A2 News Flashes


Fifth Estate # 65, October 31-November 13, 1968

FLASH! The Ann Arbor Free School and in particular John Sinclair’s class “Total Assault on the Culture” have been doing some truly revolutionary things. Total Assault Class meets every Monday night and takes its assault to the street, where the class hands out free poetry books, newspapers and information. This is a class of about 10 to 20 who sweep down S. University yelling and screaming, handing out all sorts of great shit, then on to the Diag, where the class shows free movies on the side of the library.

FLASH! The Black Panthers held a FREE HUEY rally in the heart of Honkie Land last week. The rally took place at Eastern Michigan University at Ypsilanti; the bizarro UP played at the rally but only did about 5 tunes before the jive honkies turned off the power; it looked like a creep scene forming so the UP split, as did everyone else.

FLASH! Excitement and energy are running high in preparation for the student strike to be held Nov. 4-6. Free rap sheets will be handed out daily on the U. of M. diag and the festivities will carry over into the evening and hopefully all nite. Pigasus Pig is slated to make his first Michigan appearance at a rally to be held on the diag on Oct. 30.

Pun Plamondon
Fifth Estate/Trans-Love Energies