Six C.O.s Jailed


Fifth Estate # 5, March 6-20, 1966

The National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam has learned that at least four Negro G.I.s are in jail serving six months to ten years at hard labor for refusing to fight in Vietnam.

They are: Privates Johny L. Jackson, Harold Brown, Percy L. Green and David Clark.

NCCEWV has asked those who wish to write to do so at this address: U.S. Army Stockade, APO San Francisco, California 96243. Navy and Marine C.O.s who also refused to fight in Vietnam are Michael L. Yankess, Jack Gorman and Larry Bobbitt. Write Pearl Harbor Marine Barracks, Honolulu, Hawaii.

These men deserve your support and probably have it. But they need your mail even more. Do they have that?


See Fifth Estate’s Vietnam Resource Page.