

Fifth Estate # 53, May 1-15, 1968

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

This newspaper will not accept ads that slander other persons (institutions are OK). Also, ads that have as their purpose meeting others or receiving phone calls must be accompanied by the name and address of the person placing the ad. This will not be put in the ad, but will allow us to check if we doubt the authenticity of it.

FIFTH ESTATE Unclassified ads work. Every week people meet, see, sell, buy, rent, find, swap what they have, need, or want. They work. When you advertise, you get immediate response. Try one and see. Use the coupon above.

Tall, young, handsome married man wishes to meet a girl who needs 8-1/2 inches. For discreet meeting call Dave 8-10 a.m. 398-8500.

Ford has a better idea D.O.M. Inc.

Paul, words can’t express the sorrow of your loss, Daddy

Hazel Park High School is fucked—Bill & Neil

Anyone interested in activity for Robert Kennedy please write Martin Slobin, 10643 Santa Maria, Apt. 9 Peace and Freedom in 1968!

The Bird to Benser from the Toledo Kid (Please Stop Mail)

Young Man Seeks Uninhibited Female partner. Write TC, 11746 Findlay, Det. 48205

JLA, I’ll see you in four months. I hope you can live up to a promise for a change. AMR

Work for Justice and Peace, Fuck up the Democratic Convention. Support your local SDS, send money. Help the Blacks. Dartmouth. Pete Lorlien

U of M male student wants models and sexy girls for parties. Write MM, P.O. Box 136, Ypsilanti, Mich. 48197.

FREE! Send this ad in for a free copy of THE LOOKING GLASS, Ann Arbor’s underground newspaper. 307 S. Division, Ann Arbor. Michigan 48108.

Sell the Fifth Estate. There’s money to be made. If you want to be a salesman or distributor in your college, high school, business, town, or on the street call 831-6800 or write us at 1107 W. Warren, Detroit, 48201

Wanted: Buckskin fringed jacket – 585-9320.

“Swinging Barber” wants fun loving date. Write Crazy Michael Now! P.O. Box 485, Ann Arbor. MI.

1968 VW Sunroof, 6,000 miles, lots of extra—$1,725 cash. Original price—$2,050, 6 mo old—TR 2-0587, 2279 Danforth.

Wanted: Girls looking for good times, no strings attached. 521-9301.

Dennis Thompson of the MC-5 is selling his Ludwig Drums. Call 833-3166 ask for Audrey.

Send poetry, prose and art to The Misgiving Review, 10081 Britain, Det. 24 or 19376 Mansfield, Det. 25.

Male Models – Nationally known physique photographer needs handsome male models to pose. Easy/profitable. Must send photo and physical description. Zodiac – P.O. Box 8513 Detroit, Mich. 48224.

INDIA’s FINEST INCENSE 2 pkts/$1. Also musical instruments. Indiacrafts’ POB 853 San Francisco. Dealers & representative wanted.

Read THE NEW RANK AND FILER: news and opinion from workers struggles throughout the country. For introductory copy write to NRF, PO BOX 416-A, Det., Mich. 48232.

Will the Viet GI who wrote stating his opinion of the army and the war and offering to help please contact us again. We lost your address.

I will always love you, Craig —Sue.

Wanted, male folk guitarist. Call Sander – 873-0692.

Thayer: Had we but world enough, and time, this put-down, man, would be not crime. (The next ad will be for stud service)—Nancy.

Wanted, Strobe to rent, cheap. Box 506, Pontiac 48056.

At Last! The complete psychedelic lighting manual! Make your own strobes, light machines, color organs, black lite. Send $2 to Lightrays, P.O. Box 8223D, Phila., Pa. 19101.

For Sale: 2 Tympanies (kettle drums), damn good condition, damn cheap, Call Pun at 833-3166.

New in area. Need female companionship and sex. 841-4841 or 934-6636.

Hi! I’m a young hip California chick with long blonde hair and I’m selling some very interesting pictures of myself to those over the age of 21. $1 cash brings my samples and info. Please state age when replying. Judy Davis, P.O. Box 2262, Sepulveda, Cal. 91343.

Underground Guide to literature, 4518 Varna Ave., Sherman Oaks, Calif. 91403.

