

Fifth Estate # 62, Sept. 19-Oct. 2, 1968

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

Send to: THE FIFTH ESTATE, 1107 W. Warren, Detroit, 48201


FUTURITY IS NOW! Summerhillian Higher Education, Blake College, 200 North Jefferson, Eugene, Oregon 97402.

FIRST I WILL SHOOT YOU, then blow you up, and then you can hang your 30″ X 40″ Hyper-Poster. Call for appointment or send any (!) photo, art or anything depictable (unharmed) to Gero Hoschek, 14848 Stansbury, Det. 48227. Ph: 272-1792. Include only $6.00.

Good-looking bachelor likes to make love during the day. Experienced women, only. Call before 11 am. 883-0068.

Genie will chart your horoscope for you and interpret it. Send $3 with your birthdate, time, and place to her at 1510 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104.

LSD. Complete formula, legal. $1, Glennco Box 834AA, Warren, Michigan. 48090.

Une-seule-guerre-peut se-justifier celle; dont le-but-est-la-liberte. Nous reclamons nos droits et notre liberte. Quebec libre.

Handsome male, 26, (artist-guitarist-vocalist); seeks hip, attractive, uninhibited, stable female soul-mate, over 18, for meaningful relationship. Send photo, write Ron, 13680 Victoria, Oak Park, Mich.

Anti-Humphrey? stencil DUMP HHH in 4 inch letters anywhere. Reusable stencils $2.00 per stencil or 6 for $10.00. Dealers inquire, no COD. Toni Buckley, 249 Union Ave., Paterson, N.J. 07502 (201-279-7052)

How would you like your magazine, newsletter, papers in the same type style this paper is printed in? Call Marilyn at the Fifth Estate office, 831-6800.

If you are discontented but not alienated and willing to work together with like-minded people to make living work, let’s get together! Five bedroom psychedelic house near WSU is waiting for friendly happy, responsible couples or singles who wish to share a sincere, possibly mind-bending attempt to destroy destructive defenses and live in creative openness. If your game is abolishing games, call Dave LA6-9653. Keep trying.

To Dr. Squat and spouse: Happy First.

Hey, Mo—how does it feel to be a 1/4 of a century old? We dig it. Love, M & P.

Freeks, if you are having trouble finding clothes to suit your deviated tastes, call Chris and Becky for custom designed and tailored clothes. 1-769-2017.

Happy anti-versary to the country bumpkin and the lovely pole from Dugan, Pussy, Askley, the Antiquer and Fooger the Rat.

Swinging new fraternity—Zunts Incorporated—well known throughout the Midwest area. For details write Sp/5 McIntyre, 559th Sup Co. (GS) APO San Francisco, Calif. 96491.

Bill Rice—John Ciano will welcome travelers. 1004-2nd Ave. North, Great Falls, Montana. Ph: 761-0274. Write, call or drop in.

D.J. (Jon Jay of Formosa) Please don’t let our tree die. I need you Love, Tina.

Bob Fleck—your Beardsley is ready. Come and get it.

ELECTRIC YO-YOs, glo balls, assorted peace-anklejewelry, buttons, posters, sew-on patches, beads, pipes & papers. We’re the East coast’s major wholesale supplier for psychedelic shops. FREE MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE. 25 cents brings yours air mail. Randy Wicker & Peter Orgren, FREE SPEECH INC.,28 St. Marks Pl., NYC 10003.

OUT TO LUNCH Underground newspaper at Henry Ford High School needs help & contributions. 14620 Pearson, Oak Park 48237. Send 15 cents for issue.

Leaving for California Oct. 1st. seeking: young lady to share expenses. 582-4684.

PSYCHEDELIC STOCK! Beads, Peace Symbols, Anklets. ALL TYPES OF JEWELRY, POSTERS, INCENSE, ETC. Huge stock of proven, fast-moving HIP items…Wholesale only—Distributors and Jobbers inquire at GOLDEN GATE SALES, 2217 Market, San Francisco, Cal. Phone 621-7235.

Jayne—are you a virgin? Richard Honky.

INCENSE—WILD INCENSE from California comes out of sight Strawberry, Coffee, Cherry, Spearmint, and Floral incense. Over 80 fragrances of high quality. Catalog incense, 1857 C 7th St. Santa Monica, Calif. Wholesale and Retail.

Underground Paper: INTER-COURSE publ. by the Sexual Freedom League. Mailed in pl. cover. $1. SFL, Box 14024, San Francisco, Calif. 94114.

Being held on bad trip. Help! Sp/4 Richard Perry US 54979106 H&S-2, USATCA PP (Comm.) Fort Knox, Ky. 40121.

Hank and Anita Malone wish to announce the birth of their son Alex born 9/13/68. Appropriately enough, he weighed 9 1/4 lbs.

Michigan serviceman would like to hear from girls in this area. Write: Sp/4 B.R. Card, RA 12773259, 120 Aviation Co. (AHC) “Razorbacks,” APO San Francisco, Calif. 96384.

The New Wave Film Festival is coming soon to Cass Tech.

Dear Betsy, I’m on honey and raw eggs. John Howard.

WHO RULES COLUMBIA? Power, money, and the University. Prepared by NACLA staff. 75 cents from: Radical Education Project, Box 625-Dept.5, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48107. Ask for REP lit. list.

Does Constantine Augustus “The Scum of the Mediterranean” Shay still exist?? If so, call Mo and Dave.

MAKE MONEY—ESP-DISK, LTD. wants sales reps EVERYWHERE. Sell FUGS, PEARLS BEFORE SWINE, SUN RA, etc. Write Box 69 ESP-DISK 156 5th Ave. New York, 10010.

MUGGS is coming back soon. Welcome home!

Blk. female artist seeks guide to higher creative peaks & experiences. Send ideas to: 2009 Hyde Park Road, Det. 48207.

French language instruction and tutoring by native French Teacher. Phone 835-5315.

Free 50 cent gift coupon when you send for our new super keen catalog of Incense, Posters, Flavored Cigarette Papers, Hip Glasses, Turtleneck Sweaters, Freaky Meditation Shirts, Guru Slack Suits, Roach Holder, Astrology Jewelery & Bonnie & Clyde Watches & Bell Bottom Pants. Send 25 cents postage and handling to: Z&Z 1152 So. Elm Dr., L.A., Calif. 90035

Male Nudes, Color Prints, and a full line of Photofinishing services, including superlative color printing. For Full Color Catalog of male nudes, send $3.00. Photofinishing info free on request. Write I.C.C.A., (Dept. FE) PO Box 1151, Tacoma, Washington 98401. Butch Groovy Guys!

RADICAL CRITIQUES: Lipset, Hoffer, Hartz, Boorstein, Rostow, others, criticized from radical perspective. 65 cents for six critiques from: Radical Education Project, Box 625-Dept. 5, Ann Arbor, Mi. 48107. Ask for lit list.