Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 66, November 14-27, 1968

* Asterisks mean this is a good place to sell FIFTH ESTATES. If you are going to the event anyway, stop by our office or the Green Grass House on Plum Street and pick up some papers. Make bread and spread the good word.

Fri., Nov. 15

THE MIRACLE WORKER, a play at Cass Tech. High School, 2421 Second. Curtain at 8:00 pm.

UNDERGROUND MOVIES at Detroit Repertory Theatre, 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Films are at 11 pm and 1 am. Call 868-1347 for information.

* DEATH OF A SALESMAN at Univ. of Detroit Theatre, Ford Life Science Building, 8:30 pm. Adm.

GEORGE BERNARD SHAW’S “The Apple Cart” at Meadowbrook Theater, at Oakland Un. in Rochester. 8:15 pm Call 962-0353.

HALLELUJAH BABY! Ugh! Fisher Theatre, 8:30 pm. Call 873-4400 if you really HAVE to see Julius LaRosa do Kim Weston’s thing.

FOLK DANCING at the International Institute, 8:00 pm.

“AN ITALIAN STRAW HAT” at the Hilberry Classic Theatre, Cass at Hancock, 8:30 pm. Adm.

ON THE WATERFRONT with Brando at Liberal Arts Bldg. Marygrove College, Library Lec. Hall, 7:30 pm. Adm.

CONCERT: Scandinavian Symphony Orchestra at Scottish Rite Cathedral, Masonic Temple, 8:20 pm. Adm.

ANOTHER CONCERT, this time by the Stanley Quartet. Schubert and Bartok at the Rackham Building. 8:30 pm. Adm.

* CAMINO REAL by Tennessee Williams at WSU Bonstelle Theatre, 3424 Woodward, 8:30 pm. Adm.

“SUMMERTREE” is a play about the war, appearing at Greenfield Village Theatre in good old Dearborn. Call Henry Ford Comm. College for details. 7:30 pm. Adm. $1.50.

* H. RAP BROWN’S lawyer, Mrs. Florynce Kennedy raps at Central Methodist Church, 23 E. Adams, Wdwd. & Grand Circus. 8:00 pm.

THE GRANDE BALLROOM, The Steve Miller Blues Band.

* WSU CINEMA GUILD, “The Bicycle Thief” (1947), DeSica. Lower De Roy Aud., 7:30 & 9:45 pm.

Sat., Nov. 16

* DEATH OF A SALESMAN at the Ford Life Sciences Bldg. at Univ. of Detroit, 8:30 pm. Adm.

SHAW’S “The Apple Cart” at Meadowbrook Theatre somewhere in Rochester, Mich. Oakland Univ. Campus 8:15 pm. Call 962-0353.

UNDERGROUND FLICS at Detroit Repertory Theatre, 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Showings at 11 pm and 1 am. 868-1347 for names of movies tonite.

“A FLEA IN HER EAR, a very dull play at WSU Hilberry Theatre, Cass and Hancock. 8:30 pm. Adm.

* FILM: Jacques Feyder’s “Carnival in Flanders” at WSU Comm. Arts Aud., 450 W. Kirby, 8:30 pm. Adm.

DET. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA at Ford Aud. Soloist: Hans Leygraf. Conducted by Sixten Ehrling. 8:30 pm. Adm.

TENNESSEE WILLIAMS’ “Camino Real” at Bonstelle Theatre, 3424 Woodward, 8:30 pm. Adm.

“SUMMERTREE,” a play about Viet Nam at Greenfield Village Theatre in Dearborn. Call Henry Ford Comm. College for details. 7:30 pm. $1.50 ad.

THE GRANDE BALLROOM, The Steve Miller Blues Band.

* WSU CINEMA GUILD, “The Bicycle Thief,” Lower DeRoy Aud. at 7:30 & 9:45 pm.

Sun., Nov. 17

EAT IT with Judie Davis. Every Sun. from 11 am to 3 pm. Our own EAT IT GIRL serves breakfast foods at Alvins Finer Delicatessen on Cass nr. Edsel Ford Xway. New York Times, the best juke box in the city, good company, and all the FIFTH ESTATE editors you can eat!

