

Fifth Estate # 71, January 23-February 5, 1969

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

Cinderella Wanted. Gentle sincere executive who needs grooming and contacts to realize her potential and who would like gifts of clothing or cash from an intimate friend. G. Arthurs, Box 301, Leamington, Ontario.

Groovey well-endowed bachelor wants dates with single or married girls. 274-2908.

Everybody must get stoned. Tell all your friends. (The world sucks).

Sherry, Be my valentine? Love, Peace, mush and poo, Freddie.

Overground paper: Independent Eye, a newspaper of southwest Ohio. P.O. Box 20017, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220. 6 issues for $1. Remember, the Queen City.

Young swinging couple interested in meeting other swingers. Write P.O. Box 854, Royal Oak, Mich. 48067.

Male figure models wanted. By legit professional photographers. Top fees paid. Any race. Should have some fine points. No exp. needed. Mr. Snaps. 284-7825.

Clean honest coed wanted to maintain apartment. Transp. to W.S.U. provided plus reasonable compensation. 873- 2327 2 till 8 a.m.

WARNING—January is alien registration month. See you at the post office.

Handsome French lover, 30, would like to meet chic sophisticated woman who loves oral sex. Weekend rendezvous. No men. 864-6181.

Kathy, I love you —Ralph.

Model needed for figure photography. No experience necessary. Should be white female, young and groovy. Call 646-9349 evenings or weekends. This is legit.

DISPATCH breaks imperialistic traditions of reportage from Vietnam, other Asian countries: poem-letter by Hanoi negotiator LeDucTho; interviews with Buddhist, student militants; clandestine peace movement documents. 52 issues $10, 25/$5. Box 49986 Los Angeles, 90049.

FOR SALE: License to kill VN. Will throw in M-16 and 2 frag. grenades.- Contact Sp/4 Phillip W. Conner, 176 A.H.C., APO San Francisco, Cal. 96325.

I’m 22, white heterosexual male, want to meet girl, 20-25, who is as disenchanted with this contemptuous World as myself. Joe Thomas, Box 8571, Detroit, 48224.

I’m male and I need someone to love me for myself. Call 965-7800 after six, Mon-Fri. Ask for the TV shop.

Denny & Ace: Send me my share of the $200 and a case of shoe glo, or I’ll go to the wheels. John-John.

Canadian Bachelor wishes dates with single or married women for dancing and good times. Call Frank at Windsor, 253-8479, collect between 12 noon and 6 p.m.

NEW SEXUAL Freedom League publication, POSITION. Mailed in plain cover, $1. SFL, Box 14034-FE, San Francisco, Cal. 94114.

Milburn T. Fish wants your body.

Single, self-employed, 37 years old. Wants uninhibited women for erotic fun & games—love the unusual. Call Charlie, 8679218, 10am to 10 p.m.

Collection of gay books, magazines, slides, movies. 588-3268.

Just you wait, Honkies!

Vietnam Sucks! Wants good looking girl to write: John J. McDonald – 2384517, 1St Mar. Div. Post Office – Unit 10 ANHOA, FPO San Francisco, Cal. 96602.

Farmington, two newly redecorated groovy rooms private entrance seek very hep Girls. Call Stuart 9am—12 noon or 8pm to 10 pm 477-2393.

Hello out there. Is there 2 or 3 girls that would like to go on weekend camping trips this spring and summer with a male, 30?-Prefer girls 21 or over. Call Stuart, 9 am to 12 noon, at 477-2393.

Transform your crib! Stained glass groovier, some, 8ft. x 10ft. Huge wall-window decorations. Prices $150-$200. Call 616-3819346 or write Ed Jacques, 1426 W. Michigan, Kalamazoo, Mich.

Attention organists, pianists, lead, trumpet or sax players. Bassist and drummer are forming jazz-blues-rock band. If interested call 832-1865.

Peace lovers, truth seekers, and the troubled there is but one way—Jesus Christ! Find yourself. Tim Propst, 757-4314, after 7 pm.

When in Midland picketing Dow, stop at Community Drug on Circle for Cigarette papers, Imported tobaccos, peace mark and lance.

Nicky W.W., will you, won’t you, do you, don’t you? Love Bonne.

If transvestism is your “thing,” we have the Contacts. Many near you and nation wide. Empathy Club, Box 12466, Seattle, 98111 Adults Only.

Gay attractive boy 25, affectionate, interesting, hip, sincere, wants to meet same. 20-30. Call CUHRVBK.

Whatever happened to the good old U.S.A.? It’s gone to pot, kind of a groove, ain’t it? I want you Linda.—Rob.

Girls: Need a hot tongue that loves you? Write, send picture, phone to W. Savage, 1861,6 Coester, Riverview, Mich.

PSYCHEDELIC MSDE. OF ALL TYPES!! Direct from manufacturers and importers. We have everything: latest blacklite posters, black-lite tubes, beads, incense, metals, watch bands, burners, pipes, glasses. Wholesalers only, inquire at: Platt Mfg., 424 So. L.A. St., Los Angeles, Cal. 90013. (213) 628-4965 or 628-1205.

Non-violent revolutionary wishes to talk and meet other nonviolent revolutionaries. Call 291- 3811.

1969 ANARCHIST CALENDAR now available at Mixed Media.