Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 70, January 9-22, 1969

The Fifth Fstate Events Calendar was compiled by Bruce Montrose and Claudia Efimchik.

Fri. Jan. 10

ANN ARBOR. Mad Marvin presents four revolutionary films: “Huey,” “Listen, Whitey,” “End of a Revolution,” and “Huelga.” Showing at 11 p.m. at the 5th Forum Theatre, 210 South 5th Avenue in downtown Ann Arbor. 761-9700

FORBIDDEN GAMES presented by the Film Arts International. Library Lecture Hall, Mary-grove College. 7:30 p.m.

INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCING is held each Friday evening at 8 p.m. at the International Institute, 111 E. Kirby. 871-8600.

GRANDE BALLROOM. The show starts at 8:30 with the Third Power and Genesis. Call 834-9348 for additional information.

HILBERRY THEATRE is presenting “An Italian Straw Hat.” 8:30 p.m. at Cass and Hancock.

JAZZ IMPROVISATIONS by Don Barr, Jazz dancing and light movements black. “Viet Dawn” at midnight, by Sam Cohn with the Black Flag Players. At the Red Roach, corner of Plum and Fifth.

UNDERGROUND FLICS at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. This week’s program includes, “Weekend Pass,” “We Shall March Again,” “Breakaway,” “The Face,” “Motorcycle,” “Spills and Thrills,” “And on the Sixth Day,” and “Unknown Soldier.” Shows at 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. 13103 Woodrow Wilson.

Sat. Jan. 11

ANN ARBOR. Revolutionary films at the 5th Forum Theatre, 210 South 5th Avenue. Showing at 11 p.m. 761-9700.

UNDERGROUND FLICS at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. Shows at 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. See above listing.

SYMPHONY. As part of the Kresge Concert Series Sexten Ehrling conducts the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Program at 8:30 at the Ford Auditorium.

1969 YOUNG FOLKS DANCE CONCERT benefit for the Ruth Murray Dance Tuition Scholarship. WSU Community Art\uditorium 2 and 3:30 p.m. For more information call 577-2400.

GRANDE BALLROOM. Tonight’s program includes Genesis and the Caste. A call to 834-9348 will yield more info from Uncle Russ.

RED ROACH. Remains of the Back and Back Boo and Family Medicine Chest Jam Session. “Viet Dawn” by Sam Cohen at Midnight with the Black Flag Players.

HILBERRY THEATRE. Richard III matinee performances at 2:30 p.m. and an evening show of An Italian Straw Hat. Evening show at 8:30 p.m.

DESIGNING GREAT CONCERT GUITARS. Symposium with Michael Kasha at Detroit Institute of Arts Lecture Hall. 8:30 p.m. 882-0544.

Sun. Jan. 12

ANN ARBOR. Revolutionary films at the 5th Forum Theatre, 210 South 5th Avenue. Show at 11 p.m.

UNDERGROUND FLICS at the Detroit Repertory Theatre, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. See above listing.

GRANDE BALLROOM. The James Gang performs tonight with Genesis. 7 to 11 p.m. Adm. Charge.

BLACK-RED CONFERENCE sponsored by News and Letters. 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at 415 Brainard St. For more information call 833-1989.

MOVIES. The Henry Ford Museum Theatre is showing “Bride of Frankenstein” and “White Zombie” as part of their Early Movie series. Shows at 2 and 4 p.m. today. The theatre is located in Greenfield Village.

Mon. Jan. 13

BROADWAY COMEDY, “You Know I Can’t Hear You When the Water’s Running,” at the Hill Auditorium on the University of Michigan Campus. 8:30 p.m. Call 764-8350 for more information.

Tues. Jan. 14

BROADWAY COMEDY, “You Know I Can’t Hear You When the Water’s Running,” at the Hill Auditorium in Ann Arbor. Adm Chg.

THE DISTAFF SIDE, part of the Films on Art series, explores the styles of female artists of the 20th century. Lecture Hall, Detroit Institute of Arts, 8 p.m.

Wed. Jan. 15

THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM OF MODERN ART, a lecture by Ivan Karp, director of New York’s Leo Castelli Gallery. Lecture Hall, Detroit Institute of Arts, 8 p.m. Admission $1.50. Students, 60 cents.

CONCERT. The Meadow Brook Festival sponsors Kenneth Amada, pianist, Dodge Hall, Oakland University, 8:30 p.m.

JULIUS CAESAR at the Hilberry Theater, Cass and Hancock. 2:30 and 8:30 p.m.

Thurs. Jan. 16

ANN ARBOR. Mad Marvin presents Classic Comedy Shorts with W.C. Fields, the Marx Brothers, Charlie Chaplin, and Laurel and Hardy. 11 p.m. at the 5th Forum Theatre, 210 South 5th Avenue. 761-9700.

RED ROACH. Filmmakers Meeting at 8 p.m. Information and registration for the Free University’s Filmmaking Class. No charge.

DECORATIVE ARTS SERIES presents Decorative Arts in the Taft Museum with Katherine Hanna, Director. 8 p.m. at the Willistead Art Gallery of Windsor.

UCAE. Part I of the Ninety-First Congress: A Profile. Tonight’s lecture is “A Look at the Parts: People, Parties, and Factions. Fair Lane Conference Center on the U of M Dearborn campus. 8 p.m.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. Tonight’s program is conducted by Sexten Ehrling with soloists Alfons and Aloys Kontarsky. Ford Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.

JULIUS CAESAR at the Hilberry Theatre, 8:30 p.m.

Fri. Jan. 17

ANN ARBOR. Classic Comedy Shorts at the 5th Forum Theatre, 210 South-5th Ave.