YOUR THING? If your thing includes fulfilling your desires for fun in the flesh, find your swinging counterpart(s) in the Kindred Spirits Club. For info. write K. S. Box 3906 Chicago, Ill. 60654.

a full-time printer, an office manager, writers, researchers and other staff poems, essays, articles, stories,
photographs, cartoons, drawings and other material
a car in running order, a collator, a paper cutter, typewriters, staplers and other equipment
money, ideas, criticisms, suggestions, queries, complaints and love
LIBERATION News Service, The Liberated Zone, 3 Thomas Circle, Washington, D.C. 20005 Tel.: (202) 393-3693, 393-7580, Telex: 8922411

UP TIGHT WITH THE DRAFT? Get experienced counseling:
University Christian Center, 920 Putnam at 4th, Mon. to Fri. 1:30 to 4 p.m.
Central Methodist Church, Woodward at Adams, 8 to 10 p.m. Sun.
Student Activities Office, Oakland University, Weds. 12 to 2 p. m.
Martin DePoury Center, 3234 Gratiot near Mack, Sun. 4 to 6 p.m., Rev. F. Ford.
502 E. Huron, Ann Arbor. M-F, 3-5 & 7-9 p.m. Sat. 10 to 12 a.m.

Drummer has unique idea for making it. Seeks Rock group. Call 674-2907 after 6.

Freak Out with the Candy-Store Syndicate-psychedelic and soul. Call Nick DU 27772.

The FIFTH ESTATE needs volunteer help badly. Can you come to our office and do typing, answer the phone and related etc.? Part or full-time; need bread, but possibility as paper grows. Call us or come to the office.

Well built large male model will pose nude for 1 or more females (no men) who would like to learn how to body paint, draw, etc. First lesson free here at my pad. 278-5969.

Learn GO, fascinating Oriental game. Send $1.00 to David Grinstein, 18466 Wildemere, Detroit, Mich. 48221.

Single male student has apartment to share with single male. Likes music and art. Call evenings 8310513.

Directory to radical publications $1. Alpine, 1304 Geddes, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Posters. All type psy. mdse. Incences, pipes, brassware, beads, flowers and etc. Platt Mfg., 420 So. Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Ph. 628-4065.

For a sample of America’s best homosexual mag., send $1 to Tangents, 3473 1/2 Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood Calif. 90028.

Male nudism is popular among free thinkers. Fully illustrated magazine and sample monthly newsletter. State age, send $5.00 to Solstice Society, Box 3775F, Van Nuys, Calif. 91407

Wanted – Figure model attractive girl with perfect figure for professional, psychedelic photography, including body painting. Reply Box W, 4415 Second Ave. Detroit, Mich. 48202 including snapshot.

Internat’l Education Assoc. 6 week European trip includes 11 day cruise Greek islands & Mid East. Charter flight. Least costly. Betty Klegon, 303 Covington. Det. 48203, 866-8607

Emergency!! Head needed to take over Castle (4827) Leaving 12th of May. Contact Skip or Stu. 1-313831-2881.

Sample Packet of 12 or more UPS papers: $4 Write: Underground Press Syndicate Box 1603, Phoenix, Az. 85001 (602) 252-0466. Library Subscription to all UPS papers: $100 per year. $50 for remainder of 1968

UPS is an informal association of publications of the “alternative press” and exists to facilitate communication between such papers and the public at large. Members of UPS are free to use each other’s material. A current list of all UPS papers and advertising rate cards for individual papers are available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to UPS, Box 26, Greenwich Village Post Office, New York 10014.

