

Fifth Estate # 55, June 4-18, 1968

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four Words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words.) Abbreviations should be sensible, DISCOUNT RATES Five runs. cost 35 cents per line.

This newspaper will not accept ads that slander other persons (institutions are OK). Also, ads that have as their purpose meeting others or receiving phone calls must be accompanied by ‘the name and address of the person _placing the ad. This will not be put in the ad, but will allow us to check if we doubt the authenticity of it.

Male, 20, shy, unexperienced seeks companionship and sex. Looks not too important. Pontiac—Detroit. Box 396 Drayton Plains, Mich. 48020

Vox Columns, Bogen 100 watt. amp and mixer. Buzz – OR 6-0076

Male would like to meet couples, or gay gentleman. Phone number P.O. Box 171, Allen Park.

Hieronymus Bosch lives

Please send pro and con opinions on Viet Nam War to: Chuck, 507 N. Hampton, Bay City, Mich. 48706

Male nudist looking for female nudist over 21 for week-end camp visits. Call 834-2118

Polaroid photographer seeks slender female model over 21 for cheesecake photos. Call Windsor Area Code 519 948-5574. Salary Negotiable.

Wanted: June 1966 Cass Tech Year Book. Call Dave after 10 p.m. at 863-3997.

’59 VW Runs good $300.00. New String bass trade for guitar amp or make offer. 361-2504.

NEW HIP DIRECTORY — You’ll find it fast in the Mellow Pages. THE MELLOW PAGES…Complete directory of head shops, boutiques, newspapers, entertainment clubs and merchandise, sources across the nation. Only $3.00 to: TURN-ONS UNLIMITED, Dept 7, 313 N. Edinburgh, Los Angeles, Calif., 90048 WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE LISTED IN THE MELLOW PAGES? Send name, address and type Of business to TURN-ONS UNLIMITED.

I get high with a little Help from my friends, thanks to the boys—Rik

Happy Birthday, Tom —Love, Marcia

1961 Chevy convert. New brakes, tires, v-8 auto, r & h, p.s. Owned by mild mannered radical. Must sell to provide full time salary for resistance before going to jail. Call Don, 884-6083 preferably after 6.

INTERCOURSE, publication of the Sexual Freedom League. Mailed in pl. cover $1. SFL, Box 14034, San Francisco 94114.

PSYCHEDELIC STOCK!! BEADS, PEACE SYMBOLS, All types jewelry, incense, posters, etc. Huge stock of proven fast-moving items…Distributors and Jobbers, inquire at PLATT MFG. CO., 400 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles – Phone 628-4065

Happily married sexually unsatisfied professional man, 37, seeks quiet discreet liason with charming, interesting, uninhibited woman. Write giving interests, photo & Phone No. All letters will be answered. E.G. Heidenberger, 1429 Reo, Lincoln Park, Mich. 48146.

Lead singer – Paul – 3953 Commonwealth

French tutoring by native French teacher. Phone: 965-6628.

UNDERGROUND GUIDE to literature. Send $1 to 4518 Varna Ave. Sherman Oaks, Calif. 91403.

Tall, young, handsome married man wishes to meet a girl who needs 8-1/2 inches. For discreet meeting write Dave, P.O. Box 741, Det, 48231

Ford has a better idea D.O.M. Inc.

Sell the Fifth Estate. There’s money to be made. If you want to be a salesman or distributor in your college, high school, business, town, or on the street call 831-6800 or write us at 1107 W. Warren, Detroit, 48201

HEAD…The Hip Fragrance, Promise her anything, but give her HEAD. HEAD…wild, provocative scent of jungle passion. Comes In a 4 oz. bottle of delight. Send $1 pp to: Turn-Ons, Unlimited Dept. 7, 313 N. Edinburgh, Los Angeles, Calif. 90048.

Escape from Freedom. Immigration to Canada as an alternative to the draft. For info write: S. Ontario Committee on War Immigrants, c/o Jim Cairns, 1 Mountain Ave., Hamilton, Ont. or the Anti-Draft Programme, 2279 Yonge, No. 1, Toronto, Ont.

INDIA’s FINEST INCENSE 2 pkts/ $1. Also musical instruments. Indiacrafts POB 853 San Francisco. Dealers & representative wanted.

