Eat It


Fifth Estate # 67, November 28-December 11, 1968

Talking-pre-holiday-pre-final-two-papers-due-blues. No feel for cooking; no money for eating out and Peter says get your column in.

Pork chops and Onions

Heat oil, brown pork on both sides, salt and pepper. Peel 5-6 onions, cut in slices and smother the pork. Pour in a little water, reduce the heat and simmer 20 minutes.

A good way to cook butternut or acorn squash: Cut and clean the squash, leaving skin on. Cut into serving pieces and put into small roasting pan with cover. Put a little water in to cover the bottom of the pan.

Season the squash to your taste; butter and brown sugar; cranberry sauce & apple juice instead of water, cinnamon; nutmeg & butter.

Or stuff acorn squash with a pork sausage dressing. Brown the sausage, add cinnamon, nutmeg, fill in squash and bake.

Support your local Eat It girl, come to Alvin’s Finer Delicatessen, Sundays between 11 and 4 pm. Sandwiches served for the after the library crowd.

Come early and have as many Fifth Estate editors as you can eat.