

Fifth Estate # 61, Sept. 5-18, 1968

David Wheeler, chairman of the Draft Resistance, and Frank Joyce, National Director of People Against Racism, were recently allowed to retain their freedom from the draft for the time being.

Following an early Morning demonstration on August 19th, Wheeler received a 4-F deferment and Joyce received a 1-Y, both on political grounds.

Later that same day, the Resistance and a number of organizations from the Detroit area (including the McCarthy people) turned out for a demonstration against LBJ, who postponed his landing in Detroit and thus missed the festivities.

Also sponsored by the Resistance that week were demonstrations against ex-governor George Wallace, and the Soviet Union’s actions in Czechoslovakia.

The latter, staged at Campus Martius, drew a number of the VFW conventioneers. Although they couldn’t criticize the demonstrators’ criticism of Russia’s actions, the VFW couldn’t quite agree with the parallel drawn to Vietnam.

The Resistance is preparing for another national draft card turn-in on November 14. Meetings are being held on Sunday nights at 31 King Street in Detroit at 6:00 pm. All those interested, either in returning your draft card to your board, or helping the Resistance in their efforts to free America, are urged to attend.

Information can be obtained from the above address or by phoning 874-4334.