Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 63, October 3-16, 1968

Fri. Oct. 4

DICK GREGORY. civil rights activist, comedian, and write-in candidate for president, will speak at Oakland U., Sports & Rec. Bldg. 10 am $1 adm. Take I-75 to Rochester University Dr. Exit.

GRANDE BALLROOM. The Ten Years After are there along with The Rationals and the Dave Workman Band. AND, Barry Kramer has now added bullshit posters to his groovy psychedelic counter. You must be 17. Grand River & Beverly.

THE COLLECTOR. William Wyler’s fantastic film concerning a young butterfly collector’s attempts to make a lovely girl the prize of his collection. And, Automania 2000, Oscar Nominee-Best Cartoon. Presented by the WSU Cinema Guild. Shows at 7:30 & 9:45 pm. Lower DeRoy Aud.

UNDERGROUND FLICS presented by the Detroit Repertory Theatre. This weekend’s groovy films include: Lotus Wing, Life Lines, It Happened One Sunday and many, many more Shows at 11 pm & 1 am. 13103 Woodrow Wilson.

JOHN DAVIDSON in concert at the U of D Mem. Bldg. 8:30 pm.

HAMLET, presented by the Hilberry Theatre, Cass & Hancock. 8:30 pm.

THE REBELLION AGAINST TIME: The Roots of Current Unrest. A lecture with Milton Covensky. Part 2 of Sept. 27 lecture. Sponsored by UCEA. Engineering Soc. of Det. Aud., 100 Farnsworth, 8:30 pm.

LECTURE. Ecology of the Great Smoky Mountains. Cranbrook School Aud. Cranbrook Inst. of Science. 8:15 pm.

FORUM. Global Books Forum will present a panel discussion on the 1968 Election Scene. Panelists will be Rev. Morrison of Interfaith Action Council, Tommy Dennis, chairman of the Michigan Communist Party, Roger Robinson of the Hotel & Restaurant Workers Union, and Rick London of Wayne University Students for a Democratic Society. 8 pm, St. Joseph’s Church.

Sat. Oct. 5

GRANDE BALLROOM. The Ten Years After continue at the ballroom, along with The Rationals and The Orange Fuzz. Grande fun also includes Dave Miller, plenty of groupies, freaked out hippies and maybe even Uncle Russ. You must be 17. Grand River 1 block south of Joy.

JOHNNY CARSON in person, along with Doc Severinson and his orchestra and Marilyn Maye, Bud & Cece Robinson dance team. Shows at 7 & 10 pm. U of M Events Bldg. Ann Arbor. $5, $4, & $3.

IRISH ROVERS in concert. Groovy green folk music imported from Ireland. At Masonic Temple. 8:30 pm. $5, $4, & $3.

THE COLLECTOR, presented by the WSU Cinema Guild. Shows at 7:30 & 9:45.

HAMLET. Presented at the WSU Hilberry Classic Theatre. Cass & Hancock. 8:30 pm.

TO DIE IN MADRID (1965) sponsored-by the UCAE. Rackham Educ. Mem. Aud. 80 Farnsworth. 8:30 pm.

OX ROAST. When was the last time you had your ox roasted? Join in the festivities. Marshall, Mich.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Sexton Ebeling, conducting; Sena Jurinac, Soprano. Ford Aud. 8:30 pm.

CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Istvan Kertesz conducting. Presented by Univ. Musical Soc. Hill aud. Ann Arbor. 8:30 pm.

CIDER MILL opens at Greenfield Village. 9 am-5 pm.

Sun Oct. 6

OUTDOOR FAIR. 29535 Northwestern Hwy. bet. 12 & 13 Mile Rd. 11 am until dark. Cider & Donuts next door at McInerneys Barn.

AUTO FREAKS. The National Championship (25) Auto Race. Irish Hills, Mich.

FAMOUS EARLY MOVIES. Henry Ford Museum Theatre. Greenfield Village. 2 & 4 pm.

GRANDE. No age limit 7-11 bash featuring The Ten Years After, with one of the fastest guitar players around. The New Phenamen and the Stuart Avery Assemblage. Grand River & Beverly.

RESISTANCE meeting. St. Joseph’s Church 31 King St. 6:30 pm.

Mon. Oct. 7

DEMONSTRATE AGAINST THE DRAFT. Come down to Ft. Wayne to protest the 1-A classification of Bob Brinell, who turned his draft card in and now must face induction. 6:30 am.

