Review Denied for Fort Hood Three


Fifth Estate # 40, October 15-31, 1967

The Fort Hood Three Defense Committee announced September 30 that the U.S. Court of Military Appeals turned down the request for a review of convictions of the Fort Hood Three.

PFC James Johnson, Private Dennis Mora and Private David Samas, the three who refused orders to ship to Vietnam, were court-martialed in September, 1966. All are now in the Federal Military Prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, serving three years at hard labor.

The three, originally stationed in Fort Hood, Texas, mutually decided to refuse any order commanding them to Vietnam on the grounds that the war is “immoral, unjust and illegal.” Their final and most decisive refusal came on July 14, 1966 as they ignored direct orders to board a plane for shipment overseas.

With the backing of the Fort Hood Defense Committee, Attorney Stanley Faulkner has pledged that he will take the appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In coordination with the national anti-war and anti-draft activities planned in Washington for the week of October 16-22, the Defense Committee is planning a delegation and a rally for the Fort Hood Three. A group of prominent citizens will present to the President, on October 16, petitions containing 30,000 signatures requesting the freedom of the Fort Hood Three and an end to the war.


See Fifth Estate’s Vietnam Resource Page.