

Fifth Estate # 61, Sept. 5-18, 1968

Unclassifieds cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

All unclassifieds must be paid for in advance.

Send to: THE FIFTH ESTATE, 1107 W. Warren, Detroit 48201

Handsome young males (16-24) needed for legit modeling positions $15 per session—send photo and physical description to PO Box 8513, Det., 48224.

GIRLS: Dial-a-message, CR 8-5969 day-night for a relaxing groovy, complete body massage (French, Greek, or Roman) in your apt or mine by a handsome male technician.

Three attractive willing girls (15 years) for 3 willing boys, to meet in front of “Maternity Modes” at Northland Center, 9-14-68, 1 pm.

Let us all pray that M.U. regains his cool and sanity soon.

For Sale, Hill-100. Excellent view of Vietnam, Plenty of Vietcong to keep you company. Lots of good fucking in the area. See Dalton J. Moore, Hill 100, Vietnam.

1964 Olympic free-style Olympic tongue elompion needs young girls to practice on for coming 1968 games. Best candidate wins free trip to Mexico City, 642-5614.

Hohner portable electric piano with case, 1 yr. old, was $450 new. Sacirince $225. Call RHYK 356-6801.

D.J. (John Jay of Formosa) Please don’t let our tree die, I need you Love.

Wanted: 26 volumes of Warren Comm. testimony. Will pay for loan. Possibly from Lending Library. Call 864-3542.

1, 2 and 3 bedroom apts. for rent. Wayne S. Univ. area 342-9526

Female vocalist-guitarist wanted for male folk-ethnic-rock singer; purpose: album in making. Experience not necessary. Call TR3-1600 9-5, or UN2-8713, 8-10.

Young man, 24, student, 5’5″ 160 lbs, well built, seeks part-time sugar mama (25-40) for weekends. Must be clean, discreet and generous. No phonies. Write L-H, PO Box 64, Romulus, Michigan. Send photo, if possible. Be explicit.

Genie will chart your horoscope for you and interpret it. Send $3 with your birth date, time, and place to her at 1510 Hill St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104

LSD, Complete formula, legal. $1 Glennco, Box 834AA, Warren, Michigan. 48090.

Free your selfs from this sickening cycle of seige that forms our society, Join with me to form a symposium of press,- We need you—writers, artists, photographers. Call Cliff at 626-7542.

Freeks, if you are having trouble finding clothes to suit your deviated tastes, call Chris and Becky for custom designed and tailored clothes. 1-769-2017.

SWINGERS ONLY. Articles in the Swinger cover everything: sex hangups, How To Get The Party Started, How to Convince your Wife, and more. The Swinger reports the local scene: where to go, what to do, where the parties are and what happens. We provide a meeting place to meet new friends for a more active time. The Swinger is written for you and by you, the only publication of its kind. Get in the swing—subscribe today: $5.00 per year. Introductory copy $1.00. The Swinger, Box 7460-FE, Hollywood, CA 90004.

Bill Drollinger call me: 273-5153, Val.

Drivers’ licenses. Fill in your name, address, etc. $2, Glennco, Box 834, Warren, Mich. 48090.

Scrambler, Honda ’65, with helmet, sacrifice for $195.

Mother’s helper needed for 2 infants with light housekeeping in exchange for room and board, expectant mother welcomed if over 18. Write 5525 Harvard.

INCENSE WILD INCENSE from California comes out of sight Strawberry, Coffee, Cherry, Spearmint, and Floral incense. Over 80 fragrances, of high quality. Catalog, incense, 1857-C 7th St., Santa Monica, Calif. Wholesale and Retail.

PSYCHEDELIC STOCK! Beads, Peace Symbols, Ankhs. ALL TYPES OF JEWELRY, POSTERS, INCENSE, ETC. Huge stock of proven, fast-moving HIP items. Wholesale only: distributors and Jobbers inquire at GOLDEN GATE SALES, 2217 Market, San Francisco, Cal., Phone 621-7235.

Good looking bachelor likes to make love during the day. Works 4 to 12 shift. Call before 11 am. 883-0068.

This is your last chance to send a dollar, PO Box 938, Sun Valley, Calif. 91352.

Underground Paper: INTERCOURSE published by the Sexual Freedom League. Mailed in plain cover. $1, SFL, Box 14024, San Francisco Calif. 94114

I will model nude for artists in the WSU campus area in your pad or studio for $8 per hour, if you are interested—and not sex-minded please call Susie at 833-4260.

Being held on bad trip. Help! Sp/4 Richard Perry US 54979106 H&S-2, USATCA PP (Commo.) Fort Knox, Ky. 40121.

Mary, Mary very unexpectedly put this guy back on the track. Hopefully she’ll stay and keep him there. Denis.

Michigan serviceman would like to hear from girls in this area. Write:- Sp/4 B.R. Card; RA: T27- 73259, 120 Aviation Co. (AHC) “Razorbacks,” APO San Francisco, Calif. 96384.

Attention High School students. Go to college and get an education so that you will be able to have a managerial position instead of a low-class, high-paying job as an assembly worker. (Brought to you as a public service by Ford, GM, Chrysler, and American Motors.)

Photographer needs gals to pose in the nude in your pad or elsewhere, no experience necessary. Marc LeBlanc, 4121 Sunningdale Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013.

WHO RULES COLUMBIA? Power, money, and the University. Prepared by NACLA staff. 75 cents from: Radical Education Project, Box 625-Dept.5, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48107. Ask for REP lit. list.

Does Constantine Augustus “The Scum of the Mediterranean” Shay still exist? If so, call Mo and Dave.

WHO IS CHERRY (BUMTRIP) VACUOUS? Find out in THE WORD, 918 Kerlerec, New Orleans, 70116; underground news from the deeeep South.

Friendly, happy, life-loving couple would love to hear from similar couples or singles in Mich. Write Box 432, Flint.

French language instruction and tutoring by native French Teacher. Phone 835-5315.

Five 50 cent gift coupon when you send for our new super keen catalog of Incense, Posters, Flavored Cigarette Papers, Hip GIasses, Turtleneck Sweaters, Freaky Meditation Shirts, Guru Slack Suits, Roach Holder, Astrology Jewelry & Bonnie & Clyde Watches & Bell Bottom Pants. Send 25 cents postage and Handling to Z&Z 1152 S. Elm Dr., LA, Calif. 90035.

Male Nudes, Color Prints, and a full line of Photofinishing services, including superlative color printing. For Full Color Catalog of male nudes, send $3.00 Photofinishing info free on request. Write I.C.O.A. (Dept. FE) PO Box 1151, Tacoma, Washington 98401. Butch Groovy Guys!

I HAVE A DREAM bumper stickers; 50 cents donation, available from Poor People’s Campaign Support Comm., 4616 Woodward, Detroit. Ph: 833-3641 or 833-3251

NEED MONEY? Be a sales representative for a socio-politico, satirical new poster line. Ideal for individuals and organizations. Write for complete poster profit kit: GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT, Box 427, Wayzata, MN 55391.

MAKE MONEY — ESP-DISK, LTD. wants sales reps EVERYWHERE. Sell FUGS, PEARLS BEFORE SWINE, SUN RA, etc. Write Box 69 ESP-DISK 156 5th Ave. New York, 10010.