

Fifth Estate # 42, November 15-30, 1967

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible).

DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line.

A Psychedelic treat! Magic Veil Light Co.—Call Skip or Jerry (313) 833-9871.

Debbie Wood – Mike Crawford loves you lotz. Don’t forget it. OK, Puppy?

If you want psychedelic art or leatherwork (boots, moccasins) done—call Barry 543-1074.

Bob, Write! Love, Vicki

Contrary to widespread rumor, Dan Snyder is not in Maine. His address is Tuna 24, Sankt Ibb, Sweden. Write to him.

Man with M.A. in History tutors History. Call 342-1894, ask for Sam, and leave your phone number.

Lonely Male Desires to meet Fun Seeking female. Ann Arbor area. Write Box 1955 Ann Arbor, Mich. Phone if you wish.

POSTERS—BUTTONS From the World Over Bells – Incences – Pipes Jewelry of all type—one stop stock your whole store. PLATT Mfg. Co. 420 Los Angeles St. – Los Angeles-Calif. Ph. 628-4065.

Records, all in very good condition from blues to rock. Write for list and prices. K. Parker. 3455 Vassar, Dearborn, Mich. 48124

Flat for rent to motorcyclists preferably. $70 for six rooms of new paint. Pay own utilities. 1 mile from campus. Pat—832-1685.

Indian Beadwork for sale. Call Barb—LA7-3737.

I need a ride to Buffalo for Thanksgiving. Please call. Michele 875-0221.

PSYCHEDELIC LIGHT MACHINE Assembles in hour with less than $10 of easily obtainable parts. Send $1 to Carlton, 2317 Delaney, Phila. Pa.

National underground distribution system is being formed which will handle newspapers, posters, and headshop material. Will set up as non-profit corporation with profits going to set up rural artists cooperatives. For info write Art Wassell, LOVE UNLIMITED, 2154 Alvin, Toledo, O.

SINGLE MEN OVER 21. Male nudism is popular among free thinkers. Fully illustrated magazine carries all info. State age, send $3.00 to Solstice Society, Dept. F, Box 3775, Van Nuys, Ca. 91407

YELLOW returns to the Cass Tech Scene. Buy it.

JEFFERY FARR: If you need anything call home—549-7726.

UP-TIGHT WITH THE DRAFT? If you are threatened, worried, or faced with the Selective Service System do not leave your fate to chance or listen to the advice of friends. Go to an expert, free draft counselor. Central Methodist Church, Sundays 8-10 p.m. All welcome.

SEX YOUR HANG UP? Our vaginal vibrator could turn you on. Take one on your next trip. For free literature send legal size, stamped envelope to: PEN—VIB Co. Box 723, So. San Francisco, Calif. 94080

Buttons, posters, diffraction jewels, BYM, Box 783. Berkeley, Calif. 94701.

IRISH BACHELOR wants housekeeper. Girl age 25-38. One child welcome. Also do some typing. Call 826-3848.

MOONGLASSES—Psyche Shades, see the Spectrum, day or night $5.00 postpaid, CHANDRA, P.O. GlIthetsbur, Md. 20760. Dealers inquire.