No Borders

Issue intro, Masthead


Fifth Estate # 396, Summer, 2016

No Borders! is an easy slogan to put forth, but difficult to achieve since the modern world is constructed on them.

We put out the call in general to act as a challenge to what exists, and in our organizing, and, hopefully our lives, as consistent with our vision and as a model of the new world we want to bring into being.

The articles beginning on Page 12 take on that process, and, as always, we welcome your comments.

Thanks for the amazing support we’ve received since our 50th anniversary issue was published in December. Subscriptions and contributions keep flowing in to assure our sustainability, which allow us to concentrate on publishing and not fundraising.

This issue marked Summer 2016 follows our Winter edition so you have not missed one. We have received a few messages from subscribers that they didn’t receive our 50th anniversary edition. If you let us know that you didn’t receive yours, we will send a replacement copy.

The exhibit marking our 50th continues at the Detroit Historical Museum until August of this year, and there will be a final program based around it in July.

Thank you for being a reader, but you can also support this publication by holding a fundraiser or issue release event, or doing distro in your area. Let us know and we’ll show you how.

Fifth Estate

Radical Publishing since 1965

Vol. 51, No. 1, #396 Summer 2016 The Fifth Estate is an anti-profit, anarchist project published by a volunteer collective of friends and comrades.

No ads. No copyright.

Kopimi reprint freely