Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 62, Sept. 19-Oct. 2, 1968

Wed. Sept. 18

LUMBERJACK DAYS. Here’s your big chance to stock up on firewood for the winter. You can even pretend you’re Paul Bunyan in East Tawas, Michigan. And don’t forget your blue ox.

HOLIDAY ON ICE show at the Cobo Hall arena.

Thurs. Sept. 19

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA at Ford Aud. Soloist: Gary Graffman, pianist. 8:30 pm.

Fri. Sept. 20

OH DAD, POOR DAD, MOMMA’S HUNG YOU IN THE CLOSET AND I’M FEELING SO SAD. Presented at the Barn Theatre at Oakland U. Fifth Estate recommends it. For info: 338-7211.

CHIPPEWA INDIAN POW-WOW, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. All Indians and their friends are invited to attend the festivities. Of the special events, there will be war dances and smoke signaling contests and for the grand finale, the Indians are going to burn down Mt. Pleasant. Don’t miss this exciting happening.

UNDERGROUND CINEMA. This weekend the Detroit Repertory Theatre has these really hip films; Pictograms, Organum-Mulriplum, Modern Music, On the Beach, Powerman, Headgear, In the Beginning There Was No Beginning, & Comickarmic plot. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Shows at 11 pm and 1 am.

GRANDE BALLROOM. Uncle Russ presents in Detroit, from Detroit, The AMBOY DUKES as top billing since now they are famous rock ‘n’ roll stars. Along with the Dukes are the Flow & McKeena Mendelssohn Mainline. Grand River & Beverly. You must be 17.

ALGIERS MOTEL INCIDENT will be discussed in depth at the Friday Night Socialist Forum. Speaker will be Lonnie Peck, President of the WSU Association of Black Students. 8 pm. Debs Hall, 3737 Woodward.

CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. National board of ACLU will reconsider their decision that civil disobedience can’t be defended on a civil liberties basis at the ACLU meeting, 8 pm, Barth Hall Meeting Room, 4800 Woodward, corner of Hancock.

Sat. Sept. 21

FILMS FOR KIDS AND HEADS. A fantastic, freaky flit and cartoons for FREE at the WSU DeRov theatre. 2 pm.

OH DAD POOR DAD.. continues at the Barn Theatre at Oakland U. See 9/20.

MISHA DICHTER, pianist, at the U of D Memorial Bldg. 8:30 pm, $5, $4, & $3.

UNDERGROUND FLICS at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. See Sept. 20 for listings of flics.

GRANDE. the AMBOY DUKES appear along with the UP and other local bands. Come hear these trippy groups and don’t forget Barry Kramer’s hippy bullshit counter, which, by the way, has even more hippy bullshit than ever before. You must be 17. Grand River & Beverly.

Sun. Sept. 22

FLEA MARKET. An amazing assortment of old junk, mostly stuff you could find in your attic or garage. Although there are a few nice antiques and old clothes. Along lower Woodward. 10:30 am-6:30 pm.

GRANDE BALLROOM. No Age Limit for those of you who are under 17 and want to see the Amboy Dukes. Also, the Psychedelic Stooges and Rodney Knight and his Soul Sextet. 7-11 pm.

UP AGAINST THE WALL on WABX 99.5 FM, hosted by HARVEY OVSHINSKY. 11-midnight. Do not miss it.

Tues. Sept. 24

FLUID POWER EXPOSITION. an exhibition of power & cylinders at the Light Guard Armory, E. 3 Mi.

JAZZ CONCERT with the Hal McKinny Quintet. South Wing Sculpture Court. Det. Inst. of Arts. 7:30 pm. FREE.

Wed. Sept. 25

FLUID POWER EXPOSITION. Cylinders and gears and other groovy power toys on exhibit. Light Guard Armory. E. 8 Mile Rd.

DRAFT COUNSELING TRAINING SESSION. 4-8 pm at St. Joseph’s Church, corner of Woodward & King. Training for those people interested in learning draft counseling, taught by Jim Lafferty.

Thurs. Sept. 26

Two Bud West Films on Edward Munch. Lecture Hall, Cranbrook Academy of Art. 8 pm.


Fri. Sept. 27

THE REBELLION AGAINST TIME: the roots of current unrest. Speaker, Milton Covensky, professor of History 8:30 pm Rackham Aud. 80 Farnsworth.

OH DAD POOR DAD, MOMMA’S HUNG YOU IN THE CLOSET AND I’M FEELING SO SAD. At the Barn Theatre, Oakland U. Fifth Estate recommends it for all groovy people. See 9/20 for details.

THE ZOO STORY by Edward Albee & the Ridiculous Young Ladies will be presented at the U of D Mem. Bldg. 8:30 pm.

UNDERGROUND FILMS at the Det. Repertory Theatre. This weekend’s fun flicks include: Bob in Winter, America’s Wonderful, This is Jennifer, It’s Pleasure Time for You, Si See Sunny, Friday & DOPE. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Shows at 11 pm & 1 am.

GRANDE BALLROOM. Uncle Russ presents the McCoys (HANG ON SLOOPY) and the Spooky Tooth also, the Sabbath Opera. You must be 17. Grand River & Beverly.

