Black GIs Convicted


Fifth Estate # 63, October 3-16, 1968

FORT HOOD, Tex.—A court-martial found five black soldiers, including two Detroiters, guilty of refusing to obey an order growing out of a demonstration against possible anti-riot duty at the Democratic National Convention.

The specific charge was failing to report for reveille.

A sixth soldier, Pvt. Ronald McCoy, 23, of Philadelphia was acquitted.

Convicted and sentenced to six months confinement, forfeiture of $63 a month pay and reduction to the lowest enlisted rank were Pfc. Reginald Thompson, 21, and Spec. 5 Rudolph Bell, 20, both of Detroit; Pvt. Donald Bias, 21, of Oakland, Calif.; and Pfc. Charles Arline, 24, of Jacksonville. Fla.

Pvt. Steve Suswell, 20, of Greenville, S.C., drew three months in confinement $63 forfeiture of pay a month and reduction to the lowest rank.