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

Wanted: Articles, photos, etc. on the MC5. Mag. 53270 Aulgur Dr., Rochester, MI 48063.

The revolution would be greatly aided if more people dug first with their souls and minds and then grooved with their bodies. YL & HMS.

Where is all the good stuff hiding? Karen knows, and she is back for good—Paula.

SOLOMON GOLDFARB, ACSW Academy of Certified Social Workers, will conduct a series of twenty sessions in Advanced Group Work Therapy for a group limited to ten participants beginning February 14, 1969. Applicants are asked to write directly to Mr. Goldfarb at 31650 Fonville, Livonia 48152.

White male, 32, would like to hear from others in twenties. P.O. Box 2095; Ann Arbor, MI 48106.

Got any old junk, clothes, etc. Call Tammy at 474-3338.

Young swinging couple interested in meeting other swingers. Write P.O. Box 854, Royal Oak, Mich. 48067.

Clean honest coed wanted to maintain apartment. Transp. to W.S,U. provided plus reasonable compensation. 873- 2327 2 till 8 a.m.

Groovey well-endowed bachelor wants dates with single or married girls. 274-2908.

If transvestism is your “thing,” we have the Contacts. Many near you and nation wide. Empathy Club, Box 12466, Seattle, 98111 Adults Only.

Business man, 38, would like to meet young girl for purpose of dates, travel, and fun. If interested write to: Warren Rose, Box 8863, Oak Park, MI 48237.

Discreet white couple, mid 30s wishes to meet other swingers. P.O. Box 273, Garden City, Mi 48135.

Help! I am a member of the Napalm Murderers. Help me start a pro-peace movement. Send any anti-war articles, pictures, etc. Also, send your own ideas or thoughts. Will answer all responces. Robin Smith, 306 Hq. Sq. Bomb Wing, CMR Box 486, McCoy AFB, Fla. 32812.

OLIVER dammit where are you? Diane, Julie, Joe.

Swinging male, 45, desires to hire swinging gal to clean apartment one night a week. Write -Box 2135, Ann Arbor, MI.

Indian Squaws, call 871-2180. Groovy position available.

Bachelor, 25, has home willing to share with broadminded, fun loving girl. Call after 5 pm wk. days. Gary, 756-5229.

Marvin: the establishment hovers, Caution!

NEW SEXUAL Freedom League publication, POSITION. Mailed in plain cover, $1. SFL, Box 14034-FE, San Francisco, Cal. 94114.

Canadian Bachelor wishes dates with single or married women for dancing and good times. Call Frank at Windsor, 253-8479, collect between 12 noon and 6 p.m.

3 attractive girls needed by 2 black heads—1 blond—pay commensurate with beauty send full beauty description with salary desired to Box 1158, Berkely, MI 48072.

Females please help. I need you to maintain my heterosexual attitude. Don’t let me succumb to homosexuality. Write Hetero, P.O. Box 712, Indianapolis, Ind.

Wanted: groovy young chick over 18 to live-in in exchange for sex and light housework. 381-0425.

Bachelor wants person with carpentry abilities to help remodel old house. Room, board, booze and pay. No queers wanted. 372-3692 before 3 pm or after midnight.

27, Single, not handsome, peace lover, like to meet girl who is lover’ of arts and likes to rap. 422-2643.

1969 ANARCHIST CALENDAR now available at Mixed Media.

Wanted: Good masseuse, any age. Once wk. Private arrange. Business man. Write Robert H.E. Carter, Box 7844, Gratiot Sta. Detroit, 48207.

PSYCHEDELIC MSDE. OF ALL TYPES!! Direct from manufacturers and importers. We have everything: latest blacklite posters, black-lite tubes, beads, incense, metals, watch bands, burners, pipes, glasses. Wholesalers only, inquire at: Platt Mfg., 424 So. L.A. St., Los Angeles, Cal. 90013. (213) 628-4965 or 628-1205.

Sherry, Be my valentine? Love, Peace, mush and poo, Freddie.

Bachelor wants intelligent girl to help recapture 18 lost years. Must be able to overlook past or go to hell. 372-3692 before 3 pm or after midnight.

Wanted: Female figure models for photography, $5-$7.50/hr. Tues. Eves., 8-10 pm, call days TE.1-1250.


Cinderella Wanted. Gentle sincere executive seeks exceptionally beautiful girl who needs grooming and contacts to realize her potential and who would like gifts of clothing or cash from an intimate friend. G. Arthurs, Box 301, Leamington, Ont.

Girls, any age to correspond with until I can get to Detroit. Stu Beck, c/o C&O Car Ferries, Ludington, MI 49431.

To the Resistance at Federal Prison, Ashland, Ku: Hello from Alan Lowenthal, Holdover at Federal Correctional Institution, Milan, MI.

Extra Cigarettes? (Winston, Marlboro, hopefully) Send to Lisa, Argenta, B.C., Canada. Receive…well, what would you like? Solidarity and love. Lisa.

Radical Education Project—a group doing internal education things for SDS and other movement groups, needs new office. Requires 2000 square feet and will operate small offset press. Mostly need sympathetic landlord. Call REP at (313) 761-1320

Group making plans to create a peaceful, flexible mini-village in a clean, scenic rural area. Intelligent, responsible adults who seek a more fulfilling and non-exploitive life-style. Write to D.S., Box 432, Flint, MI.

Pollution, waste, poverty, war and political corruption are the natural outgrowths of the Capitalist or monetary system. These cannot exist in USA’s Modern System. Info: W.T.C., Box 155, Clawson, MI 48017.

Ladies, have French tastes? (Pun intended) If you’d like some action, then write Gordon, Box 3, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013.

Hearse. Nice shape, ’59 Cadillac. Asking $675, but will consider trading for an armored car. Eves. 582-1564.

CAR Needed for Fifth Estate distribution. Call 831-6800. Prefer free if you can do it.