Events Calendar

August 1 to 14

Fifth Estate # 59, August 1-14, 1968


Come watch the league leading Tigers sock it to the Washington Senators in a night game. It’s fun if you don’t get hasseled by some obnoxious popcorn vender. 8 p.m. Tiger Stadium.

ENJOY good FOLK MUSIC by Danny Cox. Now at the Raven Gallery until Aug. 11. Greenfield Rd. just north of 12 Mile Rd. Open every night but Mondays. For any information call 353-1778.

CONCERT. The Detroit Concert Band with Dr. Leonard Smith conducting at the Belle Isle Band Shell. 8:15 p.m. FREE

MEADOWBROOK. The American Ballet Theatre presents Chopin, Les Sylphides with a cast of 90, along with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Bring your friends and a blanket. Then lay in the grass and do your thing with the ballet and orchestra in the background. It’s a pleasant way to spend an evening. 8 p.m. Take I-75 to the Rochester University Drive exit.

NEEDLES AND PINS. Part of the American Drama Festival at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre. Greenfield Village. 8:30 p.m.


CASS TECH Outdoor art workshop. Kennedy Square, Downtown Detroit. From 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

FLOWER CHILDREN will love the Outdoor Flower Market at Kennedy Square, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

CARILLON CONCERTS. A concert of organs and chimes. Belle isle Carillon Tower. 5:30 p.m.

COURT THEATRE OF DETROIT presents THE DRAGON. A delightful and charming fantasy. Ferndale High Auditorium 881 Pinecrest Dr. 8:30 p.m.

UNDER THE GASLIGHT will be presented as a part of the Americar Drama Festival at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre, Greenfield Village. 8:30 p.m.

BLACK NATIONALISM, a lecture and discussion sponsored by the Friday Night Socialist Forum. Debs Hall, 3737 Woodward 8 p.m.

CONCERT. Detroit Concert Band, music under the stars. Michigan State Fairgrounds, Band Shell 8:15 p.m.

BEAU GESTE and THAT FUNNY FEELING will be shown at WSU’s Community Arts Aud. 7 p.m. FREE.

UNDERGROUND CINEMA. For those of you who dig underground flics, don’t forget the Detroit Repertory Theatre at 13103 Woodrow Wilson. This weekend, KNOSE JOB, X, SUPER UP, FOUL IS FAIR, and DROP will be shown. 11 p.m. & 1 a.m.

OUTDOOR FUN AT MEADOWBROOK. Come see the American Ballet Theatre present ETUDES. Bring your blankets and some incense to keep the bugs and cops away. But you don’t have to worry too much about getting hasseled by either. Take I-75 to Rochester University Dr.

HUMPHREY DEMONSTRATION. PROTEST THE WAR. 7:30 p.m. at Cobo Hall. Sponsored by 5th Estate, Student Mobilization, and Draft Resisters League.

THE PAUPERS from Toronto are finally back at the GRANDE after constant promises from Uncle Russ. But this time it’s for real. Come groove on this group, you’ll dig it. Also folk singer Hank Shiffern will be there. You gotta be 17. Grand River & Beverly. 2.50 adm.

FRANK SINATRA, Trini Lopez and some other guys at Cobo Hall. 7:30; the price is pretty much a joke cause tickets are around $10. But if you find someone rich to take you, then you haven’t any problems. So, start looking, there isn’t much time.


UNDER THE GASLIGHT, a play presented at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre. Greenfield Village. 8:30 p.m.

MEADOWBROOK. The American Ballet Theatre presents Etudes. Sit at the band shell or just lay in the grass. It’s a nice place to do your thing. Take I-75 to Rochester University Dr.

THE DRAGON. Drift back into your childhood (or just in case you haven’t left it yet) and come see this charming fantasy play. Presented by the Court Theatre of Detroit. Ferndale High Auditorium. 881 Pinecrest Dr. 8:30.

EMANCIPATION SHOW with the Parliaments and other groups. Call Cobo Hall to find out who else is there. WO. 2-5870.

CONCERT Band at the State Fairgrounds Band Shell 8:15.

GRANDE. The Paupers are there along with folk singer Hank Shiffern, for your psychedelic freekout enjoyment. You gotta be 17. $2.50 adm.


ALL SORTS of junk and people at the Summer Flea Market along lower Woodward. 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Band Concert at Kennedy Square. 3-5 p.m. It’s part of the thing to make Detroit alive again, sponsored by some straight Detroit committee. If you’re freeky looking, come down and blow a few minds.

CONCERT Band at the State Fairgrounds Band Shell. 8:15 p.m.

THE PRIVATE EAR and The Public Eye, twin comedies presented by the Court Theatre of Detroit. Ferndale Hieh Aud. 881 Pinecrest. 7:30

A NO AGE LIMIT THING at the Grande Ballroom with the Paupers and Hank Shiffern. 7-11 p.m. Grand River & Beverly.

HARVEY OVSHINSKY on WABX 99.5 FM at 11 p.m. Listen to the music and things that go on until midnight. It will be weird.


RIP VAN WINKLE will be presented at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre. Greenfield Village, 8:30 p.m. (If you plan on going to sleep for 20 years, be sure and see this play first, so you’ll know exactly what to do.)


TIGER BASEBALL. Detroit Tigers battle the Cleveland Indians in a twinight doubleheader. Maybe the Indians will pass around the (peace) pipe between games. 5:30 p.m. Tiger Stadium.

ART. A gallery talk on contemporary sculpture. 10:15 a.m. in the Sculpture Court. Detroit Institute of Arts.

NEEDLES AND PINS, presented in the Henry Ford Museum Theatre as a part of the American Drama Festival. Greenfield Village. 8:30 p.m.


