Editors’ Notes


Fifth Estate # 67, November 28-December 11, 1968

Reading the Fifth Estate last issue was sort of a magical mystery tour with none of the teasers on the front page corresponding to the proper pages and a number of other horrors.

This was caused by last minute surgery when our printer decided he would be unable to print a two-page spread photo of John Lennon and Yoko Ono posing nude because he felt it would hurt his other business.

This necessitated taking out four page, and this is why some things were hard to follow. “The Velvet Underground” by Bob Stark had a continuing paragraph on the next page and Tony Reay’s column was continued on the preceding page.

Also, the page three story “Pigs Beat Teens” was incredibly garbled during layout; hopefully it could be pieced together. The Lennon-Ono spread is hanging in our office and everyone is welcome to come dig it. It also has been appearing in a number of our sister papers across the country. “Rolling Stone” has it in its current issue and is available at Mired Media on the WSU campus.

Our regular feature, “Other Scenes,” is not with us this issue because columnist John Wilcock is in India. We are expecting copy from him soon.

This issue’s cover was done by fugitive artist Gary Grimshaw. Gary is wanted by the Traverse City pigs on the same phony dope charge they pulled Pun Plamondon in on. His drawing cone to us with no return address but with a postmark from the Southwest.