

Fifth Estate # 57, July 4-18, 1968

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word, including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words.) Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

Wanted: Singer for Experienced RadicalRock—Jazz Ensemble. Must be good, versatile, and over 18. Contact Wilson, 14 W. Elmhurst, Highland Park, Michigan.

Looking for chick (16-19) wanting uncomplicated love in NW area. Write—Chris, 19780 Mahon, Southfield, Michigan 48075.

SOB is the Spitball of Buddha Spitball Power.

Interested in a group organized for the sole purpose of providing the greatest sexual thrills known to man? If you’re 21+ send 1.00 for sample club mag. and info. to: K.S. Box 3806 Chicago, Ill. 60654.

Does Constantine Augustus “The scum of the mediterranean” shay still exist??? If so, call Mo and Dave.

Toots—come to the Grande on June 30 and bring your dope..Kris and Liz.

Wanted: one emancipated female roomate. For exciting details call Al 873-8236 evenings.

The “Candle” is coming.

Bill Dollinger: call home. Worried, Mother.

Male seeks Female companion for week-end travel. Will answer all letters—Box 7662 Detroit 48209.

Misc. Items and Furniture for sale. Call Phil 833-2877.

Male nudist swinger seeks Female nudist swinger—Only. For camp visits. Call 834-2118 after 6 pm.

PSYCHEDILIC LIGHTING! Make your own light machines, strobes, color organs, etc. Easy instructions and diagrams. Send $2.00 to Lightrays, 7130 Pine, Phila., Pa. 19106.

I’m 25, Gay, Intelligent, Hip, Politically Left. Want to meet same—Real People, not Phonies. Write Box 631—A Detroit 48232.

Happily married sexually unsatisfied professional man 37, seeks quiet discreet liason with charming, interesting, uninhibited woman. Write giving interests, photo & Phone No. All letters will be answered. E.G. Heidenberger, 1429 Reo, Lincoln Park, Mich. 48146.

Tall, young, handsome married man wishes to meet a girl who needs 8-1/2″. For discreet meeting write Dave, P.O. Box 741, Det4895 48231

FREE. Send this AD in with a $.06 stamp for a free copy of “The Looking Glass, Ann Arbor’s Undergroung Newspaper. 307 S. Division, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48108.

White Male 32 seeks girl to share Apt this summer. Will pay Fall School Tuition. Call Dave anytime between 5 and 8 pm. 868-3799.

Kev, I Love You.—Barb.

Swinging Summer Romance sought by single male—grad,27. °Nature and Arts interests. Write: Paul, 16713 Gilchrist Detroit 48235.

1960 Corvette Convt. – All new, all work by dealer. 355 F.I. Engine – 4 sp. posit. Cheetah headers – Halibrand Knock off mags. If this is your thing and you have’ $1200.00 call Joey at WO 2-2330

Wish to view private films during lunch hours. Will pay reasonable price. Box 5121, Teleford Station, Dearborn, Mich. 48128”

Psyc-he-delic Stock!!

Beads, Peace Symbols, Anehs

All types jewelry, incense, posters, etc. Huge stock of proven fast-moving items…Distributors and Jobbers, inquire at PLATT MFG. CO., 400 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles – Phone 628-4065

Single Male student has apartment to share with Single Male. Likes Music and Art. Call evenings 831-0513.

“ORIGINAL METHOD” Through centurys men have experimented with different sexual habits. For a detailed picture & written diagram of the Possible Original Method of Sex Send $1.00—Method 6819 Leland Way, ‘Hollywood, Calif. 90028

Escape from Freedom. Immigration to Canada as an alternative to the draft. For info write: S. Ontario Committee on War Immigrants, c/o Jim Cairns, 1 Mountain Ave., Hamilton, Ont. or the Anti-Draft Programme, 2279 Yonge, No. 1, Toronto, Ont.

Sell the Fifth Estate. There’s’ money to be made. If you want to be a salesman or distributor in your college, high school, business, town, or on the street, call 831-6800 or write us at 1107 W. Warren, Detroit. 48201

Young business exec. that travels to Detroit often desires the companionship of a young swinging chick. Would like someone who likes to travel. Could be generous to the right person. Send photo and phone if possible. M.S.—Suite 915, 150 Broadway. N.Y., N.Y. 10038.

Well built large male model will pose nude for 1 or more females (no men) who would like to learn how to body paint, draw, etc. First lesson free here at my pad. 278-5969.

Posters. All type psy. mdes. Incences, brassware, beads, flowers and etc. Platt Mfg., 420 So. Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Ph 628-4065.

Now, new formulas use legal chemicals to make legal synthetic Hash (THC) PLUS the famous TURN-ON BOOK telling how to make or grow Mescaline, LSD, DMT, Peyote, etc. $2.00 to TURN-ONS UNLIMITED, Dept. 7, 313 No. Edinburgh, Los Angeles, Calif. 90048. If not ecstatic, we refund.

Adult Pen Pals. For renewed letter writing fun with people who share adult ideas, send $1 for 3 names to: Post-A-Pal, Box 262, Oceanside, N.Y. 11572.

Polaroid photographer seeks slender female model over 21 for cheesecake photos. Call Windsor Area Code 519 948-5574. Salary Negotiable.

To Dana and Scott: Worthington High School is a Blasted, Sucked—Up SlobHole! Screw It Up! A.C. Graham.

L.S.D. Complete formula. Legal. $1.00 Glenco, P.O. Box 834, Warren. Mich. 48090.

Attention movie makers. Enter Saginaw’s first 8mm/Super 8 Film Festival. Films submitted may be any subject or any length. Deadline for entries is August 17th. Prizes will be awarded the best films. Entry blanks are available from: W. Wegner, Chairman 4373 Wayside South Saginaw, Mich. 48603.

Man with M.A. in History tutors History and English Composition. Call 342-6955, ask for Sam, and leave number.

NEED MONEY? Be a sales representative for a socio-politico-satirical new poster line. Ideal for individuals and organizations. Write for complete poster profit kit: GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT, Box 427, Wayzata, MN 55391.

GI, 20, Wants Pengal, Uninhibited. PFC J. Dean—I’m in Vietnam 23Admin. Co. AMB., Americal Div., Apo 96374.

ORGY BUTTER (The Luxury Lubricant) A bold, warm red body rub for fun loving people. ORGY BUTTER adds to your enjoyment with a slippery, sensual effect. Its subtle scent mingles with body odors to stimulate your senses and turn you on time and time again. The ORGY BUTTER itself works into the skin with rubbing, providing an after—glow. ORGY BUTTER, a delicious addition to a full and loving life, comes in a four—ounce jar of daring delight. Send $3.00 for one jar of ORGY BUTTER to: TURN—ONS UNLIMITED 313 N. Edinburgh Dept. 7 Los Angeles, Calif. 90048