Sat. Sept. 28

FREE FILMS FOR KIDS & HEADS. Come sec a flick and cartoon for a real trippy Saturday afternoon. Free. The Deroy Theatre. 2 pm, WSU. FESTIVAL OF THE FORKS. Whatever it is, sounds like the Mich. Tourist Council is trying to put something on. It’s in Albion, Mich.

RIC MASTEN, poet and song writer at the First Unitarian Church, Cass & Forest. 8 pm.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA at the Ford Aud. 3:30 pm.

Vittorio De Sica’s UMBERTO D (1954) and Life and Death of a Hollywood Extra (1928) at the WSU’ Community Arts Aud. 8:30 pm.

THE ZOO STORY and the Ridiculous Young Ladies at the U of D Mem. Bldg. 8:30 pm.

BALL FORMAL. No, rather a formal dinner ball sponsored by the Jr. Council Founder Society; anyone 21-40 may attend. Riviera Court 3: Great Hall Detroit Inst. of Arts. 6:30 pm-1 am.

GRANDE BALLROOM. The McCoys, Spooky Tooth, Wild Yam and Rama will perform. You gotta be 17. Grand River & Beverly.

Sun. Sept. 29

FLEA MARKET. This is the last Sunday the flea market will be open. Come down and stock up on junk for there won’t be another chance til next spring. Along lower Woodward. All day.

THE ZOO STORY, one of Albee’s best and the Ridiculous Young Ladies, U of D Mem. Bldg. 8:30 pm.

GRANDE. It isn’t positive whether or not Uncle Russ is going to have the ballroom open. Call 834-9348 and the tape recording will tell ya.

Tues. Oct. 1

HAMLET presented by the APA Repertory, Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor.

JAZZ CONCERT with the Jack Brokensha’s Quartet. Det. Inst. of Arts. 7:30 pm. FREE.

RETIREMENT: A NEW LEASE ON LIFE. A lecture for those of you who have made your millions in dealing or some other profitable business, and plan on retiring, come down and hear how to take it easy in your old age. U of D Explorers Room, Der. Main Library. 10 am.

Wed. Oct 2

HAMLET is here, at the WSU Hilberry Theatre, Cass & Hancock. For those of you who can’t make it to Ann Arbor or Oakland U. to see the play, don’t worry cause now WSU is doing it too. 2:30 pm.

LECTURE on lost cities of the ancient world. Lecture Hall, Der. Inst. of Arts. 8 pm.


SEPT. 22-OCT. 20. Ars Medica Collection. Medical students from 1500 to the present in 130 prints from the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Gallery 48-49 at the Det. Inst. of Arts.

SEPT. 24-31. FOR THE BIRDS an exhibit of Migration of Birds at Cranbrook Inst. of Science.

SEPT. 25-OCT. 20. Betty Parson’s collection, at the Cranbrook Academy of Arts. 1 pm

SEPT. 25-OCT. 31. From constructivism to kinetic art—growth of a modern tradition. London Arts Fisher Bldg., Mon.-Sat. 10 am-6 pm. Wed. & Fri. 10 am-8:30 pm.

OCT. 1-31. Sabbatical Exhibition of paintings by David A. Mitchell, professor. WSU. Community Arts, Gallery, 450 Kirby.

SEPT. 10-OCT. 18. Household arts of the classical world. Etruscan, Greek & Roman glass, metal work and pottery used in everyday life from VII century BC to IV century AD. Det. Inst. of Arts.

GENERAL ART EXHIBIT. Detroit Artist Market, 1452 Randolph St. 10 am-5 pm.

OCT. 2-NOV. 3. 101 American Primitive Watercolors and Pastels. Gallery 35, Der. Inst. of Arts.


W.S.U. University Christian Center. Putnam at 4th. Mon., Thurs., Fri. 1 pm-5 pm. Tues. & Wed., 1 pm

CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Woodward & East Adams. Sun. 8-10 pm.

MARTIN DE PORRES CENTER, 2234 Gratiot. Sun., 4-6 pm.

DRAFT RESISTANCE COMMITTEE 249 LaBelle, Highland Park. Mon. thru Fri. 10 am-3 pm.


LIVING END. The Celts will be here on Sept. 22, then Robert Jason, will be there. 8225 John Lodge. You must be 21.

RAPA HOUSE. This coffee house specializes in Creole Food and good blues entertainment. 96 Fisher Hwy. Call WO1-9846 for info.

RAVEN GALLERY. Shipley & Brewer, folk singers appear starting Sept. 24. Greenfield Rd. just north of 12 Mile. 353-1778.

CHESSMATE COFFEE HOUSE. Call S62-1354 to find out who will be there,


UNDERGROUND CINEMA, Det. Repertory Theatre. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Showtimes: Fri. & Sat. 11 pm & 1 am. Sun. & Mon. 7:30 & 9:30 pm.

THE FIFTH HORSEMAN IS FEAR coming to Studio 1, Livernois & Davison.

THE BRIDE WORE BLACK, Francois Truffaut, starting Sept. 25 at Studio North.

2001: A Space Odyssey. Summit Theatre, Washington Blvd. at Lafayette.


DETROIT, Sept. 17, 1968: As the Fifth Estate goes to press thousands of drunken Tiger fans run wild in the streets of downtown Detroit. The police, of course, stand idly by.

What would happen if thousands of enthusiastic anti-war demonstrators gathered in the streets of Detroit, chanting, singing, and tying up traffic as the Tiger fans have done tonight?