Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 60, August 15-September 4, 1968


THE AMERICAN DRAMA FESTIVAL continues at Greenfield Village. Under-the Gaslight will be presented in the Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 8:30pm.

FUN AT MEADOWBROOK. It’s the last weekend of the series. Bring your friends and food and have a (stoned soul) picnic while Edith Peinemann, violinist, does her thing. 8:30pm. Take I-75 to Rochester University Dr. Exit.

FEED YOUR HEAD while Alice, White Rabbit, Caterpillar and friends entertain you. ALICE IN WONDERLAND will be presented at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. One showing only, 8pm 13103 Woodrow Wilson, $1 adm.

FRI: AUG. 16

ART THING. The Cass Tech artist workshop holding an art exhibit at Kennedy Square. 9:30am-12:30pm. Come see this really hip exhibit.

FLOWER POWER. An outdoor flower market will be on at Kennedy Square. 11am-5pm. Maybe you’ll meet some nice hippy passing out flowers or weed.

CULTURE IS FUN series is showing Dog of Flanders presented by International Institute. 1:30pm at the International Institute. Free.

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, live, presented on the lawn of the Detroit Public Library, (Cass & Kirby) by Civic Center Theatre Staff. 2pm. FREE.

PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION part of the Detroit Festival of Arts. W.S.U. Community Arts Gallery. 4:30pm FREE.

THE FANTASTICKS will be presented by the Court Theatre of Detroit at Ferndale High. 881 Pinecrest. 8:30pm;

PLENTY OF GRASS and trees at Meadowbrook, so you can lie around in the park and listen to Edith Peinemann, violinist, in a fantastic outdoor scene. Take I-75 to Rochester University Dr. 8:30pm.

JAZZ CONCERT on the steps of Rackham Educ. Memorial Bldg. with Jazz Masters Quintet, Hal McKinney Quintet, Kirk Lightsey Quintet and others. 7:30pm. FREE.

POETRY AND FOLK MUSIC presented by local poets and folk singers at the-Kresge Court Detroit Institute of Arts. 8:30pm FREE.

GRANDE. Uncle Russ has FINALLY got COUNTRY JOE and the FISH after repeated cancellations and disappointments. Come listen to their weird electronic music. It will be a completely unique experience. Also, the Muffs & Frost. It is advised that you get advance tickets so then you don’t have to hassle the lines. You gotta be 17. Grand River & Beverly.

PSYCHEDELIC. The Dutch Tea (totally freeky heads, BMF & SYD) and the Thyme from A2 (Jeep’s group) will play at the Village Pub. If you don’t mind the suburban hippies from the Birmingham area, you’ll dig it. Maple & Brownell in Birmingham.

UNDERGROUND FLICS at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. This weekend’s lineup includes: Relativity, & George Dum pson’s Place and probably some “dirty” flics too. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. 11pm & 1am shows.

SAT. AUG. 17

FILMS FOR KIDS AND HEADS every Saturday in August. Presented by the W.S.C. Cinema Guild. This week THE HORROR OF DRACULA and cartoons. 2 & 4pm. FREE. In the Lower DeRoy Theatre. WSU.

HIP FLICS, homemade movies by kids in Toronto and New York. WSU Community Arts Auditorium. 3pm. FREE.

IN WHITE AMERICA will be presented by the Court Theatre of Detroit. It is a poignant chronicle of the Negro’s centuries-old legacy of pain. Ferndale High, 881 Pinecrest Dr. 8:30pm.

DIG FOLK MUSIC & POETRY? Then come to Kresge Court at the Institute of -Arts and see what’s happening. 8:30pm. FREE.

JAZZ CONCERT on the steps of the Rackham Bldg. 7:30pm. FREE.

COUNTRY JOE and the FISH are at the Grande Ballroom. Groove to their music as they quickly enter your head and definitely mess your mind, in an outasite way. Also; the (insane) Psychedelic Stooges and the Pack $4.50 adm. Grand River and Beverly. You must be 17.

MEADOWBROOK’S LAST WEEKEND. Be sure to come spend an evening doing your thing in the park before they close up for the season. Gregor l’iatugorsky, Cellist, will be playing. Take I-75 to Rochester University Dr. 8:30pm.

UNDERGROUND CINEMA. Do not forget that the Detroit Repertory Theatre has underground flics at 11pm & 1am. Call 868-1347 to find out what is Playing this weekend, Or, just go there and be surprised. 13103 Woodrow Wilson.

SUN. AUG. 18

FLEA MARKET. A really hip assortment of antiques, old clothing and people. All along lower Woodward starting at Kennedy Square. 10:30am-6:30pm. Band Concert 3-5pm.

FIREMAN’S FIELD DAY at Tiger Stadium. Oopscy the Clown will be there. 3:30pm.

Organs and chimes concert by Anna Brill at the Belle isle Carillon Tower, 5pm.

FASHION EXCITEMENT for ’69. If you are really worried about the new back to school fashions, there will be some kind of fashion thing to show you what all the nice kids are wearing. McGregor Memorial Sculpture Court, W.S.U. 8 pm. FREE.