* DEATH OF A SALESMAN still at Univ. of Detroit’s Ford Life. Sciences Bldg., 8:30 pm. Adm.

DET. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Valter Poole conducting at Ford Aud. 8:30 pm. Adm.

EXPERIMENTAL MOVIES at 7:30 and 9:30 pm. Detroit Repertory Thtr. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Call 868-1347

HALLELUJAH BABY at Fisher Thtr. Call 873-4400 if this is your kind of theatre.

“THE APPLE CART” by George Bernard Shaw at Meadowbrook Theatre, Oakland Univ. Campus. Call 972-0353 to find out how to get there.

“SUMMERTREE,” a play about Viet Nam, by Ron Cowen. 7:30 pm at Greenfield Village Theatre in Dearborn. Call Henry Ford Comm. College for details. Tickets $1.50.

THE GRANDE BALLROOM, Moody Blues from England!

Tues., Nov. 19

DRAFT COUNSELING at 249 La Belle in Highland Park. 8-10 pm. Call 358-2199 for information.

YOGA CLASS at International Inst. 7:00 pm.

IF YOU DON’T get draft counseled and you already know yoga, then you might as well see George Bernard Shaw’s “The Apple Cart” at Meadow-brook Theatre, Oakland Univ. campus somewhere in Rochester. Call 9720353. 8:15 pm. Adm.

Thurs., Nov. 21

DET. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Soloist Aeturo Benedetti Michelangeli, pianist. At Ford Aud. 8:30 pm. Adm.

“AN ITALIAN STRAW HAT” at Hilberry Classic Theatre, Cass and Hancock. 8:30 pm. Adm.

“CAMINO REAL” by Tennessee Williams at Bonstelle Theatre, 3424 Woodward. 8:30 pm. Adm.

LECTURE: “Art and Artists in Paris” by Mme. Francoise Gilot. Lecture Hall, Detroit Inst. of Arts, 1:00 pm: Adm.

Fri., Nov. 22

THE GRANDE BALLROOM, Blue Cheer and the Stooges.

JEWELRY AUCTION at Detroit Inst. of Arts, 8:00 pm.

“”A FLEA IN HER EAR” at Hilberry Classic Theatre, Cass and Hancock. 8:30 pm. Adm.

UNDERGROUND MOVIES at Detroit Repertory Theatre, 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Showings at 11:00 pm & 1:00 am. Call 868-1347 for informa.

FOLK DANCING at the Intern. Inst. 8:00 pm.

* TENNESSEE WILLIAMS’ “Camino Real” at Bonstelle Theater, 3424 Woodward, 8:30 pm. Adm.

LECTURE: “Art Along the Riviera” at Rackham Aud., 8:30 pm. Adm.

SHAW’S “The Apple Cart” still playing at the Meadowbrook Theatre, Oakland Univ. Campus. Call 972-0353. 8:15 pm. Adm.

THE GRANDE BALLROOM, Tim Buckley and the Wilson Mower Pursuit.

* WSU CINEMA GUILD, “Rush to Judgement,” Mark Lane’s film on how the CIA killed JFK and blamed Oswald. Lower DeRoy Aud. 7:30 & 9:45 pm.

Sat., Nov. 23

* ROGER VADIM’S “Les Liaisons Dangereusses” at WSU’s Upper De Roy Aud., 8:30 pm.

YEHUDI MENUHIN and Hephzibah Menuhin play at Masonic Aud. 8:20 pm. Adm.

SILVER AND JEWELRY SALE at Detroit Inst. of Arts. 9 am-4 pm. ”

“AN ITALIAN STRAW HAT” at Hilberry Classic Theatre, 8:30 pm. Cass at Hancock. Adm.

UNDERGROUND MOVIES at Detroit Rep. Theatre. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. 11 pm and 1 am. Call 868-1347 for details.

* CONCERT: John Williams, Guitarist at WSU’s Community Arts Aud. 8:30 pm. Adm.