UNDERGROUND FLICS at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. This week’s program includes “Witch Doctor,” “Giddyap,” “Lately,” “That’s Nice,” “Snow White,” “Cosmic Ray,” “Love-In;” and more. Shows at 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. 868-1347.

ORDET. Sponsored by the Film Arts International, Library Lecture Hall, Marygrove College, 7:30 p.m.

GRANDE BALLROOM. Led Zeptelin along with Linn County and the Lawrence Blues Band. 834-9348.

RED ROACH. “The Fantabulous Washboard Willie” and his supersuds of rhythm play driving blues. Guerrilla Theatre at midnight with the Black Flag Players.

JULIUS CAESAR at the Hilberry Theatre, 8:30 p.m.

SCANDINAVIAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA along with the WSU Men’s Glee Club. Conduction will be William Savota. Scottish Rite Cathedral Aud., Temple and Second Ave. 8:20. For more information call 933-4624.

CARLOS MONTOYA as part of the U of D Town and Gown Series. University of- Detroit Memorial Building. 8:30 p.m.

Sat. Jan. 18

ANN ARBOR. Classic Comedy Shorts at the 5th Forum Theatre, 210 South 5th Avenue, 11 p.m.

UNDERGROUND FLICS at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. showings. See above notice for what’s playing this weekend.

GRANDE BALLROOM. Tonight’s program includes Led Zeptelin and Target.

RED ROACH. See notice for January 17. Tonight’s program is more of the same.

JULIUS CAESAR at the Hilberry Theatre, 8:30 p.m.

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST at the Detroit Institute of Arts Aud. 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

CABARET CONCERT. Josh White, Jr. sponsored by the University Activities Planning Committee. 8 p.m. in the Vandenbury Cafeteria at Oakland University. 338-7211, ext. 2182.

Sun. Jan. 19

BEYOND THAT JAZZ, Concert IV by the Detroit Creative Musicians Association at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. The show is from 3 to 6 p.m. and the theatre is located at 13103 Woodrow Wilson. For more information call: 868-1347.

ANN ARBOR. Classic Comedy shorts at the 5th Forum Theatre.

UNDERGROUND FLICS at the Detroit Repertory Theatre, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.

VIENNA CHOIR BOYS, a concert sponsored by the Christian Culture Series. 8:20 p.m. at Ford Aud.

GRANDE BALLROOM. From 7 to 11 p.m. tonight will be Led Zeptelin and the Wind.

CONTEMPORARY JAZZ QUINTET concert at the Galleries of Cranbrook Academy of Art. 5 p.m.

PHILOSOPHY AND REVOLUTION, a presentation of work-in-progress by Raya Dunayevskaya. 7 p.m., News and Letters, 415 Brainard Free.

Tues. Jan. 21

FILM AS AN ART: The Great Garbo Series showing “Grand Hotel” (1935). Detroit Institute of Arts Aud. 8 p.m.

Thurs. Jan. 23

THE STYLE OF INGRES with Robert Rosenblum of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Lecture Hall, Detroit Institute of Arts. 1 p.m.

UCAE. Part II of The Ninety-First Congress: A Profile. Tonight’s program is The Role and Organization of Congress. Fair Lane Conference Center. University of Michigan Dearborn campus. Adm.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA with violin soloist Uto Ughi. Ford Aud. at 8:30 p.m.

AN ITALIAN STRAW HAT at the Hilberry Theatre, 8:30 p.m.

ACLU presents the film “The Seasons Change” and a panel discussion on the events which occurred in Chicago last August. On the panel will be Mark Ethridge, Jr., Rev. Hubert Locke, Carl Parsell, and Johannes Spreen. Detroit Institute of Arts Aud., 8 p.m. Adm. $2, Students $1.


ROBERT ANDREW PARKER exhibit of recent watercolors and sculpture. J.L. Hudson Gallery, 1206 Woodward.

THE SECOND COMING OF BERT at the Meadowbrook Theatre, Oakland University. Call 338-6239 or 962-0353 for more info.

ANNUAL FACULTY EXHIBITION sponsored by WSU Department of Art and Art History. WSU Community Arts Gallery, 450 W. Kirby.

DAVID EINSTEIN’S “Outer Limits” exhibit at the AAA Gallery, 2805 Grand River near 5th St. Jan. 12 – Feb. 12.

RARE INDIAN MINIATURE PAINTINGS, 17th to 19th Centuries. Garelick’s Gallery, 20208 Livernois. Jan. 13 – Feb. 1.

SPORTS CAR REVIEW special exhibit of antique, classic, and modern sports cars. Henry Ford Museum. Jan. 17 – Feb. 9.


BAGEL RESTAURANT AND DELICATESSEN, 2333 Woodward, South of Fisher Fwy.

ALVIN’S FINER DELICATESSEN, Cass near Ford Fwy. Open Sundays.

KOW KOW RESTAURANT, One half block west of Woodward on McNichols.

HOE HOE INN, 4445 Second at Canfield, TE1-3922.

HOE SAI GAI CHOP SUEY, 3564 Second. 832-1774.

THE PAKISTAN AND INDIA CAFE, 2821 Lafayette between 20th and 21st.

TAJ MAHAL RESTAURANT, 4209 Cass, 832-0382.

THE SHEMOIN CAFE, 1025 St. Antoine bet. Monroe and Lafayette. Serves Syrian and Lebanese style food.

THE ACAPULCO, on E. Jefferson just east of the Belle Isle Bridge.

MEXICAN GARDENS, 74 W. Columbia.

THE TEXAS RESTAURANT, 20040 West Warren.

DONDERO SPAGHETTI HOUSE, 3446 Mack near Gratiot.