Issue Intro


Fifth Estate # 411, Spring, 2022


Welcome to another issue of the Fifth Estate Anarchist Review of Books. We haven’t changed our title permanently; just letting readers know what to expect inside this edition. We also haven’t changed our belief that it is direct action in the streets and in the woods, and creating communities of resistance and rebellion that are needed so critically as conditions worsen on almost every level. We read and learn to increase our commitment in our struggles.

The pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, climate crisis, inflation, and rise of a coherent proto-fascist movement suddenly creates the feeling that the rug of comparative security most of us experience in North America could suddenly be pulled out from under us.

This shouldn’t mean resignation or passivity, but rather a realization that we need each other not only to combat what threatens us and the planet, but to maintain a sense of solidarity and mutual aid that will sustain us through these dark times.

This edition is Spring 2022 directly following our Fall number, so you haven’t missed an issue. These designations are mostly for newsstand presentation. To follow our publication sequence, see our masthead on the next page where the volume number is displayed that corresponds to what year of publishing we’re in, and the issue number in that volume. Also, the number 411 refers to the issue published since the magazine began in 1965.

Lots of people cooperated to make this issue happen. Thanks to all.

Cover photo: Dennis Fox, Occupy Boston – 2011