Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 57, July 4-18, 1968


INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION’ International Freedom Festival sponsoring a “Let Freedon Ring” ceremony. Bring your American flags and apple pies. 12 noon, Greenfield Village.

ART EXHIBITS along Washington Blvd. to coincide with the International Freedom Festival.

PARADE—march along the streets or ride your bicycles to Patton Park. Starts at Beard & Dix at 12 noon, for more info call 843-1950.

TIGER BASEBALL—The mighty cats attack the California Angels. 1:30 p.m. Tiger Stadium.

FAIR—Southfield’s 9th Annual Fair. 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Southfield High School, Lahser at 10 Mile rd.

FILM—Clive Donner’s THE CARETAKER at the Studio 1, Livernois at Davison, Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30 p.m.

SQUARE DANCING every Thurs. night 8:30-10:30 p.m. 16440 Common Rd. Roseville.

PATRICK SKY is at the CHESSMATE, now thru July 7. Livernois and 6 Mile, for info. call 862-1554.

FOLK SINGER Phil Marcus Esser at the Living End, 8225 John Lodge. But you must be 21.


FILM GREAT, Michelangelo Antonioni’s Aventura at the Studio 1, Livernois at Davison. 7:30 & 9:30 show times.

ROCK SHOW, Hugh Masekela, Odel Browm and The Organizers at Cobo Hall, 8:30 p.m. Ticket info. Call: W02-5870.

BASEBALL—Fearless Tigers play the Oakland A’s at Tiger Stadium 8:00 p.m.

PHIL MARCUS ESSER, folk singer at the Living End, 8225 John Lodge.

CHARLIE CHAPLIN FILMS, Rackham Aud. 80 Farnsworth. 8:30 p.m. adm.$1, students $.75 UCAE members FREE.

PSYCHEDELIC—The MC-5 in person at the PUMPKIN, 290 S. Wayne Rd. between Ford Rd. and Michigan Ave. in Westland. Come see Rob Tyner and his insanecohorts blow their brains out during their BLACK TO COMM.

GRANDE BALLROOM—Uncle Russ brings to the Grande The Jeff Beck Group and some out of sight local bands. Call 834-9348 to find out exactly who. $3.50 adm. Must be 17. Grand River 1 block S. of Joy Rd.

FAIR—Southfield Fair, 5-11 p.m. Lahser at 10 Mile Rd.


FAIR—Southfield Fair 11 am-11 pm. Lahser Rd. at 10 Mile Rd.

BASEBALL—It’s LADIES DAY at Tiger Stadium, but anyone can come see Detroit take on Oakland. 2:15 p.m.

FILM—An all time film great. Michelangelo Antonioni’s l’Aventura. Studio 1 Livernois at Davison. 7:30 & 9:30 shows.

GRANDE BALLROOM—The Jeff Beck Group appear along with local groups to roundout a totaly trippy evening. $3.50 adm. Must be 17. Grand River & Beverly.

FOLK MUSIC with Phil Marcus Esser at the Living End, 8225 John Lodge.

WRESTLING—All-Star wrestling at Cobo Hall Arena, 8:30 p.m.


HARVEY OVSHINSKY, famed co-editor of THE FIFTH ESTATE will be on the radio every Sunday night from 11p.m. to 12 midnight on WABX 99.5 FM. He will rap to you in his mild mannerly way and play FREEKY music. LISTEN TO HIM!

BASEBALL—Detroit Tigers VS the Oakland A’s in a doubleheader. 1:30 p.m. Tiger Stadium.

YOUNG RASCLES in concert along with Rodney Knight and his Soul Sextet and Detroits own famous AMBOY DUKES! Cobo Hall, 7:30 p.m. tickets $3.50, $4.50 & $5.50.

MASTERPIECE of the Polish Film Renaissance. Andrej Wajda’s, Ashes and Diamonds. One of the clearest portrayls of a communist society ever made. Studio 1, Livernois at Davison. show time: 7:30 & 9:30.

LAST NIGHT to see Patrick Sky, folk singer at the Chessmate. Livemois at 6 Mile. For time and price info call 862-1554.

FOLK SINGER Phil Marcus Esser at the Living End, 8225 John Lodge. You must be 21.

CONCERT—Carillon Concerts at the tower on Belle Isle. 5 p.m. FREE.

FIREWORKS at the Southfield Fair 11 a.m.-11 p.m. 10 Mile Rd. Lahser.

GRAND OPENING!! Uncle Russ has taken over the 5th Dimension in Ann Arbor. Completely new and different. Just in case you missed them at the Grande, The Jeff Beck Group will be there in concert. $2.50 adm.


FILM—The Masterpiece of the Polish Film Renaissance. Andrej Wajda’s ASHES AND DIAMONDS at the Studio 1, Livernois at Davison, 7:30 & 9:30 shows.


