Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 67, November 28-December 11, 1968

Thursday November 28

AN ODE TO WILHELM REICH A sexual intellectual play in two acts. At the Red Roach Coffee House. 8:30 p.m. Plum St. at Filth St

THANKSGIVING SPECIAL. The Underground Cinema will have two special showings at 7:30 and 9:30 because it is a holiday. Films will run all weekend and include “The Breath of the Bones,” “Now that the Buffalo’s Gone,” “Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome,” “Sacred Mushroom Version,” “A Cherry Tale,” and “Voyage Optique.” Detroit Repertory Theatre, 13103 Woodrow Wilson Cali 868-1347 for information.

GRANDE BALLROOM Special Thanksgiving thing with the MC5, Frost and the Stooges. Plus a Russ Gibb discount price. The Psychedelic bullshit counter is back after a shutdown due to the vacation of salesman Bob Stark at 1300 Beauhien.

Friday November 29

THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY POTENTIAL, sponsored by the Facing Reality Publishing Committee Weekend School 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Blacks and workers in American History, George P. Ravick, 3 pm to 6 pm. The Economics of State Capitalism, Martin Glebernan, 8 pm to 11 pm. Revolution in the Third World. 14131 Woodward.

TOM SAWYER AND MICKEY MOUSE do a thing together. Two separate films shown at 1 and 3pm. Henry Ford Museum Theatre.

THE PSYCHEDELIC SISTERS: Sharon Hicks and Pearl Jones sing one play.. lights, slides, dancing, body painting and more at the Red Roach. around 9pm. Plum at 5th Si.

SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY presented by the University of Detroit Readers’ Theatre. U of D Theatre. Ford Life Sciences Building. 8:30pm.

DANZAS VENEZUELAS. Dance series. Masonic Auditorium 8:20 pm.

THANKSGIVING JAZZ FESTIVAL. With Moms Manley, Ramsey Lewis and Jerry Butler, Tickets $5, $4, $3. 8:30pm Cobo Hall.

CINEMA GUILD. This week’s film is so great, the title cannot be revealed, because there would be just too many people. Show times: 7:30 and 9:45. Lower DeRoy And. An all-time great. Clue…plenty of sex.

GRANDE BALLROOM. Blood Sweat and Tears, the Rationals and the Stuart Avery Assemblage provide the jams along with a psychedelic light show, hippy bullshit counter and tracks. You gotta be 17 and prove it. Grand River & Beverly.

Saturday November 30

TOM SAWYER AND MICKEY MOUSE movies shown at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 1 and 3pm

SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY U of 13 Ford Life Sciences Bldg. 8 30prn.


HANSEL AND GRETAL presented at the Bortstelle Theatre t 30pm. 3424 Woodward, Take the kids

STRING WORKSHOP Jowl Gingold will be the guest CliniCtral at the String Workshop. 9 308m, Music Bldg WSU

SEX and other grooviee are included in this widely acclaimed modern film classic by Michaelangelo Antonioni. Sponsored by the WSU Cinema Guild. Lower DeRoy Aud. 7:30 and 9:45pm

BEFORE THE REVOLUTION. directed by Bernardo Bertofucci will be shown at 8.30pm in the Rackham Memorial Aud.

DAVID AND ROSELYN/ sing ballads and blues at Newman Hall, upstairs, Woodward & Palmer. 8:30pm, $1.50 adm.

JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE, Cat Mother, and the All Night News Boys in a psychedelic mind blowing concert. Cobo Hall, 8:30pm, Tickets are typical insane prices: $6, $5, $4, $3.

GRANDE BALLROOM. Blood Sweat & Tears, do it along with the Retionals & Dharma. You most be 17.

Sunday December 1

EAT IT at Alvin’s Finer Delicatessen, Cass and Edsel Ford Xway. From 11 am to 3pm. Judie Davis does her thing with New York Times, bagels, cream cheese and all the coffee you can drink.

HOUNDOG on WABX (99.5 FM), Mike Kerman brings weirdness back to radio from 121 am.

HOLIDAY HIKE at Antique Row, 6 Mile & Hamilton. More than 20 shops there to choose exciting gilts, antiques. floral arrangements, natotings end handicrafts, from 12 noon to 8 pm. Better bring money along.