Tues. Oct. 8

DRUGS AND DEVICES: Their Use and Misuse, a lecture with Diane Place of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Unfortunately, they will not tell you in this lecture how to MISUSE a drug. If you are worried as to how to save yourself or a friend from the terrible drug habit. it will be held in the Explorers Room of the Det. Main Library. 10 am.

JAZZ CONCERT with the Kirk Lightsey Trio at the Det. Inst. of Arts. 7:30 pm FREE.

THE LOUVRE, an award winning documentary on one of the world’s great museums. Lecture Hall, Det. Inst. of Arts. 8 pm.

OPEN REHEARSAL. Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Sixton Ehrling, conducting. Soloist: Christian Ferras violinist. Ford Aud. 2 pm.

HAMLET at the WSU Hilberry Theatre. 2:30 pm.

STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY (WSU group) meetings on Wednesday’s. Call Ken Fireman at 831-9307 for info.

Thurs. Oct. 10

OLD WORLD MARKET. Festival of different countries with costumes, booths, art, music, food, craft demonstrations and clothes for sale. Groovy fun. Noon to 10 pm. Sponsored by International Institute, John R. & Kirby.

CONCERT. Detroit Symphony Orchestra with soloist Christian Ferras, violinist. Ford Aud. 8:30pm.

Fri. Oct. 11

THE VANILLA FUDGE, Back again in Detroit, in a psychedelic concert at Masonic Temple. $5.50, $4.50, $3.50 & $2.50 tickets. 8:30 pm.

400 BLOWS. Francois Truffaut’s portrait of himself as a young boy. A beautiful film presented by the WSU Cinema Guild. Lower DeRoy Aud. Showtimes, 7:30 & 9:45. 50 cents.

JOHN MAYALL and his out of sight blues group back at the Grande for some heavy blues action. Joined by the Frost and the Psychedelic Stooges. Don’t forget to visit the hippy bullshit counter, where Bob Stark will be glad to sell you plenty of anything. You must be 17.

NATIONAL BALLET from Washington D.C. presented by Univ. Musical Society at the Hill Aud. Ann Arbor 8:30 pm.

UNDERGROUND FLICS presented by the Detroit Repertory Theatre. This weekend’s greats include: Breath Death, It’s About That Carpenter, First Time Here, and more. 13103 Woodrow Wilson.

THE STANLEY QUARTET. Sponsored by the UCAE. Engineering Soc. of Det. Aud. 100 Farnsworth, 8:30 pm.

ENTER LAUGHING presented at the WSU Bonstelle Theatre, 3424 Woodward. 8:30 pm.

A FLEA IN HER EAR. At the WSU Hilberry Classic Theatre, Cass & Hancock. 8:30 pm.

OLD WORLD MARKET sponsored by the International Institute continues with exhibits from many different countries, clothes, food & toys for sale. Noon-11 pm. Corner of John R. & Kirby.

SOCIALIST ELECTION RALLY. Sponsored by the Young Socialist Alliance. Paul Boutelle, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Vice-president speaking on “Black Explosion and Socialist Revolution.” 3737 Woodward. 8 pm.

Sat. Oct. 12

THE CREAM in concert. Last time this trio will ever be together. Last time to see Eric Clapton’s sexy bod. It will be quite a trip trying to hear them because of the fantastically lousy acoustics. Olympia Arena. Tickets ONLY $6, $5, & $4.

GRANDE BALLROOM. John Mayall and his heavy blues group, Psychedelic Stooges, Third Power are the attractions for this night. Freak to these groovy groups. You must be 17. Grand River & Beverly.

GLEN YARBOROUGH in concert at Masonic Temple. 8:30 pm. $5.50, $4.50, $3.50 & $2.50.

HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR and ENTR’ ACTE sponsored by UCAE. at the Rachham Educ. Bldg. 8:30 pm.

400 BLOWS at the Lower DeRoy Aud. presented by the WSU Cinema Guild.

OLD WORLD MARKET. Noon-10 pm John R. & Kirby.

YOUNG SOCIALIST ALLIANCE sponsors an all day conference. 11 am speakers: Ron March of DRUM and Fred Perlman, French Auto worker. 1:30, speaker: Barry Sheppard on “The Coming American Revolution. 2:45: panel discussion with Paul Boutelle of the SWP, Tommy Dennis of the Communist Party, Larry Hochman, candidate of the Peace and Freedom Party, and Marty Slobin, President of Michigan Young Dems. WSU campus. Lower DeRoy Aud. Registration at 10:30 am.