AVATAR 37 Rialand St, Boston, Mass 02115; 80 Wooster, New-York, NY 11012

BERKELEY BARB Box 5017, Berkeley. Cal 94715

BLOCK PRINT R.I. School of Design, Rhode Island

BLUE BUS, 25 Barren Rd., Newton Square. Penn 19073

BRIDGE, 1918 N. Dayton St. Chicago, Ill 60614


CANADA FLAKES, 728 McIntyre, Winnipeg. Canada

or: 416 Main St, Winnipeg, Canada

CANADIAN FREE PRESS, Box 1259, Station B, Ottawa, Canada

COMMUNICATION COMPANY, 26 Bond St. New York, NY 10012

COMMUNICATION COMPANY, 3 Taylor St, Corte Madera. Cal 94925

CONNECTIONS, 22 N. Henry St, Madison. WisC., 53703

DALLAS NOTES, Box 7140, Dallas, Tex 75209

DISTANT DRUMMER, Box 2130, Philadelphia,Penn 19103

EAGLE, American University, Mass. & Neb. Aves. NW, Washington, DC 20016

EAST VILLAGE OTHER, 105 Second Ave, New York, NY 10009

ELECTRIC FROG, 1605 Thayer, Richland, Wash. 99352

FIFTH ESTATE, 1107 W Warren, Detroit, Mich 48201

FLUXUS WEST, 6361 Elnitairst Dr, San Diego, Cal 92120

GEORGIA STRAIGHT, 432 Homer St., Vancouver, BC, Canada

GOOD MORNING TEASPOON, 3493 University Ave., San Diego, Cal. 92104

GRAFITI, Box 8326, Philadelphia, Penn 19101

GREGORY c/o Free University, 2162 N High St, Columbus, Ohio 43201

GUERILLA, Box 3, Peter Stuyvesant Sta, New York, NY 10009

HAIGHT-ASHBURY MAVERICK, Box 792, San Francisco, Cal 94101

HAIGHT-ASHBURY TRIBUNE, 1749 Haight St, San Francisco, Cal 94117

HELIX, 3128 Harvard St. East, Seattle, Wash 98102

ILLUSTRATED PAPER, Box 707, Mendocino, Cal 95460

INDIANHEAD, 206 W. 3rd St, New York, NY 10038

KALEIDOSCOPE, Box 5457, Milwaukee, Wisc 53211

LIBERATION, 5 Beekman St, New York, NY 10038

LIBERATION NEWS SERVICE, 3 Thomas Circle NW, Washington DC,20005

LOGOS, Box 782, Montreal 3, Quebec, Canada

LA FREE PRESS, 938 N. Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, Cal 90046

LUX VERITE, Box 2340, W Lafayette, Indiana 47906

MIDDLE EARTH, RFD #1, Iowa City, Iowa 52240

MIDPENINSULA OBSERVER, 180 University Ave, Palo Alto, Cal 94709

MILE HIGH UNDERGROUND, 1663-1/2 Race St., Denver, Colo 80218

MODERN UTOPIAN, Starr King Center, 2441 Le Conte Ave,, Berkeley, Cal 94709

MOTHER OF VOICES, Box 429, Amherst, Mass 01102

NEWS PROJECT, Queens College. College Memorial Ctr, Box 127, Rm 121, Flushing, NY 11367

NORTH CAROLINA ANVIL, Box 1148, Durham, NC 30046

OPEN CITY, 4369 Melrose, Los Angeles, Cal 90029

ORACLE OF SO. CAL., 840 N. Fairfax, Los Angeles, Cal 90046

OTHER SCENES, Box 8, Village Sta, New York, NY 10014

THE PAPER, Box 367, East Lansing, Mich 48823

POP-SEE-CUL, 120 Evans St., Montreal, Quebec. Canada

RAG, 609 W. 23rd St., Austin, Texas 78705

RAT, 201 E. 4th St., New York, NY 10009

RESISTANCE PRESS, Box 592, Chicago, Ill 60690

SAN DIEGO DOOR, 7053 University Ave., La Mesa, Cal 92041

SAN FRANCISCO ORACLE, 1371 Haight St., San Francisco, Cal 94117

SANITY, Box 157, Ville La Salle, Quebec, Canada

SCREW, 1237 Oread, Lawrence, Kansas 66044

SEED, 245 W. North Ave, Chicago, IL 60610

SOLID MULDOON, 1423 Ogden St., Denver, Colo. 80213

SPECTATOR, 310 S. Dunn, Bloomington, Indiana 47401

SPOKANE’S NATURAL, Mandala Print Shop, Box 1276, Spokane, Wash 99201

SUN, 499 W Forest, Detroit, Mich 48201

VANGUARD, 203 Clayton St., San Francisco, Cal 94117

VIEW FROM HERE, 2809 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md 21218

WASHINGTON FREE PRESS, 3 Thomas Circle, Washington:DC 20005

WESTERN ACTIVIST, Western Michigan University, Box 147, Student Ctr, Kalamazoo, Mich 49001

YARROWSTALKS, 230 Catherine St., Philadelphia, Penn. 19147


ECO CONTEMPORANEO, C. Correo Central 1933, Buenos Aires, Argentina

INTERNATIONAL TIMES, 22 Betterton St, London WC2, England

OLVIDATE, Apartado Nacional #8373, Bogota 1, Colombia

OZ, 38A Palace Gardens Terrace, London W8, England

PEACE NEWS, 5 Caledonia Rd, London N1. England

PLANETA FRESCA 14 Via Manzoni, Milano 20121, Italy

REAL FREE PRESS, Wolstraat 41, Antwerp, Belgium