Unclassified Ads


Fifth Estate # 67, November 28-December 11, 1968

UNCLASSIEIEDS cost 50¢ per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible.

DISCOUNT RATES Five runs cost 35¢ per line.

I’m sending (blank) lines at 50¢ per line for a one issue run.

I’m sending (blank) lines at 35¢ per line for a five issue run.


Print Your Message Here

Send to: THE FIFTH ESTATE, 1107 W. Warren, Detroit 48201

WANTED. two conga drum players for Mind and Movement workshop on December 8. No bread, but be part of the class Fifth Estate endorsed. Call Art at 867-2230.

Karen, get in touch with Ernie from South Forest in Ann Arbor at KE.2-2665.

Please help a 22 year old Brazilian boy to reach your country. If you answer my SOS message, I’ll give you more information. (I speak English. Portuguese, French, Spanish and I’m learning German and Japanese) Joan Carlos Rodrigues Teixeriar. AV. E. de Sa, 18/804, Icarat, Niterai. E. do Rio, Brazil.

Male 23 needs male or female roommate with nice apartment in Wayne State area. Call 962-2300 ext. 416. Leave note.

Uninhibited man (30) wants to meet girl for fun and parties. P.O. Box 1003, Southfield, Mi. 48075

We love it. We love it. We love it, We love it, We love it! Cindy, Sandy and Marlene.

FLASH PATCHOULY FLASH & 40 other scents for body oil perfume, liquid incense, etc.- Send $I.25 to Hash, 55 Sheridan S.F. 94103.

Now available: the famous Kama Sutra calendar (size 11″x17″), embodying the spirit of ’69. Enjoy a different photograph each month of one of Ron Boise’s erotic sculptures in metal. Same sculptures written up and shown in EVERGREEN REVIEW. Great Xmas gift. $4 95 for one, $12.95 for three or send for free brochure. Dealers inquiries invited. Send check or M/0 to Button Up, Suite 503-G, 160 W. 46 St. NYC, NY 10036

‘SIN’ GUIDE: Find or swap sex partners. Groovy club membership for one year includes hundreds of gals, guys, couples for you to meet $5 gets all THE EXCHANGE, Box 74818-Fl: 13, Hollywood, Calif. O0004.

FLESH FUN. Kindred Spirits is the fastest growing swinger’s publication anywhere. Offers hundreds of personal ads from groovy girls, guys, couples, who want to meet you. Also stories, articles, special offers and the opportunity to attend swinging social events. Send $1 for latest 40 page issue ($2 on newsstands) to K.S., Box 3806, Chicago, Ill 60654 Dept F

To Bill L: Thanks for all the letters. Maggie luvs ya Me too Lynn R

To the person who broke into the Red 66 Malibu near the Grande Nov. 16. You missed about $150 in the purse and $100 worth of dope. Sorry. But I would like you to mail my wallet back. The address is on the license. Thank you.

Bev Don’t blow your cool, just keep doing your thing. The finest will come. Ron.

Vietnam is a bummer. Eight of us wish to write to the free world. Will rap on most anything. Girls especially appreciated. Write: 151 Sqd., Co D. 4/21, 11th Bde., APO San Francisco. Calif. 96217.

FLUSH, underground newspaper at Mich. Tech. Univ. is struggling to keep alive. Send help. Box 345, Houghton, Mi. 49931.

A Brother—82 days left in The Nam—Wants any Blue or Brown eyed Sister, age 18-22 with pad for Free Love experience. R.E. Monty, H&MS 11 E/L, FPO San Francisco, Ca. 96602.

Kathy Pardy is beautiful. M K

Chemicals! The SRC Company has a diversified selection of many hard-to-find reagents. Direct inquiries. P.O Box 284, F. Detroit, N11 48021

Plastic Penny is alive and naturally stoned (?) in Los Angeles Zip—90005.

Needed: Enthusiastic people or freeks to work on new music magazine-newspaper out of Detroit. All talents considered. Call Tony Reay at TR 3-8028 afternoons

Like house parties, sophisticates, moderns, fun seeking couples married or not send address or phone no. to Box 225. Mt. Clemens, Mich (Prudes not welcome).

In the present society, can you honestly say, ‘This is loving.’ Some people don’t think so. So if you are independent and a little adventurous, you can set your own style. This is one of the reasons for “USA”

Married man, 28, looking for married woman with unusual interests. Write J Manning, P.O Box 93, Taylor, Mi. 48180

To Bruce H. Be careful. I want a ride in your new car. Write soon. Law ya Lynn R

Male looking fur fun with other male. Put name. and telephone number in Fifth Estate paper.

“Wolfgang”—Remember your sis?

FUCK COMMUNISM POSTER Red White & Blue. Send $1.25 to Flash, 55 Sheridan, S.F 94103

Genie will chart your horoscope for you and interpret it. Send $3 with your birthdate, time, and place to her at 1510 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich 48104

We are in the process of establoshiing a NEW Artists’ Workshop and literary mag. We need people with technical knowledge, ideas, and contributions of any sort. Our purposes are to rehabilitate and re-channel bad energies being spent in drug-stupor and to create paying jobs for our people. Write Lynn at 224 Cortland Apt 102, Highland Pk, 48203

FIRST I WILL SHOOT YOU, then blow you up, and then you can hang your 30″ X 40″ Hyper-Poster. Call for appointment or send any photo, art or anything depictable (unharmed) to Gero Huschek, 14848 Stansbury, Det. 48227 Ph. 272-1792. Include only $6.00.

SEX ORGIES If your thing includes fun in the flesh and you’re 21 or older, our groovy guides are for you. Year’s membership $5.00. THE SWINGER, Box 74607-FE 39, Hollywood, Calif. 90004.

SEXUAL FREEDOM LEAGUE publidation, Intercou rse, New issue, mailed in pl cover $I.00 SEL, Box 14034, Sari Francisco 94114


Ralph, my whole world is YOU. I’ll love you always. Kathy

Self-employed bachelor, age 47, desires women for swinging dates. Phone Albert at 869-2927,10 am to 11:30 pm

Suicide? 873-9019. Vinny

New literary magazine synth work from many major poets has had enough material to come out with a large issue since June, but lacks the necessary funds. We would be very happy to talk things over with anyone who could help us out financially. Contact Dave Fraser or Bob Selling at Project/Press, 1172 W. Hancock, Detroit. apt 6, 48201

Man with M.A. on History tutors History and English Comp. (Also reading, writing, etc. on the elementary level). Call 832-0965, ask for Sam, and leave number.

8″ by 10” blowups of “The linger” and or “The Suck Sign” $I each or 10 for $5. Send cash and address to D. Draper, 3151 22nd, Wyandotte, Mi 4993I

Sepia artist, establish. Desires contact with uninhibited women for erotic fun and companionship. Photo and phone. James Strickland, 8312 Southfield St. Detroit 48228.

MARIJUANA CONSUMERS & DEALERS GUIDE Send $1.00 to Flash, 55 Sheridan, S.F 94103