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Fifth Estate # 72, February 6 - 19, 1969

A woman wrote in recently and asked for the addresses of several radical and underground papers. This made us realize that our paper may be the only one of its kind that is known to many of our readers.

Since Liberation News Service just mailed us a complete list of all such papers known to them to be currently operating, we thought we could pass some of the information about them along to you.

No single issue or subscription price is available, so it would mean writing in to a publication that interests you and requesting subscription information.

Frequency of publication is indicated by: W for weekly, B for biweekly, M for monthly, Q for quarterly, and X for unknown or irregular publication.

Old Mole, c/o Kaufer, 1 Orchard St., Cambridge, Mass. 02140 (M). Underground and movement stuff.

American Avatar, 5 Fort Avenue Terrance, Roxbury, Mass. 02119 (M).

Once a weekly astrological tabloid, now a slick, $1 per copy, tribute to the living god, Mel Lyman. Beautiful layout and photography; terrible content. Editorially calls for the election of Teddy Kennedy in ’72; Mel refers to John Lindsay as “a great man.” The rest is devoted to an autobiographical sketch, pictures, prose and poetry of Mel. Terrible.

CAW! Box 333, Cooper Station, N.Y., N.Y. 10003 (X). Literary mag published by NY SDS. Mostly revolutionary prose and poetry. Current issue has interview with Danny the Red on the French revolt of last May.

The Militant, 873 Broadway, N.Y., N.Y. 10003 (W). Publication of the Socialist Workers Party. News on antiwar movement, GI and black struggles. Some good foreign coverage.

The East Village Other, Box 571, N.Y., N.Y. 10009 (W). One of the original underground papers. Good cartoons (Crumb and others); on top of the NY pop scene; sort of a hippy National Inquirer.

More next issue.