Detroit Protest set for March


Fifth Estate # 4, February 12-March 1, 1966

Work on the second International Days of Protest scheduled for March 25 and 26 has begun. For Detroit, a whole weekend of activities is projected. The plans are as follows:

FRIDAY, March 25—In the afternoon, all activities will be centered around Wayne State University. Citizens for Peace in Vietnam will also do something on this day. A fundraising event is being planned for the evening.

SATURDAY, March 26—A demonstration of some kind followed by a rally is on the agenda. The goal for the events is 1,000 people.

SUNDAY, March 27—Activists Conference involving those people active in the anti-war movement. Workshops to discuss perspectives and programs are being planned.

Anyone interested in working on the weekend should leave their name at the Detroit Committee to End the War in Vietnam office, 1101 W. Warren.


See Fifth Estate’s Vietnam Resource Page.