

Fifth Estate # 64, October 17-30, 1968

Unclassifieds cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words.) Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.


Get “High on Mt. Rushmore”

Happy hunting Steve O. I’ll see you in November. Love, Kathy (Chicago).

ATTENTION GIRLS! Do your thing. I’m a handsome sterile guy with 10-1/2 inches who will model nude for girls—for educational purposes-or for girls who would like to learn how to body paint. 1st lesson free. Also I’m available for discreet dates to groovey single or married gals. 278-5969.

Swiss man, French-experienced, 30, wants to meet passionate women, any race—photo. P.O. Box 1033, Southfield 48075.

Attractive male virgin in early 30’s believes American gals don’t like sex. To prove me wrong, female advocates of “free love for sale,” write to: Don Schultz, Box 31, Madison Hts. 48071.

Girls for nude photography—good pay, no experience needed Jac, 4512 Ranch Lane, Bloomfield hills, Mich.

SEXUAL FREEDOM LEAGUE publication-Intercourse. New issue, mailed in pl. cover $1.00 SFL, Box 14034, San Francisco 94114.

Your high school diploma. Legit Only $2 while supply lasts, cash only. L & H Enterprises, P.O. Box 64, Romulus, Michigan.

WANTED Hip people. Preferably one single and couple with or without child to share 10 room house. Grand Blvd-Wdwd. area. w/love and good karma 874-1861 or 873-0591 Keep trying.

Common Cherie, R.O. Dondero High School is shot to hell!! You’ll see. Terry Co.

SIN GUIDE: Find or swap sex partners. Groovy club membership for one year includes hundreds of gals, guys, couples for you to meet. $5 gets all.

THE EXCHANGE, Box 74818-FE 13, Hollywood, Calif. 90004.

Fisherman: Please call Cathe at TU 2-7201. Just got back from Frisco. Cathe.

Male trans-sexual wishes conversion operation from male to female. Needs sponsor. Please write Box 65, Washington, Mich. 48094.

Group wanted. Folk-Rock to back singer-songwriter. Over 21, Call 335-2153.

Sincere young male 23 would like to play the game of love evenings for practice with clean, attractive females 21-30. Write-for game times and place to ABL Box 1205, 400 Bagley, Detroit 48226.

WANTED Issues Playboy (prior to ’59) Eros, Realist, Wisdom; female manikin, beer signs. phn. 332-2491 or write 115 State, Apt. 31, Pontiac 48053.

SAMBO where are you now that I really need you?

Youthful single male in forties seeks good old fashioned supper club date, Detroit ‘area, with attractive slender female 21 to 29. Call collect, late evening. Area code 519/948-5574.

HIGH ENERGY. Lovers of spiritual discovery. Serene psychotics. I have no contact with tuned in others. I need you. Write Allan Kamin, 1524 Victoria, Windsor. Ont, Canada. Phone 253-9451.

Versatile male desires live-in position. Call Ron WO1-1631, room 447.

Major San Francisco area poster distributor needs hungry, aggressive local sales representatives. Reply: 1905 McGee, Berkeley, Calif. 94703.

Half of this world is here to fuck the other half.

Gustav Mahler sweatshirts, $6 plus 30 cents postage. Mahler photo (24×20) $5—30 cents postage. “Mahler Grooves” bumperstickers 50 cents. Buttons 25 cents. Mahler Society, 8844 Wonderland, Los Angeles, Calif. 90046.

Self-employed bachelor wants uninhibited women for erotic fun and games. Phone Charlie at 867-9218, 10 am-10 pm.

Pat Lyons Tap Snoyl? Phone 338-7211 for information.


The “USA” believes government is too important to be trusted to politicians. Information, write W.T.C., Box 155, Clawson,Mi. 48017.

Big “B” is living in California. He liked the tapes. Good going Cookie! Jim

Young, engaged couple seeking place to stay weekend Nov. 8. Favor returnable in money or otherwise. Call Marti 833-5400 ext. 10.

Genie will chart your horoscope for you and interpret it. Send $3 with your birthdate, time, and place to her at 1510 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104.

Everything isn’t fare in LOVE and WAR!

Anti-Humphrey? stencil DUMP HHH in 4 inch letters anywhere. Reusable stencils $2.00 per stencil or 6 for $10.00. Dealers inquire, no COD. Tom Buckley, 249 Union Ave., Paterson, N.J. 07502 (201-279-7052)

Sensitive, misplaced Aquarian desires correspondence with freeks of Piscean or Sagittarian origin. HELP ME! I’m disappearing!! 34815 Ernest, Livonia.

We are in the process of establishing a NEW Artists’ Workshop and literary mag. We need people with technical knowledge, ideas, and contributions of any sort. Our purposes are to rehabilitate and re-channel bad energies being spent in drug-stupor and to create paying jobs for our people. Write Lynn at 224 Cortland Apt. 102. Highland Pk, 48203.

FIRST I WILL SHOOT YOU, then blow you up, and then you can hang your 30″ X 40″ Hyper-Poster. Call for appointment or send any (!) photo, art or anything depictable (unharmed) to Gero Hoschek, 14848 Stansbury, Det. 48227. Ph: 272-1792. Include only $6.00.

SEX ORGIES: If your thing includes fun in the flesh and you’re 21 or older, our groovy guides are for you. Year’s membership $5.00. THE SWINGER, Box 74607-FE 39, Hollywood, Calif. 90004.

R.O. queer, 17 (experienced) will do anything! Place name and phone in Fifth Estate unclassifieds as soon as possible. S.B.

Woman, age 18-35; private residence, food, and allowance in exchange for one hour housecleaning and one hour cooking a day, six days a wk. Very respectable arrangement. No flakes need apply. Call evenings at 8pm. 963-4975. Ask for John.

Male Nudes, Color Prints, and full line of Photofinishing services, including superlative color printing. For Full Color Catalog of male nudes, send $3.00. Photofinishing info free on request. Write I.C.C.A., (Dept.FE) PO Box 1151, Tacoma, Wa Washington 98401. Butch Groovy Guys!

SWINGERS ONLY Articles in the Swinger cover everything: sex hangups, How to Get the Party Started, How to Convince your Wife, and More…The Swinger reports the local scene: where to go, what to do, where the parties are and what happens. We provide a meeting place to meet new friends for a more active time. The Swinger is written for you and by you—the only publication of its kind, Get in the swing now—subscribe today: $5.00 per year… Introductory copy: $1.00. The Swinger, Box 7460-FE, Hollywood, Calif. 90004.

How would you like your magazine, newsletter, papers in the same type style this paper is printed in? Call Marilyn at the Fifth Estate office. 831-6800.