BLACK CHOREOLOGIA, an ensemble of singers, dancers and poets. WSU Community Arts Aud. 7:30pm. FREE.

BRIGADOON. Last night to see this musical presented by the Detroit Summer Theatre at the Detroit Institute of Arts.

COUNTRY JOE and the FISH perform live in psychedelic sounds and colors. A NO age limit thing. 7-11 pm. $4.50adm.

UP AGAINST THE WALL. Harvey Ovshinsky’s own radio show on WABX, 99.5FM, 11-12 midnight. DIG IT.

MEADOWBROOK concert with Gregor Piaugorsky, cellist. It’s the Last Night of the summer thing, come out and listen to music under the stars.

MON. AUG. 19

FREE PUPPET SHOW. WSU Mall. Cass near Putnam. 3pm.

TALENT SHOW by teen-age performing artists. Rackham Memorial Bldg. Part of the arts festival. 8:30pm. FREE.

DETROIT SCENE I: Experimental film by local film makers. See these flics, and maybe you’ll see yourself in one of them. Who knows, it could be your first movie career break. 8:30pm W.S.C. Community Arts Aud. FREE.


RIP VAN WINKLE will be presented at the Henry Ford Museum. Greenfield Village, 8:30pm

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA with Valter Poole conducting, Soloist Joseph Striplin violinist, Rackham Memorial Bldg. steps 8:30pm.

DETROIT SCENE II: More experimental films by local film makers. Lower DeRoy Aud. Cass near Putnam. 8:30pm. FREE.

AFRO-AMERICAN DANCERS PERFORM at the WSU Community Arts Aud. 8:30pm FREE.

WED. AUG. 21

DETROIT HAPPENING (and other groovier) Band Concert 6:30pm Most restaurants have the two for one meal downtown, if you’re willing to spend the bread.

THE BICYCLE THIEF (Italy 1949) will be shown at Ferndale High, 881 Pinecrest, 8pm.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Valter Poole conducting, Rackham Educational Memorial Bldg. steps, 8:30pm.

DETROIT SCENE III: Experimental films by local film makers Probably nice non-pornographic flics. Sponsored by the Mayor’s Committee on Culture. 8:30pm FREE.

DETROIT CONTEMPORARY DANCE CO. Vera Embrec, Director. Det. Inst. of Arts. Aud. 8:30pm. FREE.


DETROIT SCENE IV: More experimental films by local film makers. Lower DeRoy Aud. Cass near Putnam. 8:30pm. FREE.


OUTDOOR FOLK DANCING on Kirby sponsored by International Institute. Kirby bet. Woodward and John R. FREE.

FRI. AUG. 23

PARADE in connection with the opening of the 19th annual Michigan State Fair. If you don’t have anything to do for some strange reason, come watch this exciting happening. 10am, downtown Detroit.

FLOWER MARKET at Kennedy Square, Come down and sniff all the different flowers, who knows, you may discover a new high. 11am-5pm.

OUTDOOR ART WORKSHOP: Cass Tech’s artist workshop will be at Kennedy Sq. 9:30am-12:30 pm. Artists will be doing paintings of people passing by.

GREEN PASTURES: A film sponsored by the International Institute will be shown as a part of the Culture is Fun series. 1:30pm. International Inst.

MICHIGAN STATE FAIR opening day. Entertainment includes The Young Americans, at 4, 6, and 10pm shows: Gladys Knight and the Pips: 3, 5, 9pm shows: Hurricane Hell Drivers: 2, 8pm shows: and Horse shows too plus all sorts of rides and Free Exhibits. And lots of groovy things to eat. $1.50 adm. unless you can pass for under 12 and then it’s free.

GRANDE BALLROOM Uncle Russ presents Albert King, the Underground Wall and the Charging Rhinoceros. $2.50 adm. You must be 17. Grand River south of Joy.

SAT. AUG. 24

MICHIGAN STATE FAIR: Young Americans, Gladys Knight and the Pips. Hurricane Hell Drivers (WOW) and don’t forget the double Ferris Wheel. $1.50 adm.

DAVY CROCKETT and the RIVER PIRATES will be shown at the Lower DeRoy Theatre of W.S.U, All kids and heads are invited. 2 & 4pm. It’s FREE.

PLEASE DON’T SNEEZE. Hilarious comedy with music. for kids and hip people. Ferndale High, 881 Pinecrest. $4 adm. 1pm. For further info call LI.2-2535.

INTERNATIONAL DANCE COMPETITION. Dancing Championships 2 Days Advance tickets $10 and $15 at the door $15 and $25. Cobo Hall, Call Wo.2-5870 to find out more details.

TEEN MADE FILMS made in Toronto and New York by teen groups. W.S.U. Community Arts. Aud. 3pm.

RIP VAN WINKLE will be presented at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre, Greenfield Village 8:30pm.

PRIVATE EAR AND PUBLIC EYE. Two comedies presented by the Court Theatre of Detroit. Ferndale High, 881 Pinecrest Dr. 8:30pm.