FILM CLASSIC sponsored by Oakland Community College. The Passion of JOAN OF ARC and Blood of the Poet. (France, 1928, 1932.) Ferndale High Aud. 881 Pinecrest Dr. 8 p.m.

KISS ME, KATE will be presented by the Detroit Summer Theatre thru Aug. 11 at the Detroit Institute of Arts on the John R entrance. 8:30 p.m. for ticket info. call 832-2730.

CONCERT Band At The Belle Isle Band Shell. 8:15 p.m. free.


CONCERT Band at the Belle Isle Band Shell. 8:15 p.m. Free.

Have yourself a (stoned soul) picnic in the beautiful park. Take I-75 to Rochester University Dr.

CONCERT Band at the State Fairgrounds Band Shell. 8:15 p.m.

TIGER BASEBALL at Tiger Stadium. 8 p.m.

UNDERGROUND CINEMA showing: REDPATH 25, THE SEEDS, VIBRANT NUDES, HARD HAT AREA, PLASTIC LOVER. Detroit Repertory Theatre. 13103 Woodward Wilson. 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. shows. The above is running all weekend.

GRANDE. If you can last through the sweltering temperature of the ballroom, you will see or hear THE CANNED HEAT and the Rationals. It will be quite a heat trip in both respects. $3.00 adm.

Carmen McCrae and Godfrey Cambridge will be at Ford Aud. 8:30 p.m. Tickets $3 & $5.00

SAT. AUG. 10.

THEATER. Under the Gaslight will be presented at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre at Greenfield Village, 8:30.

Court Theatre of Detroit presents THE DRAGON, a fantasy play at Ferndale High 881 Pinecrest Dr. 8:30.

BASEBALL. Here’s another chance to sit in the bleachers and get a suntan and watch Detroit play Boston. 2:15 p.m. Tiger Stadium.

CONCERT. Detroit Concert Band plays under the stars at the State Fairgrounds. 8:15 p.m.

TIME, HAS COME TODAY…The Chambers Brothers in concert along with the IRON BUTTERFLY and Sly and The Family Stone. It should be a fantastic thing with these three out of sight groups. Ford Aud. 5:30 & 9:30 shows. Price is the only bummer. $3.50, $4.50 and $5.50.

CANNED HEAT at the Grande Ballroom. Also the Unrelated Segments and the Children. $3.00 adm. 7 – 11 p.m.

LISTEN to Up Against The Wall on WABX, 99.5 FM with Harvey Ovshinsky 11-12 midnight.

MON. AUG. 12



ART. The Graphic Art of Mary Cassatt, aquatints, etchings, and lithographs on exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Arts until Aug. 18. Free 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

DID YOU KNOW that 40 NEW PENGUINS have just arrived at the Detroit Zoo? Come visit them along with all the lions and tigers and bears, (sorry, but there aren’t any kangaroos). 10 Mile Rd. just west of Woodward, Royal Oak.

LIVING END keeps Phil Marcus Esser on for a few weeks more. He is one of the finest in folk music and blues. 8225 John Lodge You gotta be 21 to get in. For any info call: 872-4990.

RAPA HOUSE. A completely new and unique coffee house specializing in a Creole Cuisine. It has a small informal type atmosphere with good blues entertainment. 96 E. Fisher Frwy. 1/2 block East of Woodward, almost in Downtown Detroit. Call them to find out each night who will be there, time, etc. WO. 1-9846.

WED., AUG. 14

IVAN THE TERRIBLE, part I (Russia, 1944) will be shown at Ferndale High, 881 Pinecrest Dr. $1.50 adm. 8 p.m.

NEEDLES AND PINS presented at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre, Greenfield Village. 8:30 p.m.

BRIGADOON runs until Aug. 18. Presented by the Detroit Summer Theater at the Detroit Institute of Arts. 8:30 p.m.

FRISBIE TOURNAMENT. 5 p.m. & a Musical Concert 6:30 p.m. Kennedy Square, downtown Detroit. The Detroit Happening continues, go see what the so-called “happening” is all about.


UNDERGROUND CINEMA. Detroit Repertory Theatre. 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Fri. & Sat. 11 p.m. & 1 a.m. Sun & Mon. 7:30 & 9:30 shows.

ELVIRA MADIGAN at the Studio,Woodward & 9 Mile Rd.

STRATFORD FESTIVAL Plenty of seats are still available for the remainder of the Stratford Festival in Stratford, Ontario. Since there is a mail strike in Canada, your best bet would be to call the box office direct to confirm tickets. Area code 519, 271-4040.

Tickets left for the following dates and plays:

“ROMEO AND JULIET” prices from $5.50 to 2.50. August 1, 5, 8, 13, 14, 21, 23, 27, 29 and 31.

“THE THREE MUSKETEERS” prices from $5.50 to 1.50 August 1, 7, 14, 16, 22, 26, 28, 31.

“A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM $6.50 to 1.50 tickets. August 12, 15, 19, 21, 28, and 30.

There are two good camp sights in and near Stratford. Cost: $1.50 per night. For information on accommodations or directions call Stratford Tourist Information at 271-8660.

ALSO…THE MISTY WIZARDS, Ted Lucas and Richard Keelan are appearing most nights at The Black Swan, 31 Market Place. Stratford’s only espresso coffee house.


A CONTEST: Did you think gas stations were the only ones who held contests? The FIFTH ESTATE is having the Calendar Name Game. Try and create a new and exciting name for the calendar. Then send it along with your name and address to the FIFTH ESTATE. A free one-year subscription will be given for the winning name. So, what have ya got to lose; give it a try.