Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 71, January 23-February 5, 1969

FRI. JAN. 24

“PARIS ON THE BARRICADES,” film of May-June events in France, will be shown at Debs Hall, 3737 Woodward at 8 p.m.

INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCING every Friday night at the International Institute. 111 E. Kirby, 8 p.m.

KENNETH JEWEL CHORALE saluting Karl Haas. WSU Comm. Arts Aud. Cass at Kirby 8:30 p.m.

ST. PAUL CHAMBER SYMPHONY with guest artist, Joan Freeman. Aud. Det. Institute of Arts. 8:30

HOT ROD FREAKS. The Michigan Hot Rod autorama at Cobo Hall, thru Jan. 26.

RICHARD III presented at the Hilberry Theatre, Cass and Hancock, 8:30

THE ODD COUPLE, a Grosse Pointe Theatre production at Fries Aud. 32 Lakeshore Dr. 8:30 p.m.

MOLIERE’S THE MISER, presented at the Bonstelle Theatre, 3424 Woodward, 8:30 p.m.

THE GRAPES OF WRATH (1940). John Ford’s brilliant adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by John Steinbeck presented by the WSU Cinema Guild in the Lower DeRoy Aud. 7:30 and 9:45 p.m. only 50 cents.

UNDERGROUND CINEMA—freaky flics. This weekend’s goodies are: Happy Anniversary, The Psychedelic Experience, The Great McGonigle (W.C. Fields), Mainstream, and I’m No Angel. Showtimes: 11 p.m. and 1 am at the Detroit Repertory Theatre 13130 Woodrow Wilson.

WASHBOARD WILLIE and his supersuds of rhythm and the Black Flag Players at midnight (poetry and dance). Red Roach Coffee House, 5th and Plum St.

SAT. JAN. 25

RADICAL THEATRE. The Performance Group directed by Richard Scheckner reproduces Euripides’ “The Bacchae as Dionysus in ’69.” At the See Theatre, 3929 Woodward near Selden (one performance only). For advance ticket information call 831-1251 Tickets: $3.00, $2.50 for students.

SNOW WHITE AND ROSE RED, & JACK AND THE BEANSTALK presented in a way-out puppet show. In the aud. of the Det. Inst. of Arts 11 a.m. & 2 p.m.

AN ITALIAN STRAW HAT presented at the Hilberry Theatre. 2:30 p.m.

DETROIT VS. OAKLAND in Hockey at Olympia Stadium, 2 p.m.

GRIGORY SOKOLOV, Soviet pianist on his first American tour, at Masonic Temple. 500 Temple. 8:30 p.m.

THE ODD COUPLE presented again in Grosse Pte. at Fries Aud., 32 Lakeshore Dr. 8:30 p.m.

MICHIGAN HOT ROD AUTORAMA continues at Cobo Hall.

THE MISER presented in a matinee at 2:30 p.m., at Bonstelle Theatre.

JULIUS CAESAR at the Hilberry Theatre. 8:30 p.m.

GREATER MICH. BOAT SHOW at the Det. Artillery Armory, E. 8 Mile Rd. Thru Feb. 2.

THE GRAPES OF WRATH shown at the Lower DeRoy Aud. 7:30.& 9:45 p.m.

SOUND OF SOUL, concert with Booker T and the MGs, Peaches & Herb, Mary Wells, and others. Cobo Hall arena. 8 p.m. Tickets $6, 5, 4, 3.

SOMETHING DIFFERENT has the Woolies. 12 Mile Rd. & Northwestern.

THE SRC at the Silverbell nightclub up on Bald Mt. Rd. near Pontiac, also the Underground Wall and the Ball.

ARETHA FRANKLIN, Lady Soul, in concert at the Special Events Bldg. at U of M in Ann Arbor. 8:30 p.m. tickets $4 & $2.50.

THE MC5 kick out the jams along with the March Bros. and the Piers at the Grande Ballroom. You can pick up an extra copy of the 5th Estate or any kind of psychedelic delights you desire at the hippy bullshit counter. adm. $3.50.

SUN. JAN. 26

EAT IT AT ALVIN’S. Bagels, coffee and freaks 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Alvin’s Deli., Cass near Edsel Ford fwy

GRAND OL’ OPREY. Your favorite country and western stars appear in two shows. 2 & 8 p.m. at Cobo Hall.

PLYMOUTH SYMPHONY CONCERT at Plymouth High School. 3 p.m. FREE. Ply., Mi.

HOCKEY, DET. VS. TORONTO Olympia 7 p.m.

RON CODEN last night to see this great folk entertainer at the Raven Gallery. Greenfield Rd. just north of 12 Mile in Southfield.

TAJ MAHAL does a thing along with the Asian Flu at the Grande. No age limit. 7 and 11 p.m. $3.50 adm.

MON. JAN. 27

FIDDLER ON THE ROOF with New York cast, sponsored by U of M Prof. Theatre. Hill Aud. in Ann Arbor. 8:30 p.m.


THE BAKER STREET IRREGULARS folk group appearing now thru Feb. 16 at the Raven Gallery. Greenfield, north of 12 Mile.

FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, Hill Aud., Ann Arbor. 8:30 p.m.

TRIP THROUGH A MUSEUM. A general tour of the Detroit Historical Museum. 2 p.m. Woodward and Kirby.

WED. JAN. 29

The Dynamics of WORLD REVOLUTION. This week’s class will be “The Struggle for a Socialist Democracy” taught by Ron Jameson, a former Wayne student. Rm. 322, Mack Hall, 2:30 p.m. FREE. For more info call 832-6559 or 831-6135.

