Rubin Bugged

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Fifth Estate # 71, January 23-February 5, 1969

[Note: authors listed in print original as Stew Albert & Gumbo.]

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LNS)—The Justice Department has admitted that during the past year they have been electronically bugging Jerry Rubin’s life.

In official government document 2660, filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals 4th Circuit, and signed by C. Vernon Spratley, Jr. U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, they stated that: “the government is tendering. . a sealed exhibit containing transcripts of conversations in which appellant Rubin was a participant or at which he was present which were overheard by means of electronic surveillance.”

Rubin calls it a “weird feeling to think that the federal pigs have been listening to my phone calls and dinner conversations for the last year.” He pictures them “drunk and fat, a can of beer in their hands, trying to figure out what half of the words I use mean. I hope it drives them crazy,” he said.

Jerry used to be the easiest going guy when it came to wire-tapping. He always thought a lot of people were uptight about Big Brother having his ear to the wall. He has now learned, as we all must, that a bit of paranoia is pure reality.

“The combination of undercover cop and electronic surveillance indicates that there is a government conspiracy to get Jerry Rubin in the penitentiary so that he will stop making trouble on the streets,” said Bill Kunstler, lawyer for Rap Brown and Jerry.

It seemed like paranoia in Chicago to think that a friendly motorcycle tough who wanted nothing more in life than to be Jerry Rubin’s bodyguard would turn out to be Bob Pierson, a prize undercover pig for the Chicago Police force. He spent a week infiltrating a Chicago gang, and gained the confidence of the self-defense people in Lincoln Park who then appointed him Jerry’s bodyguard.

The guy never really heard that much, but he has gone on a real fantasy bullshit trip.

At a recent HUAC hearing Pierson served up a dream world in which the Yippies had become an organized Leninist conspiracy out to overthrow the Chicago government, all governments, and assassinate every major politician in America.

Jerry is under indictment for “solicitation to commit mob action” in Chicago. It is a felony and if he is convicted, Jerry faces an almost sure five years in the penitentiary. Meanwhile, he is under 525,000 bail and cannot leave the state of Illinois except for court appearances and speaking engagements.

There are no independent judges in Chicago. Mayor Daley runs an Irish Mafia, and the judges all are card carrying members. Jerry’s judge was a former leading Chicago police administrator. If you change your judge in Chicago, you can only hope to get a worse one.

Judges are pigs in robes. They use their gavel as a club, and they are trying to put away the radical leaders of America. Rap Brown, Huey Newton, and Eldridge Cleaver are either in jail, appealing, or on the run. Timothy Leary faces 30 years, the Oakland Seven face up to five years, and so does Ben Morea.

The Grand Jury in Chicago has stated that they’re going to bring federal indictments against the so-called leaders of the Chicago demonstration.