Sun. Oct. 13

OUTDOOR ART FAIR at the Pink Palette, 29535 Northwestern Hwy. bet. 12 & 13 Mile Rd.

OLD WORLD MARKET last day to join in on the festivities. John R. & Kirby.

DUKE ELLINGTON in concert. See what kind of jazz was happening when your parents were kids. U of D Memorial Bldg. 8:30 pm. $5, $4, $3.

UP, UP AND AWAY with the FIFTH DIMENSION in concert. 2 performances. 4 & 8 pm. Cobo Hall.

GRANDE. No age limit 7-11 gig with John Mayall and his blues group and the Mind Machine. Beware the music will be heavy.

RESISTANCE meeting, 6:30 pm. St. Joseph’s Church, 31 King St.

Mon. Oct. 14

DEMONSTRATE AGAINST THE DRAFT. Mike Slaski is going to be inducted for turning in his draft card. PROTEST THIS BULLSHIT. Ft. Wayne, 6:30 am.

GARY GRAFFMAN, PIANIST at Hill Aud. Ann Arbor. 8:30 pm.

Tues. Oct. 15

RALPH NADER, auto critic, muckraker, bullshitter and lawyer to speak at Oakland Comm. College. 2480 Opdykc Rd. Call 642-6217 for info.

COCK ADOODLE DANDY (O’Casy) presented by the APA Repertory Co. at the Mendelsson Theatre, Ann Arbor. thru Oct. 27.

JANIS JOPLIN with Big Brother and the Holding Co. One show 7-11. Grande Ballroom. $5 adm.

Thurs. Oct. 17

ENTER LAUGHING at the Bonstelle Theatre, 3424 Woodward. 8:30 pm.

26 SHORT FILMS, The Kinetic Art Film Program. Det. Inst. of Arts. 7 & 9:30 pm

RESISTANCE. Demonstration at Ft. Wayne Induction Center, E. Jefferson at Livernois. Bob Brinell ordered for induction. 6:30 am. Call 874-4334 for info.


MASADA,Story of the Jewish Zealots who died rather than submit to defeat by the Romans. South Wing, Det. Inst. of Arts. Oct. 4-Nov. 10.

THE PAINTINGS OF T’ANG, Second Detroit exhibition at the International Art Center. 132 Madison, Mon-Sat, 12-6 pm. Oct. 9-Nov. 5.

MEDITERRANEAN THEMES. Paintings and drawings. Det. Artists Market. Oct. 11-31.

EDWARD HISSONG, Sculpture and paintings. Birmingham Gallerys, 1025 Haynes, Birmingham. Tues-Sat 9:30-6 pm. Fri 9:30-9 pm.


WSU University Christian Center, Putnam at 4th. Mon, Thurs, Fri. 1 pm-5 pm.

CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH. Woodward & E. Adams. Sun. 8-10 pm

MARTIN DE PORRES CENTER, 2234 Gratiot Sun. 4-6 pm.

DRAFT RESISTANCE COMM., 249 LaBelle, Highland Park. Mon-Fri. 10 am-3 pm.


RAVEN GALLERY. Oct. 8-27, back by popular demand, folk singer Ron Coden. Greenfield Rd. just North of 12 Mile Rd. 353-1778.

CHESSMATE COFFEE HOUSE. Thru Oct. 6, Little Mac & the Chicago Blues Band. Oct. 8-13, Folk singer Mike Seeger. Oct. 15-20, The Apple Pie Motherhood.

LIVING END, Robert Jason, a fantastic folk singer now thru Oct. 31. New policy, no cover, no minimum. You must be 21. 8225 John Lodge.

RAPA HOUSE, Call WO 1-9846 to find out who is there. 96 E. Fisher Hwy.


UNDERGROUND CINEMA. Det. Repertory Theatre. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Showtimes Fri & Sat, 11 pm and 1 am.; Sun & Mon, 7:30 & 9:30 pm.

THE FIFTH HORSEMAN IS FEAR at the Studio 1, Livernois at Davison. 7:30 & 9:30 pm shows.

THE BRIDE WORE BLACK. Francois Truffaut’s film at the Studio North Woodward & 9 Mile Rd. 7:30 and 9:30 pm shows.

2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. Summit Theatre, Washington Blvd. at Lafayette.