

Fifth Estate # 59, August 1-14, 1968

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

Good looking bachelor likes to make love during the day. Works,4 to 12 shift. Call before 10 am 883-0068.

Lenny Bruce died 2 years ago August 3rd. Please remember him.

WANTED: Someone to transcribe interviews with Procol Harum, Arthur Brown, The Who, The Cream, and others, from tape to typewritten copy. These will appear in the Fifth Estate if we can get someone to do it. Contact Tony Ray or Barry Kramer at Full Circle. 321-1130.

Amateur photographer seeks attractive model. Good hourly salary. Send phone number to Box 5121 Teleford Station, Dearborn 48128.

Greg: Stop using people and you’ll turn out to be a great individual. I’ll always love you! Betty.

Folk music fan wanted to exchange stereo tapes thru mail. Nielsen, 633rd Engr. Co., APO S.F. 96358.

SWAHILI Will teach Swahili. Call 833-3770 or write Apt. 5, 4470 Second, Detroit.

Otis Redding (1941-67) was nationally overlooked throughout his recording career. Request Otis for Underground Radio.

People interested in organising hyper-active LeMar group in Detroit 833-0935.

35 year old bachelor with lots of privacy wants to meet swinging girls in Michigan or Indiana, 2330 years old. Write PO Box 375, Madison Heights, Mich. 48071.

Male Nudes, Color Prints, and a full line of Photofinishing services, including superlative color printing. For Full Color Catalog of male nudes, send $3.00. Photofinishing info free on request. Write I.C.C.A., (Dept. FE) PO Box 1151, Tacoma, Washington 98401. Butch Groovy Guys!

Writer-journalist wants very small, working or broken offset printing press. $25/trade. Call Kim,626-7853 after 6pm.

Dyna stereo, 70 amp, PAS-3X Preamp, Fan, Hdphne Box – $1001 834-4685.

1, 2, and 3 bedroom apts. for rent. Wayne State Univ. area. 342-9526.

HELP! Suburban artist, 32, now living in inner city is laying around his pad drunk since my girl friend went back to her husband and left me. I need a girl friend. Call Dave, 5-8 pm or after midnight on weekends, 868-3799.

I’m in Vietnam. Need money. Send pennies, nickels, dimes, whatever. Love. Hugh Turner, 613th T.C. Det, APO S.F. Calif. 96383.

Support Pat Paulsen for President! Large fluorescent bumper stickers: 45 cents each, four for $1. Glenn Ordell, 24622 Curie, Warren, Mich.

INCENSE, WILD INCENSE from California comes out of sight Strawberry, Coffee, Cherry, Spearmint, and Floral incense. Over 80 fragrances of high quality. Catalog incense, 1857 C 7th St. Santa Monica, Calif. Wholesale and Retail.

I HAVE A DREAM bumper stickers, 50 cents donation, available from Poor People’s Campaign Support Comm., 4616 Woodward, Detroit. Ph: 833-3641 or 833-3251

Underground Paper: INTERCOURSE publ. by the Sexual Freedom League. Mailed in plain cover. $1. SFL, Box 14024, San Francisco, Calif. 94114.

SWINGERS ONLY Articles in the Swinger cover everything: sex hangups, How to Get the Party Started, How to Convince your Wife, and More…The Swinger reports the local scene: where to go, what to do, where the parties are and what happens. We provide a meeting place to meet new friends for a more active time. The Swinger is written for you and by you – the only publication of its kind, Get in the swing now – subscribe today: $5.00 per year…Introductory copy: $1.00. The Swinger, Box 7460-FE, Hollywood, Calif. 90004.

For a sample copy of America’s best homosexual mag, send $1 to Tangents, 34721/2 Cahuenga, Hollywood,Cal. (Bar guide $3).

World’s Greatest One Dollar Pot Rolling Machine for 98 cents. Send 98 cents to Tribal Industries, PO Box 1194A, Dept. F, Detroit, Mich. 48232. Dealer Inquiries Invited.

Gay transvestite, 27, wants to meet sugar daddy or aggressive female. Write A.I., Box 192, Royal Oak, Mich. 48067.

People interested in formation of film co-op, call 833-0935.

GIRLS: Dial-a-massage CR 8-5969 day-night for a relaxing groovy complete body massage (French, Greek or Roman) in your apt. or mine by handsome male technician.

Free 50 cent gift coupon when you send for our new super keen catalog of Incense, Posters, Flavored Cigarette Papers, Hip Glasses, Turtleneck Sweaters, Freaky Meditation Shirts, GuruSlackSuits, Roach Holder, Astrology Jewelery & Bonnie & Clyde Watches & Bell Bottom Pants. Send 25 cents postage and handling to: Z&Z 1152 So. Elm Dr., L.A., Calif. 90035

Detroit Mouse: Carl L. is looking for you. Contact him through the Fifth Estate office.

NEED MONEY? Be a sales representative for a socio-politico-satirical new poster line. Ideal for individuals and organizations. Write for complete poster profit kit: GROSS NATIONAL -PRODUCT, Box 427, Wayzata, MN 55391.

Single Male student has apartment to share with Single Male. Likes Music and Art. Call evenings 831-0513.

Intellectual vaudeville is “An Ode to Wilhelm Reich,” 2-Act. Single copy $2 to Detroit Drama Workshop, 19211 Tracey.

Now, new formulas use legal chemicals to make legal synthetic Hash (THC) PLUS the famous TURN-ON BOOK telling how to make or grow Mescaline, LSD, DMT, Peyote, etc. $2.00 to TURN-ONS UNLIMITED, Dept. 7, 313 No. Edinburgh, Los Angeles, Calif. 90048. If not ecstatic, we refund.

FILM FESTIVAL Attention movie makers. Enter Saginaw’s first 8mm/Super 8 Film Festival. Films submitted may be any subject or any length. Deadline for entries is August 17th. Prizes will be awarded the best films.

Entry blanks are available from: W. Wegner, Chairman, 4373 Wayside South, Saginaw, Mich. 48603.

Man with M.A. in History tutors History & English Composition. Call 832-0965, ask for Sam, and leave number.

ORGY BUTTER (The Luxury Lubricant) A bold, warm red body rub for fun loving people. ORGY. BUTTER adds to your enjoyment with a slippery, sensual effect. Its subtle scent mingles with body ordors to stimulate your senses and turn you on time and time again. The ORGY BUTTER itself works into the skin with rubbing, providing an after—glow. ORGY BUTTER, a delicious addition to a full and loving life, comes in a four—ounce jar of daring delight. Send $3.00 for one jar of ORGY BUTTER to: TURN—ONS UNLIMITED 313 N. Edinburgh Dept. 7 Los Angeles, Calif. 90048

BILL DROLLINGER: You passed all courses in school. You are welcome at home. Please return by August 16 for vacation or at least by September 4 for school. We love you. Mother, Dad, and Steve. Want to roll a perfect, one-handed joint every time? Bamboo Rolling Machine complete with package of papers: 2 for $1. Bamboo, 3729 Cass, Det., Mich. 48201.