Underground Paper in Ann Arbor


Fifth Estate # 40, October 15-31, 1967

The latest newspaper to make the UPS scene is Ann Arbor’s LOOKING GLASS. Editor and publisher Jeffrey Hoff, hoping to stress the political more than the psychedelic in his paper, predicts that “the white hippy scene, the black revolt, everyone who feels that a great many young people in Ann Arbor who do not bother to read regular papers such as The DAILY simply because it does not relate to them, will now create a substantial following for the underground press”. “White liberals read The DAILY, black and white radicals read the underground press,” explains Hoff.

Staff member, Henry Gostony described the new LOOKING GLASS thusly, “We are very suspicious of journalism. We want to be a quality vehicle whose form does not destroy spontaneity. We are not going to be impeded by traditional means of expression.”

The LOOKING GLASS staff will determine whether or not it will publish bi-weekly based on the response to their initial printing of 5000 copies. A sample copy may be obtained by writing the paper at 307 S. Division, Ann Arbor.