A DETROIT HAPPENING (??) part of the festival of arts program. Come see just who the mayor’s council is trying to put on. Lower DeRoy Aud. 7pm.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. on the steps of the Rackham Education Bldg. 8:30pm FREE

ALBERT KING at the Grande Ballroom. Phone 834-9348 to find out who else. $2.50.

DANCING IN THE STREETS. Summer’s here and the time is right…part of the festival of arts thing. There will be Street Rock Dancing with 2 Bands (Wonder who?) Cass and Kirby. 9pm FREE.

SUN. AUG. 25

FLEA MARKET. Be sure and come down and visit all the hip outdoor shops. There’s plenty of antiques, clothes, toys and people. Its the last Sunday so don’t miss it. Downtown Woodward, 10:30am-6:30pm.

STATE FAIR: The Young Americans, and Gladys Knight and the Pips put on shows free. Plenty of things to do especially if you have money. $1.50 adm.

ALBERT KING at the Grande Ballroom, with Dharma and the Wilson Mower Pursuit. $2.50 adm. No Age Limit. 7-11pm.

UNDERGROUND FLICS at the Detroit Repertory Theatre. Call 868-1374 to find out what groovie movies they have this week.

DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Valter Poole conducting. Soloist: Gloria Hill, soprano. Rackham Memorial Bldg. steps. 8:30pm. FREE.

JOHN LEE HOOKER, and other great blues artists will perform at the Kresge Court. Detroit Institute of Arts. 8:30pm. FREE.

STREET ROCK DANCING with 2 bands at Cass and Kirby. 9pm FREE

YIPPIE. On to Chicago. Hippies, Yippies, Freaks and Heads will all flock to the Youth International Party in Chicago, despite rumors of violence. The week long “Yip In” will be full of music (by top rock groups) and fun.

MON. AUG. 26

MICHIGAN STATE FAIR continues with Smokey Robinson and the Miracles 2, 5 & 9pm shows. And My Cup Runneth Over king. Ed Ames. 4:30, 7:30 and 10pm shows. Plus an aerial spectacular with the man on the flying trapeze and some of his friends. $1.50 adm.

YIPPIE. If you’re bored with the city, split to Chicago and groove at the Yippie Convention. There shouldn’t be any trouble obtaining a ride from some friendly freak who is going there. Bring sleeping bag, or blankets, since the beach will be the crashing pad.

WED., AUG. 28

MICHIGAN STATE FAIR: Smokey Robinson. Ed Ames, Aerial Spectacular and plenty of exhibits happening all day. Woodward & 5 Mile. $1.50 adm.

BAND CONCERT last week to enjoy the Det. Happening thing. 6:30 pm.

RICHARD III. (England, 1955) will be shown at Ferndale High School, 881 Pinecrest Dr. 8 pm.


STATE FAIR continues with (The Ideal Family) The Cowsills at 4:30, 7, & 9pm. And Arthur Godfrey and his horse Goldie, (no kidding) 6:30pm. Arthur will also appear in a Horse Show. Rides, exhibits, and food all day. $1.50 adm.

FRI., AUG. 30

ART WORKSHOP by Cass Tech artists at Kennedy Sq. 9:30am12:30pm.

UNCLE RUSS presents in Det. Howling Wolf, and the Air speed Indicator and you know where this is all happening, (the Grande Ballroom), and this week it’s only $2.50 so take advantage of this bargain. You gotta be 17. Grand River & Beverly.


LIVING END keeps Phil Marcus Esser on through August. He is one of the finest in folk music and blues. 8225 John Lodge. You must be 21.

RAPA HOUSE. This coffee house specializes in Creole Food and good blues. 96 Fisher Fwy. East, 1/2 block east of Woodward. Call Mrs. Rodgers, the owner, at Wo.1-9846 to find out who will be there.

CHESSMATE COFFEE HOUSE Chicago Slim Blues Band will be there one weekend soon, call to find out when. Also, Tom Rush is expected to come Labor Day Weekend, but it’s not definite. Phone 862-1554.

RAVEN GALLERY has folk and blues singer Bob Posch. Greenfield Rd. just north of 12 Mile. Phone 353-1778 for any more details.


UNDERGROUND CINEMA Detroit Repertory Theatre. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Fri. & Sat. 11 pm & 1 am Sun. & Mon. 7:30 pm & 9:30 pm shows.

ELVIRA MADIGAN at the Studio North. Woodward & 9

DETROIT DISCOVERY, a ten-city-wide ten-day festival of the arts, begins Fri. Aug. 16, and continues thru Sun. Aug. 25.

BENJAMIN until Aug.21. then Petulia at the Studio New Center. Grand Blvd. & 3rd.

FESTIVAL at the Studio 1. Livernois at Davison.

“2001: A Space Odyssey.” Summit Theatre. Washington Blvd. at Lafayette.

ROSEMARY’S BABY at the Michigan, Americana, Birmingham. Cinema II, Warren. Call individual theatres for times.