

Fifth Estate # 63, October 3-16, 1968

Unclassifieds cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

Get “High on Mt. Rushmore”

Meditation in a “straight” evening, Proposes an accurate record to enlighten moment’s passion. Charles Lindblom, Wayne.

Where are all you single, healthy, bright, handsome, successful males over 38? Everyone I meet is sik! Call and give me the answer. Ask for Jeannie. 398-8771.

Steve, I need you more than I realized, so please don’t ever leave me. Love, Lisa.

The God of Hellfire is alive and doing well in Ft. Gordon.

Girls wanted to share in a complete intellectual and sexual experience. Tel. 345-7834.

Josh Newton, where are the guns?

John Bell call Sherry. 839-6079.

Want to be a Co-Publisher? If you have an offset printer, and want to find out more, write to THE HORN, Box 6717, Detroit, 48240.

Good looking male would like to enjoy sex with friendly couple. Send photo if available to Box 12, Allen Park, Michigan.

Good clean funk—Old radio shows. Lone Ranger or Green Hornet—2 complete shows per album. Each $1.50 to: Special Recordings, 3020 E. Grand Blvd. Detroit.

Collector wants back issues of the Fifth Estate. Volume One all issues, Volume Two 1-12. 25 cents each. Stevens, 1228 Olivia, Ann Arbor.

SIN GUIDE: Find or swap sex partners. Groovy club membership for one year includes hundreds of gals, guys, couples for you to meet. $5 gets all. THE EXCHANGE, Box 74818-FE 13, Hollywood, Calif. 90004.

Fisherman: Please call Cathe at TU 2-7201. Just got back from Frisco. Cathe.

Male trans-sexual wishes conversion operation from male to female. Needs sponsor. Please write Box 65, Washington, Mi. 48094.

Group wanted. Folk-Rock to back singer-songwriter. Over 21. Call 335-2153.

Girls (15-16) needed to pose in the nude for photographer. Call Richard, 869-9830 bet. 4-5 pm. 10-8-68.

I love you Mommy—James

Carl had to walk around naked with only his shoes on.

Bachelor-self-employed Playboy hunting for playmates. Call Charlie at 867-9218, 10 am to 10 pm.

Cathy D., Thom W. wants your bod for Gala weekend etc. You’ll get yours, J.J.I.

Hi to all the CB’ers from the Punch Card KBU 0694 Savannah Georgia. Monitoring 11.

I love you Mommy, really Cathy.

Long-haired writer, 4 years college, seeks non-copout job, full or part time. Varied work experience. Call Carl, 869-8408.

Free Love. With you, through you. Debbie H., 23125 Socia, St. Clair Shores.

Get “High on Mt. Rushmore”

Friends of Susan Netzorg Halas: New address: 274 Henry St. Brooklyn Hts., New York 11201

Major San Francisco area poster distributor needs hungry, aggressive local sales representatives. Reply: 1905 McGee. Berkeley, Calif. 94703.

I love you Mommy—even Mission Impossible.

Gustav Mahler sweatshirts, $6 plus 30 cents postage. Mahler photo (24×20) $5—30 cents postage. “Mahler Grooves” bumperstickers 50 cents. Buttons 25cents. Mahler Society, 8844 Wonderland, Los Angeles, Calif. 90046.

PSYCHEDELIC STOCK! Beads, Peace Symbols, Ankhs. ALL TYPES OF JEWELRY, POSTERS’ INCENSE’ ETC. Huge stock of proven, fastmoving HIP items…Wholesale only—Distributors and Jobbers inquire at GOLDEN GATE SALES, 2217 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Phone 621-7235.

Drummer needed. Like heavy music? Like to jam? If so, then call 535-3061. Ask for Charlie or Bruce. Northwest area.

2 willing girls to share an apartment for a couple of nights. Call GR 6-0862, ask for Ed.

Listen to that noise…You’d think he was campaigning that Mr. Bullfrog. Sukanya Vujuch.

FREE 2 room pad in exchange for typing 2 or 3 letters per day or similar. Call AM or after midnight 831-9015.

I love you Mommy—Cheryl

Genie will chart your horoscope for you and interpret it. Send $3 with your birthdate, time, and place to her at 1510 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104.


Anti-Humphrey? stencil DUMP HHH in 4″ letters anywhere. Reusable stencils $2.00 per stencil or 6 for $10.00. Dealers inquire, no COD. Tom Buckley, 249 Union Ave., Paterson, N.J. 07502 (201-279-7052)

I love you Mommy—Claudia

The New Wave Film Festival is coming soon to Cass Tech.

FUTURITY IS NOW! Summerhillian Higher Education, Blake College, 200 North Jefferson, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

FIRST I WILL SHOOT YOU, then blow you up, and then you can hang your 30 inch by 40 inch hyper-Poster. Call for appointment or send any (!) photo, art or anything depictable (unharmed) to Gero Hoschek, 14848 Stansbury, Det. 48227. Ph: 272-1792. Include only $6.00.

Good-looking bachelor likes to make love during the day. Experienced women only. Call before 11 am. 883-0068.

Female correspondents wanted by an unjustly imprisoned young male. F.J. Spruytte, 117180, Lock Box 500, Ionia, Michigan 48846.

SEX ORGIES: If your thing includes fun in the flesh and you’re 21 or older, our groovy guides are for you. Year’s membership $5.00. THE SWINGER, Box 74607-FE 39, Hollywood, Calif. 90004.

Intellectual Vaudeville is “an Ode to Wilhelm Reich,” 2-Act. $1 at Marwil’s, 33 W. Warren.

Get “High on Mt. Rushmore”

Woman, age 18-35; private residence, food, and allowance in exchange for one hour housecleaning and one hour cooking a day, six days a wk. Very respectable arrangement. No flakes need apply. Call evenings at 8pm. 963-4975. Ask for John.

Male Nudes, Color Prints, and a full line of Photofinishing services, including superlative color printing. For Full Color Catalog of male nudes, send $3.00. Photofinishing info free on request. Write I.C.C.A., (Dept. FE) PO Box 1151, Tacoma, Washington 98401. Butch Groovy Guys!

SWINGERS ONLY: Articles in the Swinger cover everything: sex hangups, How to Get the Party Started, How to Convince your Wife, and More…The Swinger reports the local scene: where to go, what to do, where the parties are and what happens. We provide a meeting place to meet new friends for a more active time. The Swinger is written for you and by you—the only publication of its kind, Get in the swing now—subscribe today: $5.00 per year…Introductory copy: $1.00. The Swinger, Box 7460-FE, Hollywood, Calif. 90004.

How would you like your magazine, newsletter, papers in the same type style this paper is printed in? Call Marilyn at the Fifth Estate office. 831-6800.