Fifth Estate Issue #396, Summer 2016 WEB CONTENTS Letters AnarchoShorts No Borders [Cuba] The Train to Matanzas Obscurantism is Always the Light Source for Power The Elections Happy Birthday, Utopia! No Borders! Challenging the Nation State in Syria Defenders Linear Perspective, Fences & Nature’s Glory Claiming Freedom Tearing Down The Prisons Border lines and Border Regions The Ideas & Desires of the DIY Bandits Teaching Migration, Detention, Camp Waiting for the Barbarians Stoned on Ritualistic Bullshit Shopping List for My Newborn Girl Beyond Automation Pétroleuses, Witches & Fairy Tales Review: Breaking Loose Montreal’s International Anarchist Theatre Festival Social Media Virus Autonomy for robotic killers? Women’s bodies as capital Anarchism Future Tension Anti-Anarchism Happy Birthday to the Unabomber? Related: visit the Fifth Estate’s Spanish Revolution Resource Page. ALL FIFTH ESTATE ISSUES FIFTH ESTATE HOME