THE STANLEY QUARTET. Quartets by Beethoven. Sponsored by UCAE, Engineering Society of Det. Aud. 80 Farnsworth. 8:30

BANG! BANG! YOU’RE DEAD! Sponsored by U of M players. Trueblood Theatre. Ann Arbor. 8 p.m.

AN ITALIAN STRAW HAT presented at the WSU Hilberry Theatre. Cass & Hancock. 8:30 p.m.


BANG! BANG! YOU’RE DEAD! Trueblood Theater, Ann Arbor. 8 p.m.

91st CONGRESS: The Prospects of Reform. Speaker John Dempsy, U of M prof Sponsored by UCAE. Fair Lane Conf. Center. Dearborn. 8 p.m.

SHAKESPEARE’S RICHARD III presented at the WSU Hilberry Theatre, 8:30 p.m.

FRI. JAN. 31

SHRINE CIRCUS opens at the State Fair and runs through Feb. 16.

INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCING at the International Institute, 8 p.m.

CODINE presented as part of the film series at Marygrove College, 7:30.

RUTH ANN DANSBY, mezzo-soprano. Concert at WSU, Comm. Arts Aud. Cass and Kirby. 8 p.m.

FILMS, Expedicao Biologica, Le Mistral, and Why Do We Still Have Mountains? Cranbrook Aud 8:15 p.m.

AN ITALIAN STRAW HAT presented at Hilberry. Cass and Hancock. 8:30 p.m.

BANG! BANG! YOU’RE DEAD! 8 p.m. Trueblood Theatre, Ann Arbor.

LAMP AT MIDNIGHT, a play about Galileo. Univ of Detroit Memorial Bldg. 8:30 pm.

THE INFORMER (1935). Ford’s masterpiece about the huge, drunken, boastful Gypo Nolan, who betrays his best friend in the 1922 Irish Rebellion for a 20 pound reward, and Coronation (1965) a weird, surrealistic allegory reminiscent of Fellini presented by the WSU Cinema Guild, Lower DeRoy Aud. 7:30pm & 9:45 pm 50 cents

UNDERGROUND FLICS at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. This weekend’s groovies include: A Night at the Show with Charlie Chaplin, A Little Fable, Dizzy Red Riding Hood, DMT, and The Hat. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Shows at 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.

WASHBOARD WILLIE at the Red Roach Coffee House, along with the Black Flag Players at midnight. 5th and Plum St.

JETHRO TULL from England at the Grande. $3.50 adm


THE RED BALLOON and WHITE MANE shown at the Det. Inst. of Arts. 11 a.m. & 2 p.m.

JULIUS CAESAR presented at the Hilberry Theatre, 2:30 p.m.

HOCKEY: Detroit vs. St. Louis at Olympia, 8:30 p.m.

JOSE GRECO and his Spanish Dancers. Masonic Aud 8:20 p.m.

THE INFORMER at Lower De Roy Aud. 7:30 p.m. & 9:45. see Jan. 31.

RICHARD III at the Hilberry Theatre. 8:30 p.m.

THE SPIRIT for one night only at the Grande Ballroom. $3.50 adm. You must be 17. Grand River and Beverly.

The Detroit High School Student Mobilization Committee will have its first meeting to organize massive high school participation in the April 6 GI-Civilian Demonstrations. Show your support for GIs by attending this meeting at the DCEWV office at 1:30 p.m., at 1101 W. Warren.

WASHBOARD WILLIE. At mid night sculptor Robert Youngman paints Tamara and Peter interprets it in music, color, and dance. Red Roach Coffee House, 5th and Plum St.


EAT IT AT ALVIN’S. Bagels and coffee, 5th Estates, freaks and fun every Sunday, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

JETHRO TULL at the Grande. No age limit. 7-11 p.m.


FREE UNIVERSITY’S Drama Class at 7:30. FREE. Red Roach Coffee House. 5th at Plum St.


CONCERT. Cantata Academy Chorus at St. John’s Episcopal Church. Eleven Mi. Rd. & Woodward. Royal Oak. 8:30 p.m.

CHINA, TROUBLED ASIAN GIANT. Lecture at WSU, DeRoy Aud. 5201 Cass Ave 7:30-10 p.m.

2ND ANNUAL TRIBAL STOMP Benefit dance for L.S.D. (Legal Self Defense) MC5 UP, Grande Ballroom, 7-11 p.m. $2.50 adm.


SOCIALIST REVOLUTION in the Advanced Capitalist Countries will be the topic of discussion at this week’s class in Marxism. Among questions taken up will be “What makes a socialist revolution in the U.S. a realistic perspective?” Rm 322, Mack Hall. 2:30 for more info call 8326559 or 831-6135.

FREE UNIVERSITY’S drama class at 7:30. FREE. Red Roach Coffee House, 5th and Plum St. Rev. Peter Pillsbury talks on his recent tour of Cuba. 2170 Iroquois, (Indian Village) 8 pm. FREE.


ESTHETICS OF PORNOGRAPHY class. Free Univ. 7:30 at the Red Roach Coffee House. 5th and Plum St.

THE MAD BOMBER’S PRETRIAL HEARING.—David Valler at Recorders’ Court.

CONCERT of Contemporary Music, WSU Concert Band. WSU Comm. Arts Aud. Cass and Kirby. 8:30 p.m.

LONG DAY’S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT. Meadowbrook Theatre, Oakland Univ. 8:15 For info call 962-0353.

AN ITALIAN STRAW HAT presented at Hilberry Theatre. 8:30 p.m.



KOW KOW REST. One-half block west of Woodward, at McNichols.

HOE HOE INN, 4445 Second at Canfield.


MEXICAN GARDENS, 74 W. Columbia.

CADENA’S REST. 317 Michigan Ave. Outasight Mexican food, great service