Unclassified Ads


Fifth Estate # 65, October 31-November 13, 1968

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

Get “High on Mt. Rushmore”

Self-employed bachelor wants uninhibited women for exotic fun and games Phone Charlie at 867-9218, 10am to 10pm.

Diane Douglas – Why are you so crazy? I can’t understand you. Reform! Before it’s too late!

Vibrate in the obscurity of life. Anomalous bag? Groovy. Box 383 Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Entre nous. Despair only in despair.

The local freeks are alive and living in the Heights – Love, Carole.

Do your thing. Stay beautiful. And I’ll try too.

Young swinging couple wishes to meet other swinging marrieds for good times. Photo and phone a must. All will be answered. Ed, P.O. Box 854, Royal Oak, Michigan.

How come Rita Gam keeps stepping in those buffalo chips.

SEXUAL FREEDOM LEAGUE publication-Intercourse. New issue, mailed in pl. cover $1.00 SFL, Box 14034, San Francisco 94114.

Your high school diploma. Legit. Only $2 while supply lasts, cash only L & H Enterprises, P.O. Box 64, Romulus, Michigan.

23, multi-experienced male, desires female companionship, around Detroit for weekend happenings. Rich, 3111/4 S. West Angola. Ind.

Keith, I love you. I need you forever. Let’s get together soon. I’ll meet you half way. Love. Marie.

SIN GUIDE: Find or swap sex partners. Groovy club membership for one year includes hundreds of gals, guys, couples for you to meet. $5 gets all, THE EXCHANGE, Box 74818-FE 13, Hollywood, Calif. 90004.

Sunshine girl — I need and love you more than I realized. Please don’t go — Love, Prune.

Male trans-sexual wishes conversion operation from male to female. Needs sponsor. Please write Box 65, Washington, MI 48094.

Young, tall, good looking, blond married man needs steady lover, discretion assured. P.O. Box 741 Det. Mich. 48231.

Chemicals! The SRC Company has a diversified selection of many hard to find reagents. Direct inquiries. P.O. Box 284, E. Detroit 48021.

Happy 21st Dennis Dunn. I love you. Debbily.

Active male desires live-in position. Call Ron: WO 1-1631, room 447.

Gay individual interested in friendship with like person (to 25) write describing self to Box 2230, Dearborn 48123.

Mosrite doubleneck guitar, Ampex Gemini 11, Underwood typewriter. Funds urgently needed for Larry Belcher. 963-2500. Day. Evenings: 831-4167.

Full-time clothing salesman. Must be fashionable — know styles responsible with good references. prefer European. although not necessary. The Body Shop, 965-2389.

Female correspondent wanted by soldier in Vietnam. J.M. Wills, HHC I/52 198 APO San Francisco, Calif 96219.

Everything isn’t fair in love and war. However, with more love maybe we can combat the unpleasantness of life.

Needed; Enthusiastic people or freeks to work on new music magazine-newspaper out of Detroit. All talents considered. Call Tony Reay at TR3-8028 afternoons.

Slow down we’re going too fast, The present system can’t make it. We know we can grow. Drop out, love and show it, let the future know it.

Wow! Mad Marvin Surowitz rebrings his underground cinema to Ann Arbor, The Fifth Forum Theatre, 1210 S. 5th St. Thurs. thru Sun. at 11 p.m. Revolutionary and avant garde experimental films every week.

K. – Bewildered? This too shall pass. J.

Happy birthday Alexander Guevara Columbus, born two Thursdays ago to Harvey and Cathy Columbus in California.

If the small things that count mine must be worth a mint! Copyright from Phillip.

New Haven – Letters in bottles don’t seem to work. Will try tape. Pirate.

Becky – I love you!

Genie will chart your horoscope for you and interpret it Send $3 with your birthdate, time, and place to her at 1510 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104.


Anti-Humphrey? stencil DUMP HHH in 4″ letters anywhere. Reusable stencils $2.00 per stencil or 6 for $10.00. Dealers inquire, no COD. Tom Buckley, 249 Union Ave., Paterson, N.J. 07502 (201—279-7052)

PEACE CORP OFFICE 920 Putnam 832-2070 Talk it over with the Peace Corp.

We are in the process of establishing a NEW Artists’ Workshop and literary mag. We need people with technical knowledge, ideas, and contributions of any sort. Our purposes are to rehabilitate and re-channel bad energies being spent in drug-stupor and to create paying jobs for our people. Write Lynn at 224 Cortland Apt. 102, Highland Pk, 48203.

FIRST I WILL SHOOT YOU, then blow you up, and then you can hang your 30″ X 40″ hyper-Poster. Call for appointment or send any (!) photo, art or anything depictable (unharmed) to Gero Hoschek, 14848 Stansbury, Det. 48227. Ph: 272-1792. Include only $6.00.

SEX ORGIES: If your thing includes fun in the flesh and you’re 21 or older, our groovy guides are for you. Year’s membership $5.00. THE SWINGER, Box 74607-FE 39, Hollywood, Calif. 90004.

How would you like your magazine, newsletter, papers in the same type style this paper is printed in? Call Marilyn at the Fifth Estate office. 831-6800.

Woman, age 18 – 35; private residence, food, and allowance in exchange for one hour housecleaning and one hour cooking a day, six days a wk. Very respectable arrangement, No flakes need apply. Call evenings at 8 pm. 963-4975. Ask for John

Pres. Dave Valler. Contributions for bond send to 15731 Chapel. Any amount will be appreciated David thanks you. Peace

Youthful single tall man in forties seeks good old fashioned supperclub dinner or lunch dates Detroit or Ann Arbor area with attractive slender female, age 21 to 35, object: companionship only. Phone collect: John, days, area code 519-254-4862, late evening, 519—948-5574.