More Bombs


Fifth Estate # 72, February 6 - 19, 1969


Special to the Fifth Estate

ANN ARBOR—A National Guard garage and a business administration building in Kalamazoo, and the state capitol in Lansing were the targets of the latest bombings in Michigan.

The Kalamazoo bombings occurred within 20 minutes of each other in the early morning hours, but police say they have established no connection between them. A gallon jug of gasoline with a wick did $12,000 worth of damage to the National Guard building, destroying a jeep and damaging another, and causing extensive smoke damage.

The fire bomb sent through a window of North Hall, which houses mainly business administration classrooms and is next to the ROTC building, failed to explode. The fire at the state capitol was quickly put out.

Workers there described the bomber as a tall blond “hippie type.” In Kalamazoo a woman said she observed three men in a car speeding away after the National Guard garage bombing.

In August and September, dynamite bombs hit draft boards, police cars, military vehicles, a CIA office and a research lab in the Ann Arbor and Detroit areas.

These bombings resulted in the arrest of 13 street people on charges of conspiracy to place explosives in order to commit property damage.

Eight persons still face charges and at this writing are involved in pre-trial examination before Recorders’ Court Judge Thomas Poindexter.