RAY CHARLES in concert, Masonic Aud. 8.30pm

GRANDE BALLROOM. Imported from San Francisco, the Grateful Dead, along with the Popcorn Blizzard. No age limit. 7-11pm

Monday December 2

STUDENT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. Josef Gingold, violin soloist. Community Arts Aud. 450 W Kirby, 8.30pm.

THERE’S A GIRL IN MY SOUP. Starring Don Ameche. Fisher Theatre. 8 30pm. Ticket info: 873.4400

Tuesday December 3

CONCERT SERIES’ with Henri Honegger, cellist. sponsored by Detroit Adventure & WSU music dept. at the WSU Community Arts And 450 W. Kirby.

YOGA class at the International Inst. 7pm.

ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE at Bonnie Brook, Telegraph bet 7 & 8 Mile Rds, 11 am to 11pm $1 adm thru Dec. 5

THE CASTLE by Ivan Klima. U S. Premiere of 1967 Czech success. U of M professional theatre. Mendelsohn Theatre. Ann Arbor Thru Dec. 8

Wednesday December 4

THE LIBRARY ROOM, a drama by Sam Cohen. “A spool on society superspecialized commercialized. patrierehized. statized and super-monegrarnized” at she Red Roach. Plum at Fifth St. 8.30pm.

HAMLET presented at the W5U Hilberry Theater, Cass at Hancock. 2’30pm

RICHARD III ar the Hilberry Theater. 8 30pm

Thursday December 5

THE LIBRARY ROOM continues at the Red Roach. 8 30pm

NIGHT OF PLAYS. Conrad Seller’s Good Night Caroline: Jean-Paul Sartre’s No Exit & Lorees Yerby’s Save Me a Place at Forest Lawn. Presented by Speech & Drama Dept. McAuley Awl Mercy College, 8.30pm

ANDY WILLIAMS in concert at Cobo Hall. 8:30pm

Friday December 6

THE CAMEL AND THE ELEPHANT and some other Disney shorts. Cranbrook School Aud. 8:15pm.

BY GEORGE. sponsored by U of D theatre. Ford Life Sciences Bldg. 8:30pm

THE ZOO STORY by Edward Albee and other short plays presented at McAuley Aud. Mercy College, 8:30pm.

FOLK DANCING at the International Institute, 8p.m.

THE SQUARE ROOT OF ZERO (1964) a way-out comedy presented by the WSU Cinema Guild and short subjects. “Christian Cracker” & “God is Dog Spelled Backwards.” Lower DeRoy And, 7:30 & 9:45 pm.

DAVID AND ROSELYN sing and tell of their Texas Trip at the Red Roach. Plum and 501.9pm-

JUDY COLLINS in concert. Beautiful folk music by a beautiful person. Masonic Temple. 8:30pm $2.50, $4.50, and $5.50.

UNDERGROUND CINEMA. This weekend’s films include Sanctus, solitare, star spangled banner, 13 cantos of hell, desire in a public dump, coming down, where are you? Detroit Repertory Theatre. 11pm to 1am shows. 13103 Woodrow Wilson.

GRANDE. Call Uncle Russ’s answering service lo find out who is there 834-9348.

POP FESTIVAL Bob Seeger System, NC5, Thyme, Frost, & the Wilson Mower Pursuit. sponsored by WHFC and Henry Ford Comm. College, Advance tickets at Hudson’s, WSU, and Henry Ford Comm. College only $2.50

Saturday December 7

BENEFIT for people accused in bombings. Evening of comedy and dramatic skits. St. Joseph’s Church. Woodward at King- 8 & 10.

HANSEL AND GRETAL presented at the WSU Bonstelle Theatre, 3424 Woodward, 1:30 pm.

DAVID & ROSELYN folk singers at the Red Roach, Plum and 5th. 9pm.

THE BURMESE HARP. Show at the Comm. Arts Aud. W. Kirby. 8:30pm.

THE SQUARE ROOT OF ZERO continues at the Lower DeRoy Aud. 7:20 & 9:45pm.

IRON BUTTERFLY and the Rotary Connection in concert at the Bowen Fieldhouse EMU.

