Masthead, Notices


Fifth Estate # 55, June 4-18, 1968

Harvey Ovshinsky
Peter Werbe

Cathy West

Tommye Wiese
Pat Klees

Eric Watkins

Gunnar Lewis

Ed Bania


Cindy Lee
Marlene Tyre
Michael Tyre
Marilyn Werbe

The FIFTH ESTATE is published on the 1st and 16th of each month by the FIFTH ESTATE NEWSPAPER, Inc., 1007 W. Warren, Detroit, Michigan 48201. Subscription rate by third class mail is $3 for one year; $5 for two years. Canadian is $3.50 per year, all other foreign countries are $5 per year. Phone 831-6800.

The FIFTH ESTATE is a member of the Underground Press Syndicate (UPS), The Liberation News Service (LNS), and The Resistance Press (RP).

Changes, changes!

This issue of the Fifth Estate is not late in appearing, but on time for our new printing schedule. We will now come out on the ‘first and third Tuesday of each month. We added four more pages this issue because of the difference in publication dates.

The other change is our beautiful new type. For all you technology freaks it is done on an IBM MT/SC computer composer and is 10 pt. press Roman.


We forgot to give proper credit to two of our photographers in recent issues.

The photo of the New York anti-war parade on page 13 of the May 16th issue was taken by Tom Parteka. The photo of Jim and Jean that appeared on page 17 of our May 1st issue was done by Evan Soldinger.

Thanks, fellas and sorry for the slip.


If you are moving for the summer or for good, don’t forget to send us your change of address. The Post Office will not forward the paper.

Send us your old mailing label and your new address (including zips). Send to Fifth Estate, 1107 W. Warren, Detroit 48201.