These men didn’t resist

And look what happened...


Fifth Estate # 42, November 15-30, 1967

The draft resistance action at the Cadillac Tower Selective Service headquarters on October 16 and the busloads of people from Detroit who joined the assault on the Pentagon in Washington, DC brought the first winds of the new turn taken by the antiwar movement. People in this country are now moving to BLOCK rather than protest the mobilization of this country’s forces for the inhuman war in Vietnam.

Barney Morris, news commentator for Channel 7-TV, summed up the situation pretty well when reporting on a militant demonstration led by students for a Democratic Society against war profiteers in Detroit. He said: “After the days of national resistance to the draft laws and the recent activity in Washington, D.C., it seems that the protestors feel the only way to end the war in Vietnam is to start little wars in the cities in this country.”

The anti-war movement has come to a new awareness: that RESISTANCE to President Johnson’s foreign policy and foreign wars is the only way to sway the minds of the military-political rulers of this country. That the movement against the war in Vietnam has moved from moral protest to resistance has been noticed in other national media with varying states of alarm.

The Draft Resistance Committee will carry on the movement in Detroit on December 4 when more men of draft age will return their draft cards to the Selective Service to join the thousands of others in the country who have signified their total opposition to the draft and the Vietnam war. This is another day of nation-wide activity.

Your support is needed whether or not you have a draft card to return. If you are interested return the coupon below.


Send to:

Draft Resistance Committee

c/o Wheeler

1172 W. Hancock #35

Detroit 48201

___ I want to return my draft card; send more information

___ I want to support your efforts; send more information

___ Enclosed is my contribution to help draft resistance grow.