FILM—Last night to see that Masterpiece of the Polish Renaissance. Andrej Wajda’s ASHES AND DIAMONDS. Studio 1, Livernois at Davison, show-times 7:30& 9:30.

FOLK MUSIC—The finest in folk music is Casey Anderson playing at the Raven Gallery, now through July 14. Greenfield, just North of 12 Mile Rd.

A CHARLIE CHAPLIN FILM will be shown at Ferndale High School, 881 Pinecrest Sponsored by Oakland Community College. 8 p.m. $1.50 adm.

FOLK SINGER Phil Marcus Esser is at the Living End, 8225 John Lodge, But you must be 21.


FILM—Ingmar Bergman’s THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY. The first of Bergman’s religious trilogy. Studio 1, Livernois at Davison. 7:30 & 9:30 shows.

MODEL OF THE YEAR competition at Crowleys Aud. Come see beautiful chicks compete for this dubious honor. 7 p.m.

CONCERT—Detroit Concert Band, Leonar Smith conducting. 8:15 at Belle Isle Music Shell. FREE.

LIVING END, 8225 John Lodge has folk singer Phil Marcus Esser. But you must be 21 because its a bar. for info call 872-4990.

FILM—The YELLOW ROLLS ROYCE starring Rex Harrison will be shown at the U of D Science Bldg. Room 116. 8 p.m. Livernois & McNichols. adm. $.75.


FILM—Ingmar BERGMAN’s Through a Glass Darkly continues at the Studio 1, Livernois at Davison. Showtimes: 7:30 & 9:30 p.m.

CONCERT—Detroit Concert Band at the Belle Isle Music Shell 8:15 p.m. FREE’

FOLK SINGER Phil Marcus Esser appearing at the Living End. 8225 John Lodge. You got to be 21.

BLUES MAGOOS. This famed psychedelic group are back at the Chessmate now through July 14. Livernois at McNichols. for info call: 862-1554.

THE ENGLISH TAKE OVER. This weekend is English Weekend at the GRANDE. Uncle Russ presents in concert FLEETWOOD MAC. (Peter Green) NO AGE limit 7-11 p.m. $2.50. Grand River 1 block S. of Joy Rd.


CARILLON concerts at the tower on Belle Isle, 5 p.m.

LECTURE—The Friday Night Socialist Forum is holding a lecture and discussion. Topic; Cuba before the Revolution; A people under the Heel of Imperialism. 8 p.m. Debs Hall, 3737 Woodward, for info call TE1-6135.

COMEDY FILMS. Laurel and Hardy in two hilarious films; Double Whoopie and Lucky Jim. Rackham Aud. 80 Farnsworth, 8:30.

BERGMAN FILM—THE SILENCE. Bergman’s somber view of modern man’s condition. Studio 1, Livernois at Davison. 7:30 & 9:30 shows.

GRANDE BALLROOM—Uncle Russ continues this English weekend with the Pink Floyd in concert and some of Jeep Holland’s groups. Call 834-9348 to find out exactly who. NO AGE LIMIT. $2.50 adm. Grand River & Beverly.

PSYCHEDELIC! —The UP and the Fruit of the Loom are at the PUMPKIN. 290 S. Wayne between Ford Rd. and Michigan Ave. in Westland.

IF YOU ARE 21 OR OLDER, you can enjoy the folk music of Phil Marcus Esser at the Living End, 8225 John Lodge.

FILM—The Flight of the Phoenix will be shown at the U of D Science Bldg. Rm. 116. 7:30 p.m. Livernois & Mc Nichols. adm. .75.


FOCUS ON AFRICA. An all-day discussion program from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. will be held in the upper aud. of the DeRoy Lecture Hall at W.S.U. Tickets for the program are $1, and can be obtained at the door the same day.

FILM—Ingmar Bergman’s THE SILENCE at the Studio 1. 7:30 & 9:30 shows. Livemois at Davison

GRANDE SPECIAL. Tonight Uncle Russ has 2 concerts planned featuring THE WHO from England. First concert No Age Limit 7-9 p.m. $4.50 adm. Second concert starts at 10 p.m. You must be 17 for this one. $4.50 also. It is advised that you get advanced tickets at Hudsons or Grinnells. For more info call 834-9348.

PINK FLOYD will be at the 5th Dimension in Ann Arbor just in case you didn’t get to see them at the Grande. $2.50 adm.

FOLK MUSIC continues at the Living End with Phil Marcus Esser. 8225 John Lodge, You must be 21.


FILM—Ingmar Bergman’s WINTER LIGHT, second in the religious trilogy. Studio 1, Livernois at Davison. Shows at 7:30 & 9:30.