Intellectual vaudeville is “An Ode to Wilhelm Reich,” in 2 acts. Single copy$2 to Detroit Drama Workshop, 19211 Tracey.

Psychedelic Stock!!

Beads, Peace Symbols, Anehs. All types jewelry, incense, posters, etc. Huge stock of proven fast moving items…Distributors and Jobbers, inquire at PLATT MFG. CO., 400 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles – Phone 6284065

Set of Ludwig drums. Must sell—Good price. “Little john”, 649 Canfield. Call 833-9207 after 6:00 p.m.

A tribe is being born. We want to do the total Indian thing. We hope to have about 20 really together people, move into the wilderness of the southwest and live the Way man is-supposed to. We hope to leave In approx. two Weeks. If you know’ that this way is all wrong, and this – message opens doors for you, we want to talk to you as much as you want to talk to us. Contact “Little John”, 649 Canfield. Anyone wishing to donate camping gear, food staples, or implements. Call 833-9207 after 6:00.

U of M male student wants models and sexy girls for parties. Write MM, PO. Box 136, Ypsilanti, Mich. 48197.

Young business exec. that travels to Detroit often desires the companionship of a young swinging chick. Would like someone who likes to travel. Could be generous to the right person. Send photo and phone if possible. M.S.—Suite 915, 150 Broadway. N.Y.; N.Y. 10038.

Well built large male model will pose nude for 1 or more females (no Men) who would like to learn how to body paint, draw, etc. First lesson free here at my pad. 278-5969(

Posters. All type psy. mdes. Incences, pipes, brassware, beads, flowers and etc. Platt Mfg., 420 So. Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Ph 628-4065

Now, new formulas use legal chemicals to make legal synthetic Hash (THC) PLUS the famous TURN-ON BOOK telling how to make or grow Mescaline, LSD, DMT, Peyote, etc. $2.00 to TURN-ONS UNLIMITED,;Dept. 7, 313 No. Edinburgh, Los Angeles, Calif. 90048. If not ecstatic, we refund:

T.I.M.S. Stands for Nothing. 2922 Stone, Pt. Uron, Mich.

Single male student has apartment to share with single male. Likes music and art. Call evenings 831-0513.

KARMA: a new flower newspaper of Saginaw, Mich. 1st issue 25 cents. 4373 Wayside S., Saginaw, Mich., 48603.

Berta, I dig you—Ken

ART JOHNSON, Sergeant Pepper misses you and so do we (WAYNE STUDENTS

WANTED — Good home for German Shepherd. Housebroken. Good Tempered. – Call 883-0865

Directory to radical publications $1. Alpine, 1304 Geddes, Ann Arbor, Mich.

UPTIGHT WITH THE DRAFT? Get experienced counseling: University Christian Center. 920 Putnam at 4th Mon.-Fri. 1:30 – 4 p.m.

Central Methodist Church, Woodward at Adams, 8-10 p.m. Sun.
Student Activities Office, Oakland University, Weds. 12-2 p.m.
Martin DePoury Center, 3234 Gratiot near Mack, Sun. 4-7 p.m., Rev. F. Ford.
502 E.-Huron, Ann Arbor. M-F, 3-5 & 7-9 p.m. Sat. 10-12 a.m.

HORNY? Increase your score; spend less time & money. Daters Anonymous is revolutionizing the “dating game.” $1 for article & info. APC-FEI, Box 5356, Sta Monica, CA 90405.

White bachelor 27 seeks female roommate, 18 to 30. Write J. Maggio, 14 Charlotte Room 319, Detroit 48201.

Wanted: June 1966 Cass Tech Year Book. Call Dave after 10 p.m. at 863-3997.


THE UNDERGROUND PRESS SYNDICATE is an informal association of publications in the “alternative press” and exists to facilitate communication between such papers and the public at large. Members of UPS are free to use each other’s material. A current list of all UPS papers and advertising rate cards for individual papers are available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to UPS, Box 26, Greenwich Village Post Office, New York 10014. A sample packet of about a dozen UPS papers is available from the- same address for $4 and a Library Subscription to all UPS papers (about $50) costs $50 for the remainder of 1968. Write:

Underground Press Syndicate
Box 1603
Phoenix, Az.- 85001
(602) 252-0466