“CAMINO REAL” at Bonstelle Thtr. 8:30 pm. Adm.


“WSU CINEMA GUILD, “Rush to Judgement” shown again as on Fri. 7:30 & 9:45 pm. in Lower DeRoy Aud.

Sun., Nov. 24

EAT IT at Alvin’s Finer Delicatessen, Cass and Edsel Ford Xway. From 11 am to 3 pm. Judie Davis does her thing with New York Times, bagels, cream cheese and all the coffee you can drink.

EXPERIMENTAL FILMS at Detroit Repertory Theatre. 7:30 and 9:30 pm.

“NUTCRACKER SUITE” by Tchaikovsky performed by Severo Ballet Co., Roseville High School, 16250 Martin, Roseville. 3:30 pm. Adm.

DRAFT COUNSELING at Central Methodist Church (Woodward and Adams), 8-10 pm. and Martin De Poorres Center, 2234 Gratiot, 4-6 pm

“CAMINO REAL” by Tennessee Williams at Bonstelle Theatre. 8:30 pm. Adm.

HOUNDOG RETURNS to WABX (99.5 FM). Mike Kerman brings wierdness back to radio from 12-1 am. Do it!

LECTURE: “Franco, Salazar, De Gaulle—Three Old Men.” William Buckley’s brother takes on all three at Veterans Mem. Bldg. 8:20 pm. Watch out though, there’s another police dance on the first floor!

DET. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, conducted by Sixten Ehrling, Soloist, Michael Rabin, violinist. Ford aud. 8:30 pm. Adm.

THE GRANDE BALLROOM, The Jefferson Airplane in a special concert. What’s special? The $5 admission fee!!

LAST NIGHT FOR “Apple Cart” at Meadowbrook Theater, Oakland Un. Campus. 8:15 pm. Call 972-0353.

Tues., Nov. 26

“THE MIKADO” performed by D’Oyly Carte at Masonic Aud. 8:20 pm. Call 832-7100.

YOGA CLASS at International Inst. at 7:00 pm.

Weds., Nov. 27

* ROTARY CONNECTION live at Queen of Peace Teen Club, Harper & Bournemouth. 8-1:00 pm. Tickets at door are $2.00.

“HMS PINAFORE” by D’Oyly Carte Opera Company at Masonic Aud. at 8:20 pm. Adm. Call 832-7100.

* “A FLEA IN HER EAR” at Hilberry Classic Theatre, Cass and Hancock. 8:30 pm.


UNDERGROUND CINEMA, Detroit Repertory Theatre, 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Shows Fri. & Sat. 11 pm. & 1 am. Sun. & Mon. at 7:30 & 9:30 pm

* UNDERGROUND FILMS in Ann Arbor. Mad Marvin Surowitz strikes again. Nov. 14-17 at 11 pm. Warhols’s “My Hustler” Next week, Fri. & Sat. at 11 pm. an Eros festival. At the 5th Forum on 5th Street, Ann Arbor.

* I LOVE YOU ALICE B. TOKLAS at the Radio City and other theatres around Detroit.

* BARBARELLA, at the Michigan Theatre.

* 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. Last weeks to see this. Summit Theatre on Washington Blvd. at Lafayette.

* HOUR OF THE WOLF by Bergman. Studio North on Woodward at 9 Mile

* BATTLE OF ALGIERS, Studio 1 on Livernois. Don’t miss this.


WSU University Christian Center at Putnam and 4th. Mon., Thurs., Fri. 1:00-5:00 pm.

CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH, Woodward & E. Adams, Sundays at 8:00-10:00 pm.

MARTIN DEPORRES CENTER at 2234 Gratiot, Sun. 4-6:00 pm.

DRAFT RESISTANCE COMMITTEE 249 LaBelle, Highland Park. Tues. at 8-10:00 pm. Call 358-2199.

RESISTANCE, 31 King, St. Joseph’s Church. Mon-Fri., 10:00 am-5:00 pm. Call 874-4334.