Sunday December 8

EAT IT at Alvin’s Finer Delicatessen, Cass and Edsel Ford Xway. From 11am to 3pm. Judie Davis does her thing with New York Times, bagels, cream cheese and all the coffee you can drink

HOUNDOG on WABX 99.5 FM Mike Kerman brings weirdness back to radio from 12-1 am

BODY AWARENESS AND CONTROL Exercises in Oriental discipline. T’ai Chi Ch’uen. Develop self-awareness and sensitivity St. Joseph’s Church, Woodward at King, 2pm to 4 adm $2

THE WIZARD OF OZ and the Scarecrow of Oz movies shown at the Henry Ford Museum. Theatre. 2 & 4 pm. Just follow the yellow brick, road

CHRISTMAS CONCERT. Univ. of Windsor Chorus and Orchestra. Ambassador Aud. Univ. Center, Univ of Windsor 8:30pm.

Monday December 9

THE FANTASTICKS play presented by the performing Arts Dept. of Cass Technical High School. Cass Aud. 2421 Second.

Tuesday December 10

FILMS ON ART. Synthesis. Lecture Hell. Detroit Inst of Arts. 8pm

Wednesday December 11

TAKAKO NISHIZAKI, violinist. Dodge Hall. Aud. Oakland University Rochester, Mi. 8.30.

Thursday December 12

PLEASE DON’T SNEEZE, a play for thildren and people who think they are. Univ of Windsor Essex Hall 7:15pm.

THE LIVING THEATRE Mysteries and Other Pieces at the Detroit Inst of Arts. Aud 8.30pm Don’t miss this.


PAINTING IN FRANCE 1900-1967. Comprehensive showing of 20th century French painting Detroit Inst, of Arts, South Wing, Dec. 1-28.

TED KNERR, one man showing. Art Gallery Oakland Univ. Tees-Sat, 12:30-4 30pm Dec. 1, 7.

THE AMERICAN SCENE, 18 watercolors,

THE POETRY OF LOUIS SULLIVAN, 35 lithographs. WSU Community Arts Gallery, 9am.9pm, Dec. 1-15.

FACULTY ART SHOW. Society of Arts end Crafts. 245 E Kirby. Dec. 1-15.

ARTS AND CRAFTS of Lithuania. Adam Strohm Hall. 3rd floor, Detroit Main Library Dec 1-24.

THOMAS KNEFF, recent paintings. Birmingham’ Gellery, 1025 Haynes. Birmingham. Tues-Sat, 9am-6prn Dec. 1-28.

MICHIGAN GRAPHICS 68. 2nd annual competitive exhibition of Michigan artists. Bloomfield Art Assoc, 1516 Cranbrook Rd. Dec. 1-31.

MILTON AVERY DRAWINGS. Donald Morris Gallery, 20082 Livernois. Tues-Sat, 10:30am. 5:30pm. Dec. 1-31

ARTISTS-CRAFTSMEN SHOW. Works of ceramics. jewelry, weavings, paintings end sculpture Detroit Artists Market,- 1452 Randolph St. Dec. 1-Jon. 7.

JULES OLITSKI. Paintings. Cranbrook Academy of Art. Dec 3-22.

LOUIS KAHN slide projection exhibition of work by the outstanding American architect. Cranbrook Academy of Art. Dec. 1-8.

MIGRATION OF BIRDS. Cranbrook Inst. of Science, Dec 1-31.

MINIATURE MANNEQUINS. Kresge Exhibit hall. Detroit Inst. Museum. Dec. 1-31

AUTOMOTIVE EXHIBIT. Industrial Hall, Detroit Hist. Museum. Dec. 1-31.

TOY FAIR, Acker/Schnee, Inc., 240 E. Grand River, Dec 1-31.


UNDERGROUND CINEMA Detroit Repertory Theatre. 13103 Woodrow Wilson, Show: Fri & Sat, 11pm & 1am.

HOUR OF THE WOLF by Bergman. Studio North. Woodward at 9 Mile Rd.

YELLOW SUBMARINE with the Beatles at the Radio City. Woodward at Nine Mile Rd.

UNDERGROUND FILMS in Ann Arbor. Nov. 28-Dec 1. Andy Wathers “Nude Restaurant” plus Newsreel plus Bower Crabby serial Dec 5-8, a program of Eros plus Newsreel and Buster Crabbe. All shows at 11pm adm $2.