LAST NIGHT to see Casey Anderson, the finest in folk music at the RAVEN GALLERY. Greenfield Rd. just north of 12 Mile Rd.

GRANDE BALLROOM. No age limit bash from 7-11 p.m. featuring the best in local groups.

BLUES MAGOOS at the Chessmate. Last Night to see this crazy psychedelic group in action. Livernois at Mc Nichols. For time and price info call 862-1554.

LIVING END has folk singer Phil Marcus Esser for your enjoyment. You gotta be 21. 8225 John Lodge. For info call:872-4990.

LISTEN TO HARVEY OVSHINSKY on WABX 99.5 Fm, from 11 p.m. to 12 midnight. If you happen to groove on his show let ABX know.


FILM—Ingmar Bergman’s WINTER LIGHT at the Studio 1, Livernois at Davison, 7:30 & 9:30 shows.


BACK AGAIN at the Raven Gallery, Danny Cox. He will be appearing until Aug. 11. The Raven is open every evening but Mon. Greenfield Rd. just North of 12 Mile Rd.

FILM—Last Night to view the second of Bergman’s religious trilogy, WINTER LIGHT, at the Studio 1, Livernois at Davison. 7:30 & 9:30.


FREEKY!! Alfred Hitchcock’ presents: The Lady Vanishes. A melodrama and comedy with the Hitchcock touch. Studio 1. Livernois at Davison.

CONCERT—Detroit Concert Band, Leonard Smith conducting. 8:15 p.m. Belle Isle-Music Shell, FREE.

DANNY COX is at the Raven Gallery, for info call 353-1778 FREE

FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX will be shown at the U of D Science Bldg, Room 116, 8 p.m. adm. 75 cents


FILM—Oakland Community College sponsoring a film, THE INFORMER, directed by John Ford. Ferndale High School, 881 Pinecrest Dr. 8 p.m. $1.50adm.

A FREEKY FLICK with the Hitchcock touch, The Lady Vanishes at the Studio 1, Livemois at Davison. Showtimes 7:30 & 9:30

SQUARE DANCING. Learn and do the dances you’ve always wanted to do. And if you like it you can come back every Thurs. night from 8:30 -10:30 p.m. 16440 Common Rd. Roseville.


ELVIRA MADIGAN at the Studio-North, Woodward at 9 Mile Rd.

THE PRODUCERS with Zero Mostel at the Studio, Greenfield at 8 Mile Rd.

I’LL NEVER FORGET WHAT’S HIS NAME at the Studio New Center. Grand Blvd. at 3rd.

2001: A Space Odyssey, is at the Summit Theatre, Washington Blvd. at Lafayette.

UNDERGROUND CINEMA in the Detroit Repertory Theater, 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Fri. & Sat at 11 p.m. & 1 a.m. Sun.&Mon. at 7:30 & 9:30 p.m.


Detroit Society of Experimental Arts
Plum and 5th.
July Calendar of Events

Friday July 5, “The Peace of Mind”, in concert with lights by Tamara; 2:30 am After Hours Jazz with John Dana.

Saturday July 6, “The Peace of Mind” in concert with lights by Tamara 1 am Peter Bowen, blues and ballads and at 2:30 am Jazz with the Weird Dudes Employment Agency.

Sunday July 7, 8:30 a special guest performance of the “Soul Kings”.

Monday July 8, Indian Music—special sound effects and slides Jerry Carr, sitar, Shelton Roth, tabla

Tuesday July 9, Atilla and friends—sing folk songs and blues

Wednesday July 10, Peter McWilliams reads: “Come Love With Me And Be My Life”, and “Love Two”, Ken Piekny with Erika Krohn will read “Help Me Teach You To Learn Me”, Derek reads his poems. “A Search For Ulysses” will be shown.

Thursday July 11, “The Wall” by Sartre is presented as a light-sound theatre production.

Friday July 12, “Gold” in concert with lights and slides by Tamara 1 am Peter Bowen sings balladss and blues 2:30 After Hours Jazz, the Weird Dudes Employment Agency.

Saturday July 13, “Gold” in concert, a creative young group with special effects by Tamara 2:30 After Hours Jazz with John Dana

Sunday July 14, 8 10 the Time Machine makes a rare appearance with Fillmore Mindfuck I in a light-sound concert.

Monday July 15, Indian Music Jerry Carr, sitar, Sheldon Roth, tabla “Why Health Food”? a lecture and demonstration

Tuesday July 16, John Benz reads from Baudelaire: with slides by Fox from the illustrator Beresford Egan.

Wednesday July 17, A Special slide show of Blossoms of the Arizona Desert by Stuart Painter, photographers are invited to bring their travel slides.

Thursday July 18, Award winning films: The House A Night at the Peking Opera Monroe