

Fifth Estate # 70, January 9-22, 1969

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

PRO/JECT Magazine has a new address: 1240 West Forest, Det. 48201.


Groovey well-endowed bachelor wants dates with single or married girls. 274-2908.

Cass Tech is the only high School in Detroit that has reached perfect social and racial integration. The Board of Education has detailed plans to dissolve Cass.

Overground paper: Independent Eye, a newspaper of southwest Ohio. P.O. Box 20017, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220. 6 issues for $1. Remember, the Queen City.

Young swinging couple interested in meeting other swingers. Write P.O. Box 854, Royal Oak, Mich. 48067.

Chemicals! The SRC Company has a diversified selection of many hard-to-find reagents. Direct inquiries: P.O. Box 284, E. Detroit, MI 48021.

Clean honest coed wanted to maintain apartment. Transp. to W.S.U. provided plus reasonable compensation. 873- 2327. 2 till 8 a.m.

MARIJUANA CONSUMERS & DEALERS GUIDE-Send $1.00 to Flash, 55 Sheridan, S.F. 94103

Handsome French lover, 30, would like to meet chic sophisticated woman who loves oral sex. Weekend rendezvous. No men. 864-6181.

Boys and girls: Call Tim 8352182. Won’t hurt.

For the time of your life, visit the Carnival of Minds – Vietnam. Mitch Witkowski, somewhere in the midst.

Am. photog needs Am. model for nat’l mag. Figure pix, No Exp. needed, Should have some fine points. Any race. Al, 931-5830. Leave Name, phone. This ad is legit.

FUCK COMMUNISM POSTER, Red White & Blue. Send $1.25 to – Flash, 55 Sheridan, S.F. 94103

FOR SALE: License to kill VN. Will throw in M-16 and 2 frag. grenades.- Contact Sp/4 Phillip W. Conner, 176 A.H.C., APO San Francisco, Cal. 96325.

Single male desires single, married uninhibited female, any age. Object: an affair of mutual joy. Am very capable. Al, 867-4978. After 5 p.m.

Transvestite wants to meet same. Send pix and details to Box 9517 North End Station, Detroit, MI 48202.

Mansfield 16 mm. movie camera f2.5, $15. Sylvania Cordless Sun-gun movie light, $20. Wollensak slide projector with 20 trays, $35. Wittnauer Zoom 8 mm. camera and projector combo, $50. Call 284-7825 or 676-5922 ask for John.

We the students of Pershing High School hereby declare that all members of the faculty suck!

NEW SEXUAL Freedom League publication, POSITION. Mailed in plain cover, $1. SFL, Box 14034-FE, San Francisco, Cal. 94114.

Bachelor wishes to cultivate female friends, your pleasure. Call before 10 am, after 10 pm. Ed, 936-5971.

Clawson H.S. Soph plays rock and blues/drums, wishes friends who play other instruments, live near. Call Mike, 585-5480.

Peace at last! Keep it up, Terri. Fiat.

Vietnam Sucks! Wants good looking girl to write: John J. McDonald – 2384517, 1st Mar. Div. Post Office – Unit 10 ANHOA, FPO San Francisco, Cal. 96602.

Happy Birthday, Sandy!

Man, there is some good fox in your building, right Andy? New York is definitely not where it’s at. Jug (KOTJMF)

Would like to know any info. or whereabouts of John Drake (Amboy Dukes) Randee Ramsten 629 Jonquil, Lisle, Ill. 60532.

Merry (belated) Christmas to “Wolfgang” (“I can’t walk on stunted/broken legs!”) from your loyal and devoted sis.

Fairly handsome, clean cut guy age 23, wishes to meet attractive girl, 18 to 23, for dating. Larry, 294-6090 or 293-9339.

The perfect Christmas gift! Surprise your parents with a morphodite “Barbie & Ken” doll. Squeeze it—surprise! $3. 8334782 days.

Omar Newman—Whom I picked up hitchhiking will write you soon. Bob Burch, Montreal.

“Clean pure bubbling waters, lakes and streams, Peace, Love and Dignity, This is ‘USA.’ ” Info, W.T.C., Box 155, Clawson, Mich. 48017.

On Jan. 15, 1969, ‘USA’ celebrates its 19th Birthday. ‘USA’ wishes to extend ‘New Years Greeting’ to all the ‘Great Ones’ and to the Establishment Goons, we wish to say, ‘Don’t bother to send the ‘Drop Dead’ or ‘Get Sick’ cards this year, just send the money, and we’ll make good use of it in an attempt to rescue some of the poor, innocents that you ‘Kooks’ and your ‘System’ have Wasted and Brainwashed. ‘USA’ W.T.C., Box 155, Clawson, Mich. 48017.

MSU, Lansing, Male grad student desires serious minded hip girl for fun and games. Lots to offer. 393-1584.

1969 ANARCHIST CALENDAR now available at Mixed Media.

PSYCHEDELIC MSDE. OF ALL TYPES!! Direct from manufacturers and importers. We have everything: latest blacklite posters, black-lite tubes, beads, incense, metals, watch bands, burners, pipes, glasses. Wholesalers only, inquire at: Platt Mfg., 424 So. L.A. St., Los Angeles, Cal. 90013. (213) 628-4965 or 628-1205.

Help! Am being held prisoner by green machine in So. VN (as others) May FIGMO soon. Destination Haight. UFO”s spotted near Ban Me Thout. The Establishment sucks. Please Advise. Mercer.

Happy 69 to all.

FLASH PATCHOULY FLASH & 40 other scents for body oil perfume, liquid incense, etc.—Send $1.25 to Flash, 55 Sheridan S,F. 94103.

Girl of God, David D., Brownie McGhee, you are missed in Detroit City.

Kiski School sucks.

Message from Jeff, Jim and George. There is no gravity; the world sucks.

If you would make the schools free, the social order must be first freed. The college is only a sub-system of the master system.

Wanted—Female who can write and read music. Must work two nights a week. Call Mr. M. Weaver, 361-4268 bet. 7 and 10 pm. Fri. Jan. 11th.

Likeable late 30s gentleman looking for company of late 20’s lady. PA1-8925.

Women: I groove on your feet, Lick, suck them; I worship them. G.G., P.O. Box 13021, Oakland California 94611.